Merge branch 'main' into cfdp-state-machines
Some checks failed
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main There was a failure building this commit
Some checks failed
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main There was a failure building this commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
resolver = "2"
members = [
@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ members = [
exclude = [
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ This project currently contains following crates:
on a host computer or on any system with a standard runtime like a Raspberry Pi.
* [`satrs-mib`](
Components to build a mission information base from the on-board software directly.
* [`satrs-example-stm32f3-disco`](
* [`satrs-example-stm32f3-disco`](
Example of a simple example on-board software using sat-rs components on a bare-metal system
with constrained resources.
@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ pipeline {
stages {
stage('Rust Toolchain Info') {
steps {
sh 'rustc --version'
stage('Clippy') {
steps {
sh 'cargo clippy'
@ -15,7 +20,9 @@ pipeline {
stage('Docs') {
steps {
sh 'cargo +nightly doc --all-features'
catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
sh 'cargo +nightly doc --all-features'
stage('Rustfmt') {
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
authors = ["Robin Mueller"]
language = "en"
multilingual = false
src = "src"
title = "The sat-rs book"
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Summary
- [Introduction](./
- [Design](./
- [Communication with Space Systems](./
- [Working with Constrained Systems](./
- [Actions](./
- [Modes and Health](./
- [Housekeeping Data](./
- [Events](./
- [Power Components](./
- [Thermal Components](./
- [Persistent TM storage](./
- [FDIR](./
- [Serialization of Data](./
- [Logging](./
- [Modelling space systems](./
- [Ground Segments](./
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Working with Actions
Space systems generally need to be commanded regularly. This can include commands periodically
required to ensure a healthy system, or commands to reach the mission goals.
These commands can be modelled using the concept of Actions. the ECSS PUS standard also provides
the PUS service 8 for actions, but provides few concrete subservices and specification on how
action commanding could look like.
`sat-rs` proposes two recommended ways to perform action commanding:
1. Target ID and Action ID based. The target ID is a 32-bit unsigned ID for an OBSW object entity
which can also accept Actions. The action ID is a 32-bit unsigned ID for each action that a
target is able to perform.
2. Target ID and Action String based. The target ID is the same as in the first proposal, but
the unique action is identified by a string.
The framework provides an `ActionRequest` abstraction to model both of these cases.
## Commanding with ECSS PUS 8
`sat-rs` provides a generic ECSS PUS 8 action command handler. This handler can convert PUS 8
telecommands which use the commanding scheme 1 explained above to an `ActionRequest` which is
then forwarded to the target specified by the Target ID.
There are 3 requirements for the PUS 8 telecommand:
1. The subservice 128 must be used
2. Bytes 0 to 4 of application data must contain the target ID in `u32` big endian format.
3. Bytes 4 to 8 of application data must contain the action ID in `u32` big endian format.
4. The rest of the application data are assumed to be command specific additional parameters. They
will be added to an IPC store and the corresponding store address will be sent as part of the
## Sending back telemetry
There are some cases where the regular verification provided by PUS in response to PUS action
commands is not sufficient and some additional telemetry needs to be sent to ground. In that
case, it is recommended to chose some custom subservice for action TM data and then send the
telemetry using the same scheme as shown above, where the first 8 bytes of the application
data is reserved for the target ID and action ID.
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Communication with sat-rs based software
Communication is a huge topic for space systems. Remote systems are usually not (directly)
connected to the internet and only have 1-2 communication links during nominal operation. However,
most of these systems have internet access during development cycle. There are various standards
provided by CCSDS and ECSS which can be useful to determine how to communicate with the satellite
and the primary On-Board Software.
# Application layer
Most communication with space systems is usually packet based. For example, the CCSDS space
packet standard only specifies a 6 byte header with at least 1 byte payload. The PUS packet
standard is a subset of the space packet standard, which adds some fields and a 16 bit CRC, but
it is still centered around small packets. `sat-rs` provides support for these ECSS and CCSDS
standards and also attempts to fill the gap to the internet protocol by providing the following
1. [UDP TMTC Server](
UDP is already packet based which makes it an excellent fit for exchanging space packets.
