Merge branch 'main' into lets-get-this-minsim-started
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
This commit is contained in:
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ fn static_tmtc_pool_main() {
let sock_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(OBSW_SERVER_ADDR), SERVER_PORT);
let udp_ccsds_distributor = CcsdsDistributor::new(Box::new(ccsds_receiver.clone()));
let udp_ccsds_distributor = CcsdsDistributor::new(ccsds_receiver.clone());
let udp_tc_server = UdpTcServer::new(sock_addr, 2048, Box::new(udp_ccsds_distributor))
.expect("creating UDP TMTC server failed");
let mut udp_tmtc_server = UdpTmtcServer {
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ fn static_tmtc_pool_main() {
let tcp_ccsds_distributor = CcsdsDistributor::new(Box::new(ccsds_receiver));
let tcp_ccsds_distributor = CcsdsDistributor::new(ccsds_receiver);
let tcp_server_cfg = ServerConfig::new(sock_addr, Duration::from_millis(400), 4096, 8192);
let sync_tm_tcp_source = SyncTcpTmSource::new(200);
let mut tcp_server = TcpTask::new(
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ fn dyn_tmtc_pool_main() {
let sock_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(OBSW_SERVER_ADDR), SERVER_PORT);
let udp_ccsds_distributor = CcsdsDistributor::new(Box::new(ccsds_receiver.clone()));
let udp_ccsds_distributor = CcsdsDistributor::new(ccsds_receiver.clone());
let udp_tc_server = UdpTcServer::new(sock_addr, 2048, Box::new(udp_ccsds_distributor))
.expect("creating UDP TMTC server failed");
let mut udp_tmtc_server = UdpTmtcServer {
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ fn dyn_tmtc_pool_main() {
let tcp_ccsds_distributor = CcsdsDistributor::new(Box::new(ccsds_receiver));
let tcp_ccsds_distributor = CcsdsDistributor::new(ccsds_receiver);
let tcp_server_cfg = ServerConfig::new(sock_addr, Duration::from_millis(400), 4096, 8192);
let sync_tm_tcp_source = SyncTcpTmSource::new(200);
let mut tcp_server = TcpTask::new(
@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ use std::{
use log::{info, warn};
use satrs::{
hal::std::tcp_server::{ServerConfig, TcpSpacepacketsServer},
tmtc::{CcsdsDistributor, CcsdsError, TmPacketSourceCore},
tmtc::{CcsdsDistributor, CcsdsError, ReceivesCcsdsTc, TmPacketSourceCore},
use satrs_example::config::PUS_APID;
use crate::ccsds::CcsdsReceiver;
pub const PACKET_ID_LOOKUP: &[PacketId] = &[PacketId::const_tc(true, PUS_APID)];
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
@ -69,20 +72,37 @@ impl TmPacketSourceCore for SyncTcpTmSource {
pub struct TcpTask<MpscErrorType: 'static> {
server: TcpSpacepacketsServer<
pub type TcpServerType<TcSource, MpscErrorType> = TcpSpacepacketsServer<
CcsdsDistributor<CcsdsReceiver<TcSource, MpscErrorType>, MpscErrorType>,
pub struct TcpTask<
TcSource: ReceivesCcsdsTc<Error = MpscErrorType>
+ ReceivesEcssPusTc<Error = MpscErrorType>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ 'static,
MpscErrorType: 'static,
> {
server: TcpServerType<TcSource, MpscErrorType>,
impl<MpscErrorType: 'static + core::fmt::Debug> TcpTask<MpscErrorType> {
TcSource: ReceivesCcsdsTc<Error = MpscErrorType>
+ ReceivesEcssPusTc<Error = MpscErrorType>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ 'static,
MpscErrorType: 'static + core::fmt::Debug,
> TcpTask<TcSource, MpscErrorType>
pub fn new(
cfg: ServerConfig,
tm_source: SyncTcpTmSource,
tc_receiver: CcsdsDistributor<MpscErrorType>,
tc_receiver: CcsdsDistributor<CcsdsReceiver<TcSource, MpscErrorType>, MpscErrorType>,
) -> Result<Self, std::io::Error> {
Ok(Self {
server: TcpSpacepacketsServer::new(
@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Refactored ECSS TM sender abstractions to be generic over different message queue backends.