2. TCP TMTC Server. This is a stream based protocol, so the server uses the COBS framing protocol
to always deliver complete packets.
# Working with telemetry and telecommands (TMTC)
The commands sent to a space system are commonly called telecommands (TC) while the data received
from it are called telemetry (TM). Keeping in mind the previous section, the concept of a TC source
and a TM sink can be applied to most satellites. The TM sink is the one entity where all generated
telemetry arrives in real-time. The most important task of the TM sink usually is to send all
arriving telemetry to the ground segment of a satellite mission immediately. Another important
task might be to store all arriving telemetry persistently. This is especially important for
space systems which do not have permanent contact like low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellites.
The most important task of a TC source is to deliver the telecommands to the correct recipients.
For modern component oriented software using message passing, this usually includes staged
demultiplexing components to determine where a command needs to be sent.
# Low-level protocols and the bridge to the communcation subsystem
Many satellite systems usually use the lower levels of the OSI layer in addition to the application
layer covered by the PUS standard or the CCSDS space packets standard. This oftentimes requires
special hardware like dedicated FPGAs to handle forward error correction fast enough. `sat-rs`
might provide components to handle standard like the Unified Space Data Link Standard (USLP) in
software but most of the time the handling of communication is performed through custom
software and hardware. Still, connecting this custom software and hardware to `sat-rs` can mostly
be done by using the concept of TC sources and TM sinks mentioned previously.
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Working with Constrained Systems
Software for space systems oftentimes has different requirements than the software for host
systems or servers. Currently, most space systems are considered embedded systems.
For these systems, the computation power and the available heap are the most important resources
which are constrained. This might make completeley heap based memory management schemes which
are oftentimes used on host and server based systems unfeasable. Still, completely forbidding
heap allocations might make software development unnecessarilly difficult, especially in a
time where the OBSW might be running on Linux based systems with hundreds of MBs of RAM.
A useful pattern used commonly in space systems is to limit heap allocations to program
initialization time and avoid frequent run-time allocations. This prevents issues like
running out of memory (something even Rust can not protect from) or heap fragmentation.
# Using pre-allocated pool structures
A huge candidate for heap allocations is the TMTC and handling. TC, TMs and IPC data are all
candidates where the data size might vary greatly. The regular solution for host systems
might be to send around this data as a `Vec<u8>` until it is dropped. `sat-rs` provides
another solution to avoid run-time allocations by offering and recommendng pre-allocated static
These pools are split into subpools where each subpool can have different page sizes.
For example, a very small TC pool might look like this:
TODO: Add image
A TC entry inside this pool has a store address which can then be sent around without having
to dynamically allocate memory. The same principle can also be applied to the TM and IPC data.
# Using special crates to prevent smaller allocations
Another common way to use the heap on host systems is using containers like `String` and `Vec<u8>`
to work with data where the size is not known beforehand. The most common solution for embedded
systems is to determine the maximum expected size and then use a pre-allocated `u8` buffer and a
size variable. Alternatively, you can use the following crates for more convenience or a smart
behaviour which at the very least reduce heap allocations:
1. [`smallvec`](
2. [`arrayvec`]( which also contains an
[`ArrayString`]( helper type.
3. [`tinyvec`](
# Using a fixed amount of threads
On host systems, it is a common practice to dynamically spawn new threads to handle workloads.
On space systems this is generally considered an anti-pattern as this is considered undeterministic
and might lead to similar issues like when dynamically using the heap. For example, spawning a new
thread might use up the remaining heap of a system, leading to undeterministic errors.
The most common way to avoid this is to simply spawn all required threads at program initialization
time. If a thread is done with its task, it can go back to sleeping regularly, only occasionally
checking for new jobs. If a system still needs to handle bursty concurrent loads, another possible
way commonly used for host systems as well would be to use a threadpool, for example by using the
[`threadpool`]( crate.
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Framework Design
Satellites and space systems in general are complex systems with a wide range of requirements for
both the hardware and the software. Consequently, the general design of the framework is centered
around many light-weight components which try to impose as few restrictions as possible on how to
solve certain problems.
There are still a lot of common patterns and architectures across these systems where guidance
of how to solve a problem and a common structure would still be extremely useful to avoid pitfalls
which were already solved and to avoid boilerplate code. This framework tries to provide this
structure and guidance the following way:
1. Providing this book which explains the architecture and design patterns in respect to common
issues and requirements of space systems.
2. Providing an example application. Space systems still commonly have large monolithic
primary On-Board Softwares, so the choice was made to provide one example software which
contains the various features provided by sat-rs.
3. Providing a good test suite. This includes both unittests and integration tests. The integration
tests can also serve as smaller usage examples than the large `satrs-example` application.
This framework has special support for standards used in the space industry. This especially
includes standards provided by Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) and European
Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS). It does not enforce using any of those standards,
but it is always recommended to use some sort of standard for interoperability.
A lot of the modules and design considerations are based on the Flight Software Framework (FSFW).
The FSFW has its own [documentation](, which
will be referred to when applicable. The FSFW was developed over a period of 10 years for the
Flying Laptop Project by the University of Stuttgart with Airbus Defence and Space GmbH.
It has flight heritage through the 2 mssions [FLP](
and [EIVE](
Therefore, a lot of the design concepts were ported more or less unchanged to the `sat-rs`
FLP is a medium-size small satellite with a higher budget and longer development time than EIVE,
which allowed to build a highly reliable system while EIVE is a smaller 6U+ cubesat which had a
shorter development cycle and was built using cheaper COTS components. This framework also tries
to accumulate the knowledge of developing the OBSW and operating the satellite for both these
different systems and provide a solution for a wider range of small satellite systems.
`sat-rs` can be seen as a modern port of the FSFW which uses common principles of software
engineering to provide a reliable and robust basis for space On-Board Software. The choice
of using the Rust programming language was made for the following reasons:
1. Rust has safety guarantees which are a perfect fit for space systems which generally have high
robustness and reliablity guarantees.
2. Rust is suitable for embedded systems. It can also be run on smaller embedded systems like the
STM32 which have also become common in the space sector. All space systems are embedded systems,
which makes using large languages like Python challenging even for OBCs with more performance.
3. Rust has support for linking C APIs through its excellent FFI support. This is especially
important because many vendor provided libaries are still C based.
4. Modern tooling like a package managers and various development helper, which can further reduce
development cycles for space systems. `cargo` provides tools like auto-formatters and linters
which can immediately ensure a high software quality throughout each development cycle.
5. A large ecosystem with excellent libraries which also leverages the excellent tooling provided
previously. Integrating these libraries is a lot easier compared to languages like C/C++ where
there is still no standardized way to use packages.
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Events
Events can be an extremely important mechanism used for remote systems to monitor unexpected
or expected anomalies and events occuring on these systems. They are oftentimes tied to
Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) operations, which need to happen autonomously.
Events can also be used as a convenient Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechansism, which is
also observable for the Ground segment. The PUS Service 5 standardizes how the ground interface
for events might look like, but does not specify how other software components might react
to those events. There is the PUS Service 19, which might be used for that purpose, but the
event components recommended by this framework do not really need this service.
The following images shows how the flow of events could look like in a system where components
can generate events, and where other system components might be interested in those events:

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
# Fault Detecion, Isolation And Recovery (FDIR)
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
# Ground Segments
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Housekeeping Data
Remote systems like satellites and rovers oftentimes generate data autonomously and periodically.