- Refactored Verification Reporter abstractions and implementation to be generic over the sender
instead of using trait objects.
- `PusServiceProvider` renamed to `PusServiceDistributor` to make the purpose of the object
more clear
- `PusServiceProvider::handle_pus_tc_packet` renamed to `PusServiceDistributor::distribute_packet`.
- `PusServiceDistibutor` and `CcsdsDistributor` now use generics instead of trait objects.
This makes accessing the concrete trait implementations more easy as well.
## Fixed
@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ pub mod std_mod {
/// This function can be used to poll the internal [EcssTcReceiver] object for the next
/// This function can be used to poll the internal [EcssTcReceiverCore] object for the next
/// telecommand packet. It will return `Ok(None)` if there are not packets available.
/// In any other case, it will perform the acceptance of the ECSS TC packet using the
/// internal [VerificationReportingProvider] object. It will then return the telecommand
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
//! }
//! let apid_handler = ConcreteApidHandler::default();
//! let mut ccsds_distributor = CcsdsDistributor::new(Box::new(apid_handler));
//! let mut ccsds_distributor = CcsdsDistributor::new(apid_handler);
//! // Create and pass PUS telecommand with a valid APID
//! let mut space_packet_header = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x002, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
@ -72,23 +72,17 @@
//! let tc_slice = &test_buf[0..size];
//! ccsds_distributor.pass_tc(&tc_slice).expect("Passing TC slice failed");
//! // User helper function to retrieve concrete class
//! let concrete_handler_ref: &ConcreteApidHandler = ccsds_distributor
//! .apid_handler_ref()
//! .expect("Casting back to concrete type failed");
//! assert_eq!(concrete_handler_ref.known_call_count, 1);
//! assert_eq!(concrete_handler_ref.unknown_call_count, 1);
//! // Retrieve the APID handler.
//! let handler_ref = ccsds_distributor.packet_handler();
//! assert_eq!(handler_ref.known_call_count, 1);
//! assert_eq!(handler_ref.unknown_call_count, 1);
//! // It's also possible to retrieve a mutable reference
//! let mutable_ref: &mut ConcreteApidHandler = ccsds_distributor
//! .apid_handler_mut()
//! .expect("Casting back to concrete type failed");
//! mutable_ref.mutable_foo();
//! // Mutable access to the handler.
//! let mutable_handler_ref = ccsds_distributor.packet_handler_mut();
//! mutable_handler_ref.mutable_foo();
//! ```
use crate::tmtc::{ReceivesCcsdsTc, ReceivesTcCore};
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use core::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use downcast_rs::Downcast;
use spacepackets::{ByteConversionError, CcsdsPacket, SpHeader};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::error::Error;
@ -99,11 +93,7 @@ use std::error::Error;
/// instance of this handler to the [CcsdsDistributor]. The distributor will use the trait
/// interface to dispatch received packets to the user based on the Application Process Identifier
/// (APID) field of the CCSDS packet.
/// This trait automatically implements the [downcast_rs::Downcast] to allow a more convenient API
/// to cast trait objects back to their concrete type after the handler was passed to the
/// distributor.
pub trait CcsdsPacketHandler: Downcast {
pub trait CcsdsPacketHandler {
type Error;
fn valid_apids(&self) -> &'static [u16];
@ -116,23 +106,12 @@ pub trait CcsdsPacketHandler: Downcast {
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
downcast_rs::impl_downcast!(CcsdsPacketHandler assoc Error);
pub trait SendableCcsdsPacketHandler: CcsdsPacketHandler + Send {}
impl<T: CcsdsPacketHandler + Send> SendableCcsdsPacketHandler for T {}
downcast_rs::impl_downcast!(SendableCcsdsPacketHandler assoc Error);
/// The CCSDS distributor dispatches received CCSDS packets to a user provided packet handler.
/// The passed APID handler is required to be [Send]able to allow more ergonomic usage with
/// threads.
pub struct CcsdsDistributor<E> {
pub struct CcsdsDistributor<PacketHandler: CcsdsPacketHandler<Error = E>, E> {
/// User provided APID handler stored as a generic trait object.
/// It can be cast back to the original concrete type using the [Self::apid_handler_ref] or
/// the [Self::apid_handler_mut] method.
pub apid_handler: Box<dyn SendableCcsdsPacketHandler<Error = E>>,
/// It can be cast back to the original concrete type using [Self::packet_handler] or
/// the [Self::packet_handler_mut] method.
packet_handler: PacketHandler,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
@ -160,7 +139,9 @@ impl<E: Error> Error for CcsdsError<E> {
impl<E: 'static> ReceivesCcsdsTc for CcsdsDistributor<E> {
impl<PacketHandler: CcsdsPacketHandler<Error = E>, E: 'static> ReceivesCcsdsTc
for CcsdsDistributor<PacketHandler, E>
type Error = CcsdsError<E>;
fn pass_ccsds(&mut self, header: &SpHeader, tc_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
@ -168,7 +149,9 @@ impl<E: 'static> ReceivesCcsdsTc for CcsdsDistributor<E> {
impl<E: 'static> ReceivesTcCore for CcsdsDistributor<E> {
impl<PacketHandler: CcsdsPacketHandler<Error = E>, E: 'static> ReceivesTcCore
for CcsdsDistributor<PacketHandler, E>
type Error = CcsdsError<E>;
fn pass_tc(&mut self, tc_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
@ -186,36 +169,31 @@ impl<E: 'static> ReceivesTcCore for CcsdsDistributor<E> {
impl<E: 'static> CcsdsDistributor<E> {
pub fn new(apid_handler: Box<dyn SendableCcsdsPacketHandler<Error = E>>) -> Self {
CcsdsDistributor { apid_handler }
impl<PacketHandler: CcsdsPacketHandler<Error = E>, E: 'static> CcsdsDistributor<PacketHandler, E> {
pub fn new(packet_handler: PacketHandler) -> Self {
CcsdsDistributor { packet_handler }
/// This function can be used to retrieve a reference to the concrete instance of the APID
/// handler after it was passed to the distributor. See the
/// [module documentation][crate::tmtc::ccsds_distrib] for an fsrc-example.
pub fn apid_handler_ref<T: SendableCcsdsPacketHandler<Error = E>>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
pub fn packet_handler(&self) -> &PacketHandler {
/// This function can be used to retrieve a mutable reference to the concrete instance of the
/// APID handler after it was passed to the distributor.
pub fn apid_handler_mut<T: SendableCcsdsPacketHandler<Error = E>>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
pub fn packet_handler_mut(&mut self) -> &mut PacketHandler {
&mut self.packet_handler
fn dispatch_ccsds(&mut self, sp_header: &SpHeader, tc_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), CcsdsError<E>> {
let apid = sp_header.apid();
let valid_apids = self.apid_handler.valid_apids();
let valid_apids = self.packet_handler.valid_apids();
for &valid_apid in valid_apids {
if valid_apid == apid {
return self
.handle_known_apid(sp_header, tc_raw)
.map_err(|e| CcsdsError::CustomError(e));
.handle_unknown_apid(sp_header, tc_raw)
.map_err(|e| CcsdsError::CustomError(e))
@ -244,6 +222,13 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
pub fn generate_ping_tc_as_vec() -> Vec<u8> {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x002, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true)
type SharedPacketQueue = Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<(u16, Vec<u8>)>>>;
pub struct BasicApidHandlerSharedQueue {
pub known_packet_queue: SharedPacketQueue,
@ -305,7 +290,8 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let mut vec = Vec::new();
Ok(self.known_packet_queue.push_back((sp_header.apid(), vec)))
self.known_packet_queue.push_back((sp_header.apid(), vec));
fn handle_unknown_apid(
@ -315,7 +301,8 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let mut vec = Vec::new();
Ok(self.unknown_packet_queue.push_back((sp_header.apid(), vec)))
self.unknown_packet_queue.push_back((sp_header.apid(), vec));
@ -327,7 +314,7 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
known_packet_queue: known_packet_queue.clone(),
unknown_packet_queue: unknown_packet_queue.clone(),
let mut ccsds_distrib = CcsdsDistributor::new(Box::new(apid_handler));