The most common example for this is temperature or attitude data. Data like this is commonly
referred to as housekeeping data, and is usually one of the most important and most resource heavy
data sources received from a satellite. Standards like the PUS Service 3 make recommendation how to
expose housekeeping data, but the applicability of the interface offered by PUS 3 has proven to be
partially difficult and clunky for modular systems.
First, we are going to list some assumption and requirements about Housekeeping (HK) data:
1. HK data is generated periodically by various system components throughout the
2. An autonomous and periodic sampling of that HK data to be stored and sent to Ground is generally
required. A minimum interface consists of requesting a one-shot sample of HK, enabling and
disabling the periodic autonomous generation of samples and modifying the collection interval
of the periodic autonomous generation.
3. HK data often needs to be shared to other software components. For example, a thermal controller
wants to read the data samples of all sensor components.
A commonly required way to model HK data in a clean way is also to group related HK data into sets,
which can then dumped via a similar interface.
TODO: Write down `sat-rs` recommendations how to expose and work with HK data.
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@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
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Creator 1<y:LabelModel><y:SmartNodeLabelModel distance="4.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartNodeLabelModelParameter labelRatioX="0.0" labelRatioY="0.0" nodeRatioX="0.0" nodeRatioY="0.0" offsetX="0.0" offsetY="0.0" upX="0.0" upY="-1.0"/></y:ModelParameter></y:NodeLabel>
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Creator 3<y:LabelModel><y:SmartNodeLabelModel distance="4.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartNodeLabelModelParameter labelRatioX="0.0" labelRatioY="0.0" nodeRatioX="0.0" nodeRatioY="0.0" offsetX="0.0" offsetY="0.0" upX="0.0" upY="-1.0"/></y:ModelParameter></y:NodeLabel>
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Event Reporting
<y:LabelModel><y:SmartNodeLabelModel distance="4.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartNodeLabelModelParameter labelRatioX="0.0" labelRatioY="0.0" nodeRatioX="0.0" nodeRatioY="0.0" offsetX="0.0" offsetY="0.0" upX="0.0" upY="-1.0"/></y:ModelParameter></y:NodeLabel>
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Event Action<y:LabelModel><y:SmartNodeLabelModel distance="4.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartNodeLabelModelParameter labelRatioX="0.0" labelRatioY="0.0" nodeRatioX="0.0" nodeRatioY="0.0" offsetX="0.0" offsetY="0.0" upX="0.0" upY="-1.0"/></y:ModelParameter></y:NodeLabel>
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Sink<y:LabelModel><y:SmartNodeLabelModel distance="4.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartNodeLabelModelParameter labelRatioX="0.0" labelRatioY="0.0" nodeRatioX="0.0" nodeRatioY="0.0" offsetX="0.0" offsetY="0.0" upX="0.0" upY="-1.0"/></y:ModelParameter></y:NodeLabel>
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1. Event Creator 0 subscribes
for event 0
2. Event Creator 1 subscribes
for event group 2
3. PUS Service 5 handler
subscribes for all events
4. PUS Service 19 handler
subscribes for all events<y:LabelModel><y:SmartNodeLabelModel distance="4.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartNodeLabelModelParameter labelRatioX="-0.5" labelRatioY="-0.5" nodeRatioX="-0.4602795077105583" nodeRatioY="-0.45641605313700395" offsetX="0.0" offsetY="0.0" upX="0.0" upY="-1.0"/></y:ModelParameter></y:NodeLabel>