let mut ccsds_distrib = CcsdsDistributor::new(apid_handler);
let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let tc_slice = generate_ping_tc(test_buf.as_mut_slice());
@ -342,14 +329,9 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
fn test_distribs_unknown_apid() {
let known_packet_queue = Arc::new(Mutex::default());
let unknown_packet_queue = Arc::new(Mutex::default());
let apid_handler = BasicApidHandlerSharedQueue {
known_packet_queue: known_packet_queue.clone(),
unknown_packet_queue: unknown_packet_queue.clone(),
let mut ccsds_distrib = CcsdsDistributor::new(Box::new(apid_handler));
fn test_unknown_apid_handling() {
let apid_handler = BasicApidHandlerOwnedQueue::default();
let mut ccsds_distrib = CcsdsDistributor::new(apid_handler);
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x004, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
let pus_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true);
let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
@ -357,11 +339,52 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
.expect("Error writing TC to buffer");
ccsds_distrib.pass_tc(&test_buf).expect("Passing TC failed");
let recvd = unknown_packet_queue.lock().unwrap().pop_front();
let apid_handler = ccsds_distrib.packet_handler_mut();
let recvd = apid_handler.unknown_packet_queue.pop_front();
let (apid, packet) = recvd.unwrap();
assert_eq!(apid, 0x004);
assert_eq!(packet.as_slice(), test_buf);
fn test_ccsds_distribution() {
let mut ccsds_distrib = CcsdsDistributor::new(BasicApidHandlerOwnedQueue::default());
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x002, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
let pus_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true);
let tc_vec = pus_tc.to_vec().unwrap();
.pass_ccsds(&sph, &tc_vec)
.expect("passing CCSDS TC failed");
let recvd = ccsds_distrib
let recvd = recvd.unwrap();
assert_eq!(recvd.0, 0x002);
assert_eq!(recvd.1, tc_vec);
fn test_distribution_short_packet_fails() {
let mut ccsds_distrib = CcsdsDistributor::new(BasicApidHandlerOwnedQueue::default());
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x002, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
let pus_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true);
let tc_vec = pus_tc.to_vec().unwrap();
let result = ccsds_distrib.pass_tc(&tc_vec[0..6]);
let error = result.unwrap_err();
if let CcsdsError::ByteConversionError(ByteConversionError::FromSliceTooSmall {
}) = error
assert_eq!(found, 6);
assert_eq!(expected, 7);
} else {
panic!("Unexpected error variant");
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ pub mod tm_helper;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use ccsds_distrib::{CcsdsDistributor, CcsdsError, CcsdsPacketHandler};
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use pus_distrib::{PusDistributor, PusServiceProvider};
pub use pus_distrib::{PusDistributor, PusServiceDistributor};
/// Generic trait for object which can receive any telecommands in form of a raw bytestream, with
/// no assumptions about the received protocol.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
//! The routing components consist of two core components:
//! 1. [PusDistributor] component which dispatches received packets to a user-provided handler.
//! 2. [PusServiceProvider] trait which should be implemented by the user-provided PUS packet
//! 2. [PusServiceDistributor] trait which should be implemented by the user-provided PUS packet
//! handler.
//! The [PusDistributor] implements the [ReceivesEcssPusTc], [ReceivesCcsdsTc] and the
@ -13,25 +13,26 @@
//! the raw bytestream. If this process fails, a [PusDistribError::PusError] is returned to the
//! user.
//! 2. If it was possible to extract both components, the packet will be passed to the
//! [PusServiceProvider::handle_pus_tc_packet] method provided by the user.
//! [PusServiceDistributor::distribute_packet] method provided by the user.
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! use spacepackets::ecss::WritablePusPacket;
//! use satrs::tmtc::pus_distrib::{PusDistributor, PusServiceProvider};
//! use satrs::tmtc::pus_distrib::{PusDistributor, PusServiceDistributor};
//! use satrs::tmtc::{ReceivesTc, ReceivesTcCore};
//! use spacepackets::SpHeader;
//! use spacepackets::ecss::tc::{PusTcCreator, PusTcReader};
//! struct ConcretePusHandler {
//! handler_call_count: u32
//! }
//! // This is a very simple possible service provider. It increments an internal call count field,
//! // which is used to verify the handler was called
//! impl PusServiceProvider for ConcretePusHandler {
//! impl PusServiceDistributor for ConcretePusHandler {
//! type Error = ();
//! fn handle_pus_tc_packet(&mut self, service: u8, header: &SpHeader, pus_tc: &PusTcReader) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
//! fn distribute_packet(&mut self, service: u8, header: &SpHeader, pus_tc: &PusTcReader) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
//! assert_eq!(service, 17);
//! assert_eq!(pus_tc.len_packed(), 13);
//! self.handler_call_count += 1;
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
//! let service_handler = ConcretePusHandler {
//! handler_call_count: 0
//! };
//! let mut pus_distributor = PusDistributor::new(Box::new(service_handler));
//! let mut pus_distributor = PusDistributor::new(service_handler);
//! // Create and pass PUS ping telecommand with a valid APID
//! let mut space_packet_header = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x002, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
@ -57,50 +58,42 @@
//! // User helper function to retrieve concrete class. We check the call count here to verify
//! // that the PUS ping telecommand was routed successfully.
//! let concrete_handler_ref: &ConcretePusHandler = pus_distributor
//! .service_provider_ref()
//! .expect("Casting back to concrete type failed");
//! assert_eq!(concrete_handler_ref.handler_call_count, 1);
//! let concrete_handler = pus_distributor.service_distributor();
//! assert_eq!(concrete_handler.handler_call_count, 1);
//! ```
use crate::pus::ReceivesEcssPusTc;
use crate::tmtc::{ReceivesCcsdsTc, ReceivesTcCore};
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use core::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use downcast_rs::Downcast;
use spacepackets::ecss::tc::PusTcReader;
use spacepackets::ecss::{PusError, PusPacket};
use spacepackets::SpHeader;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::error::Error;
pub trait PusServiceProvider: Downcast {
/// Trait for a generic distributor object which can distribute PUS packets based on packet
/// properties like the PUS service, space packet header or any other content of the PUS packet.
pub trait PusServiceDistributor {
type Error;
fn handle_pus_tc_packet(
fn distribute_packet(
&mut self,
service: u8,
header: &SpHeader,
pus_tc: &PusTcReader,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
downcast_rs::impl_downcast!(PusServiceProvider assoc Error);
pub trait SendablePusServiceProvider: PusServiceProvider + Send {}
impl<T: Send + PusServiceProvider> SendablePusServiceProvider for T {}
downcast_rs::impl_downcast!(SendablePusServiceProvider assoc Error);
/// Generic distributor object which dispatches received packets to a user provided handler.
/// This distributor expects the passed trait object to be [Send]able to allow more ergonomic
/// usage with threads.
pub struct PusDistributor<E> {
pub service_provider: Box<dyn SendablePusServiceProvider<Error = E>>,
pub struct PusDistributor<ServiceDistributor: PusServiceDistributor<Error = E>, E> {
service_distributor: ServiceDistributor,
impl<E> PusDistributor<E> {
pub fn new(service_provider: Box<dyn SendablePusServiceProvider<Error = E>>) -> Self {
PusDistributor { service_provider }
impl<ServiceDistributor: PusServiceDistributor<Error = E>, E>
PusDistributor<ServiceDistributor, E>
pub fn new(service_provider: ServiceDistributor) -> Self {
PusDistributor {
service_distributor: service_provider,
@ -113,8 +106,8 @@ pub enum PusDistribError<E> {
impl<E: Display> Display for PusDistribError<E> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
match self {