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(group 1)<y:LabelModel><y:SmartEdgeLabelModel autoRotationEnabled="false" defaultAngle="0.0" defaultDistance="10.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartEdgeLabelModelParameter angle="6.283185307179586" distance="35.59999999999969" distanceToCenter="true" position="left" ratio="0.34252387409930674" segment="-1"/></y:ModelParameter><y:PreferredPlacementDescriptor angle="0.0" angleOffsetOnRightSide="0" angleReference="absolute" angleRotationOnRightSide="co" distance="-1.0" frozen="true" placement="anywhere" side="anywhere" sideReference="relative_to_edge_flow"/></y:EdgeLabel>
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(group 0)<y:LabelModel><y:SmartEdgeLabelModel autoRotationEnabled="false" defaultAngle="0.0" defaultDistance="10.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartEdgeLabelModelParameter angle="6.283185307179586" distance="25.520000000000095" distanceToCenter="true" position="left" ratio="0.20267159489379444" segment="0"/></y:ModelParameter><y:PreferredPlacementDescriptor angle="0.0" angleOffsetOnRightSide="0" angleReference="absolute" angleRotationOnRightSide="co" distance="-1.0" frozen="true" placement="anywhere" side="anywhere" sideReference="relative_to_edge_flow"/></y:EdgeLabel>
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(group 3)<y:LabelModel><y:SmartEdgeLabelModel autoRotationEnabled="false" defaultAngle="0.0" defaultDistance="10.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartEdgeLabelModelParameter angle="6.283185307179586" distance="5.676132812499983" distanceToCenter="false" position="left" ratio="0.3219761157957032" segment="-1"/></y:ModelParameter><y:PreferredPlacementDescriptor angle="0.0" angleOffsetOnRightSide="0" angleReference="absolute" angleRotationOnRightSide="co" distance="-1.0" frozen="true" placement="anywhere" side="anywhere" sideReference="relative_to_edge_flow"/></y:EdgeLabel>
<y:BendStyle smoothed="false"/>
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<data key="d10">
<y:Path sx="-6.275467980295616" sy="0.0" tx="57.5" ty="8.5">
<y:Point x="1149.8845320197042" y="545.1799999999998"/>
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event 4 (group 2)<y:LabelModel><y:SmartEdgeLabelModel autoRotationEnabled="false" defaultAngle="0.0" defaultDistance="10.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartEdgeLabelModelParameter angle="6.283185307179586" distance="75.3599999999999" distanceToCenter="true" position="left" ratio="0.2967848459873102" segment="0"/></y:ModelParameter><y:PreferredPlacementDescriptor angle="0.0" angleOffsetOnRightSide="0" angleReference="absolute" angleRotationOnRightSide="co" distance="-1.0" frozen="true" placement="anywhere" side="anywhere" sideReference="relative_to_edge_flow"/></y:EdgeLabel>
<y:BendStyle smoothed="false"/>
<edge id="e4" source="n1" target="n6">
<data key="d10">
<y:Path sx="-65.0" sy="0.0" tx="6.5" ty="0.0"/>
<y:LineStyle color="#000000" type="line" width="1.0"/>
<y:Arrows source="none" target="standard"/>
<y:EdgeLabel alignment="center" configuration="AutoFlippingLabel" distance="2.0" fontFamily="Ubuntu" fontSize="12" fontStyle="plain" hasBackgroundColor="false" hasLineColor="false" height="17.452094078063965" horizontalTextPosition="center" iconTextGap="4" modelName="custom" preferredPlacement="anywhere" ratio="0.5" textColor="#000000" verticalTextPosition="bottom" visible="true" width="83.16456604003906" x="-98.78228302001958" xml:space="preserve" y="16.63042580701972"><<all events>><y:LabelModel><y:SmartEdgeLabelModel autoRotationEnabled="false" defaultAngle="0.0" defaultDistance="10.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartEdgeLabelModelParameter angle="6.283185307179586" distance="57.20000000000004" distanceToCenter="true" position="right" ratio="0.4441995640590947" segment="-1"/></y:ModelParameter><y:PreferredPlacementDescriptor angle="0.0" angleOffsetOnRightSide="0" angleReference="absolute" angleRotationOnRightSide="co" distance="-1.0" frozen="true" placement="anywhere" side="anywhere" sideReference="relative_to_edge_flow"/></y:EdgeLabel>