PusDistribError::CustomError(e) => write!(f, "{e}"),
PusDistribError::PusError(e) => write!(f, "{e}"),
PusDistribError::CustomError(e) => write!(f, "pus distribution error: {e}"),
PusDistribError::PusError(e) => write!(f, "pus distribution error: {e}"),
@ -129,7 +122,9 @@ impl<E: Error> Error for PusDistribError<E> {
impl<E: 'static> ReceivesTcCore for PusDistributor<E> {
impl<ServiceDistributor: PusServiceDistributor<Error = E>, E: 'static> ReceivesTcCore
for PusDistributor<ServiceDistributor, E>
type Error = PusDistribError<E>;
fn pass_tc(&mut self, tm_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
// Convert to ccsds and call pass_ccsds
@ -139,7 +134,9 @@ impl<E: 'static> ReceivesTcCore for PusDistributor<E> {
impl<E: 'static> ReceivesCcsdsTc for PusDistributor<E> {
impl<ServiceDistributor: PusServiceDistributor<Error = E>, E: 'static> ReceivesCcsdsTc
for PusDistributor<ServiceDistributor, E>
type Error = PusDistribError<E>;
fn pass_ccsds(&mut self, header: &SpHeader, tm_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let (tc, _) = PusTcReader::new(tm_raw).map_err(|e| PusDistribError::PusError(e))?;
@ -147,34 +144,39 @@ impl<E: 'static> ReceivesCcsdsTc for PusDistributor<E> {
impl<E: 'static> ReceivesEcssPusTc for PusDistributor<E> {
impl<ServiceDistributor: PusServiceDistributor<Error = E>, E: 'static> ReceivesEcssPusTc
for PusDistributor<ServiceDistributor, E>
type Error = PusDistribError<E>;
fn pass_pus_tc(&mut self, header: &SpHeader, pus_tc: &PusTcReader) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
.handle_pus_tc_packet(pus_tc.service(), header, pus_tc)
.distribute_packet(pus_tc.service(), header, pus_tc)
.map_err(|e| PusDistribError::CustomError(e))
impl<E: 'static> PusDistributor<E> {
pub fn service_provider_ref<T: SendablePusServiceProvider<Error = E>>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
impl<ServiceDistributor: PusServiceDistributor<Error = E>, E: 'static>
PusDistributor<ServiceDistributor, E>
pub fn service_distributor(&self) -> &ServiceDistributor {
pub fn service_provider_mut<T: SendablePusServiceProvider<Error = E>>(
&mut self,
) -> Option<&mut T> {
pub fn service_distributor_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ServiceDistributor {
&mut self.service_distributor
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::queue::GenericSendError;
use crate::tmtc::ccsds_distrib::tests::{
generate_ping_tc, BasicApidHandlerOwnedQueue, BasicApidHandlerSharedQueue,
generate_ping_tc, generate_ping_tc_as_vec, BasicApidHandlerOwnedQueue,
use crate::tmtc::ccsds_distrib::{CcsdsDistributor, CcsdsPacketHandler};
use alloc::format;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use spacepackets::ecss::PusError;
use spacepackets::CcsdsPacket;
@ -185,54 +187,65 @@ mod tests {
fn is_send<T: Send>(_: &T) {}
struct PusHandlerSharedQueue {
pub pus_queue: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<(u8, u16, Vec<u8>)>>>,
pub struct PacketInfo {
pub service: u8,
pub apid: u16,
pub packet: Vec<u8>,
struct PusHandlerSharedQueue(Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<PacketInfo>>>);
struct PusHandlerOwnedQueue {
pub pus_queue: VecDeque<(u8, u16, Vec<u8>)>,
struct PusHandlerOwnedQueue(VecDeque<PacketInfo>);
impl PusServiceProvider for PusHandlerSharedQueue {
impl PusServiceDistributor for PusHandlerSharedQueue {
type Error = PusError;
fn handle_pus_tc_packet(
fn distribute_packet(
&mut self,
service: u8,
sp_header: &SpHeader,
pus_tc: &PusTcReader,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let mut vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut packet: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
.expect("Mutex lock failed")
.push_back((service, sp_header.apid(), vec)))
.push_back(PacketInfo {
apid: sp_header.apid(),
impl PusServiceProvider for PusHandlerOwnedQueue {
impl PusServiceDistributor for PusHandlerOwnedQueue {
type Error = PusError;
fn handle_pus_tc_packet(
fn distribute_packet(
&mut self,
service: u8,
sp_header: &SpHeader,
pus_tc: &PusTcReader,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let mut vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
Ok(self.pus_queue.push_back((service, sp_header.apid(), vec)))
let mut packet: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