<y:BendStyle smoothed="false"/>
<edge id="e5" source="n1" target="n7">
<data key="d10">
<y:Path sx="42.660000000000196" sy="0.0" tx="-29.359999999999786" ty="0.0"/>
<y:LineStyle color="#000000" type="line" width="1.0"/>
<y:Arrows source="none" target="standard"/>
<y:EdgeLabel alignment="center" configuration="AutoFlippingLabel" distance="2.0" fontFamily="Ubuntu" fontSize="12" fontStyle="plain" hasBackgroundColor="false" hasLineColor="false" height="17.452094078063965" horizontalTextPosition="center" iconTextGap="4" modelName="custom" preferredPlacement="anywhere" ratio="0.5" textColor="#000000" verticalTextPosition="bottom" visible="true" width="83.16456604003906" x="20.4177438354493" xml:space="preserve" y="17.885881494816203"><<all events>><y:LabelModel><y:SmartEdgeLabelModel autoRotationEnabled="false" defaultAngle="0.0" defaultDistance="10.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartEdgeLabelModelParameter angle="6.283185307179586" distance="62.0" distanceToCenter="true" position="left" ratio="0.492249939452652" segment="-1"/></y:ModelParameter><y:PreferredPlacementDescriptor angle="0.0" angleOffsetOnRightSide="0" angleReference="absolute" angleRotationOnRightSide="co" distance="-1.0" frozen="true" placement="anywhere" side="anywhere" sideReference="relative_to_edge_flow"/></y:EdgeLabel>
<y:BendStyle smoothed="false"/>
<edge id="e6" source="n1" target="n2">
<data key="d10">
<y:Path sx="0.0" sy="0.0" tx="0.0" ty="0.0">
<y:Point x="658.6" y="536.6799999999998"/>
<y:LineStyle color="#000000" type="line" width="1.0"/>
<y:Arrows source="none" target="standard"/>
<y:EdgeLabel alignment="center" configuration="AutoFlippingLabel" distance="2.0" fontFamily="Ubuntu" fontSize="12" fontStyle="plain" hasBackgroundColor="false" hasLineColor="false" height="30.90418815612793" horizontalTextPosition="center" iconTextGap="4" modelName="custom" preferredPlacement="anywhere" ratio="0.5" textColor="#000000" verticalTextPosition="bottom" visible="true" width="44.69230651855469" x="-131.99129340961497" xml:space="preserve" y="-45.45208675384538">event 1
event 2<y:LabelModel><y:SmartEdgeLabelModel autoRotationEnabled="false" defaultAngle="0.0" defaultDistance="10.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartEdgeLabelModelParameter angle="0.0" distance="30.0" distanceToCenter="true" position="right" ratio="0.6426904695623505" segment="0"/></y:ModelParameter><y:PreferredPlacementDescriptor angle="0.0" angleOffsetOnRightSide="0" angleReference="absolute" angleRotationOnRightSide="co" distance="-1.0" frozen="true" placement="anywhere" side="anywhere" sideReference="relative_to_edge_flow"/></y:EdgeLabel>
<y:BendStyle smoothed="false"/>
<edge id="e7" source="n1" target="n4">
<data key="d10">
<y:Path sx="-35.69940886699487" sy="0.0" tx="-17.140492610837327" ty="1.5"/>
<y:LineStyle color="#000000" type="line" width="1.0"/>
<y:Arrows source="none" target="standard"/>
<y:EdgeLabel alignment="center" configuration="AutoFlippingLabel" distance="2.0" fontFamily="Ubuntu" fontSize="12" fontStyle="plain" hasBackgroundColor="false" hasLineColor="false" height="17.452094078063965" horizontalTextPosition="center" iconTextGap="4" modelName="custom" preferredPlacement="anywhere" ratio="0.5" textColor="#000000" verticalTextPosition="bottom" visible="true" width="46.14430236816406" x="-54.352158195608126" xml:space="preserve" y="-79.29459128622307">group 2<y:LabelModel><y:SmartEdgeLabelModel autoRotationEnabled="false" defaultAngle="0.0" defaultDistance="10.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartEdgeLabelModelParameter angle="6.283185307179586" distance="31.279999999999973" distanceToCenter="true" position="left" ratio="0.6800790648728832" segment="-1"/></y:ModelParameter><y:PreferredPlacementDescriptor angle="0.0" angleOffsetOnRightSide="0" angleReference="absolute" angleRotationOnRightSide="co" distance="-1.0" frozen="true" placement="anywhere" side="anywhere" sideReference="relative_to_edge_flow"/></y:EdgeLabel>