self.0.push_back(PacketInfo {
apid: sp_header.apid(),
struct ApidHandlerShared {
pub pus_distrib: PusDistributor<PusError>,
pub pus_distrib: PusDistributor<PusHandlerSharedQueue, PusError>,
pub handler_base: BasicApidHandlerSharedQueue,
struct ApidHandlerOwned {
pub pus_distrib: PusDistributor<PusError>,
pub pus_distrib: PusDistributor<PusHandlerOwnedQueue, PusError>,
handler_base: BasicApidHandlerOwnedQueue,
@ -285,28 +298,36 @@ mod tests {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_pus_distribution() {
fn test_pus_distribution_as_raw_packet() {
let mut pus_distrib = PusDistributor::new(PusHandlerOwnedQueue::default());
let tc = generate_ping_tc_as_vec();
let result = pus_distrib.pass_tc(&tc);
assert_eq!(pus_distrib.service_distributor_mut().0.len(), 1);
let packet_info = pus_distrib.service_distributor_mut().0.pop_front().unwrap();
assert_eq!(packet_info.service, 17);
assert_eq!(packet_info.apid, 0x002);
assert_eq!(packet_info.packet, tc);
fn test_pus_distribution_combined_handler() {
let known_packet_queue = Arc::new(Mutex::default());
let unknown_packet_queue = Arc::new(Mutex::default());
let pus_queue = Arc::new(Mutex::default());
let pus_handler = PusHandlerSharedQueue {
pus_queue: pus_queue.clone(),
let pus_handler = PusHandlerSharedQueue(pus_queue.clone());
let handler_base = BasicApidHandlerSharedQueue {
known_packet_queue: known_packet_queue.clone(),
unknown_packet_queue: unknown_packet_queue.clone(),
let pus_distrib = PusDistributor {
service_provider: Box::new(pus_handler),
let pus_distrib = PusDistributor::new(pus_handler);
let apid_handler = ApidHandlerShared {
let mut ccsds_distrib = CcsdsDistributor::new(Box::new(apid_handler));
let mut ccsds_distrib = CcsdsDistributor::new(apid_handler);
let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let tc_slice = generate_ping_tc(test_buf.as_mut_slice());
@ -322,25 +343,23 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(packet.as_slice(), tc_slice);
let recvd_pus = pus_queue.lock().unwrap().pop_front();
let (service, apid, tc_raw) = recvd_pus.unwrap();
assert_eq!(service, 17);
assert_eq!(apid, 0x002);
assert_eq!(tc_raw, tc_slice);
let packet_info = recvd_pus.unwrap();
assert_eq!(packet_info.service, 17);
assert_eq!(packet_info.apid, 0x002);
assert_eq!(packet_info.packet, tc_slice);
fn test_as_any_cast() {
fn test_accessing_combined_distributor() {
let pus_handler = PusHandlerOwnedQueue::default();
let handler_base = BasicApidHandlerOwnedQueue::default();
let pus_distrib = PusDistributor {
service_provider: Box::new(pus_handler),
let pus_distrib = PusDistributor::new(pus_handler);
let apid_handler = ApidHandlerOwned {
let mut ccsds_distrib = CcsdsDistributor::new(Box::new(apid_handler));
let mut ccsds_distrib = CcsdsDistributor::new(apid_handler);
let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let tc_slice = generate_ping_tc(test_buf.as_mut_slice());
@ -349,21 +368,38 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Passing TC slice failed");
let apid_handler_casted_back: &mut ApidHandlerOwned = ccsds_distrib
.expect("Cast to concrete type ApidHandler failed");
let apid_handler_casted_back = ccsds_distrib.packet_handler_mut();
let handler_casted_back: &mut PusHandlerOwnedQueue = apid_handler_casted_back
let handler_owned_queue = apid_handler_casted_back
.expect("Cast to concrete type PusHandlerOwnedQueue failed");
let (service, apid, packet_raw) = handler_casted_back.pus_queue.pop_front().unwrap();
assert_eq!(service, 17);
assert_eq!(apid, 0x002);
assert_eq!(packet_raw.as_slice(), tc_slice);
let packet_info = handler_owned_queue.0.pop_front().unwrap();
assert_eq!(packet_info.service, 17);
assert_eq!(packet_info.apid, 0x002);
assert_eq!(packet_info.packet, tc_slice);
fn test_pus_distrib_error_custom_error() {
let error = PusDistribError::CustomError(GenericSendError::RxDisconnected);
let error_string = format!("{}", error);
"pus distribution error: rx side has disconnected"
fn test_pus_distrib_error_pus_error() {
let error = PusDistribError::<GenericSendError>::PusError(PusError::CrcCalculationMissing);
let error_string = format!("{}", error);
"pus distribution error: crc16 was not calculated"
Reference in New Issue
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