<y:BendStyle smoothed="false"/>
<edge id="e8" source="n6" target="n8">
<data key="d10">
<y:Path sx="0.0" sy="0.0" tx="8.233962264150945" ty="-21.42352238805968"/>
<y:LineStyle color="#000000" type="line" width="1.0"/>
<y:Arrows source="none" target="standard"/>
<y:EdgeLabel alignment="center" configuration="AutoFlippingLabel" distance="2.0" fontFamily="Ubuntu" fontSize="12" fontStyle="plain" hasBackgroundColor="false" hasLineColor="false" height="30.90418815612793" horizontalTextPosition="center" iconTextGap="4" modelName="custom" preferredPlacement="anywhere" ratio="0.5" textColor="#000000" verticalTextPosition="bottom" visible="true" width="87.40060424804688" x="-100.50030212402339" xml:space="preserve" y="11.337896156311103">enabled Events
as PUS 5 TM<y:LabelModel><y:SmartEdgeLabelModel autoRotationEnabled="false" defaultAngle="0.0" defaultDistance="10.0"/></y:LabelModel><y:ModelParameter><y:SmartEdgeLabelModelParameter angle="6.283185307179586" distance="56.79999999999995" distanceToCenter="true" position="right" ratio="0.5" segment="0"/></y:ModelParameter><y:PreferredPlacementDescriptor angle="0.0" angleOffsetOnRightSide="0" angleReference="absolute" angleRotationOnRightSide="co" distance="-1.0" frozen="true" placement="anywhere" side="anywhere" sideReference="relative_to_edge_flow"/></y:EdgeLabel>
<y:BendStyle smoothed="false"/>
<data key="d7">
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The sat-rs book
This book is the primary information resource for the [sat-rs framework](
in addition to the regular API documentation. It contains the following resources:
1. Architecture informations and consideration which would exceeds the scope of the regular API.
2. General information on how to build On-Board Software and how `sat-rs` can help to fulfill
the unique requirements of writing software for remote systems.
2. A Getting-Started workshop where a small On-Board Software is built from scratch using
sat-rs components.
# Introduction
The primary goal of the sat-rs framework is to provide re-usable components
to write on-board software for remote systems like rovers or satellites. It is specifically written
for the special requirements for these systems.
A lot of the architecture and general design considerations are based on the
[FSFW]( C++ framework which has flight heritage
through the 2 missions [FLP](
and [EIVE](
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# Logging
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# Modelling Space Systems
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# Modes
Modes are an extremely useful concept for complex system in general. They also allow simplified
system reasoning for both system operators and OBSW developers. They model the behaviour of a
component and also provide observability of a system. A few examples of how to model
different components of a space system with modes will be given.
## Modelling a pyhsical devices with modes
The following simple mode scheme with the following three mode
- `OFF`
- `ON`
can be applied to a large number of simpler devices of a remote system, for example sensors.
1. `OFF` means that a device is physically switched off, and the corresponding software component
does not poll the device regularly.
2. `ON` means that a device is pyhsically switched on, but the device is not polled perically.
3. `NORMAL` means that a device is powered on and polled periodically.
If a devices is `OFF`, the device handler will deny commands which include physical communication
with the connected devices. In `NORMAL` mode, it will autonomously perform periodic polling
of a connected physical device in addition to handling remote commands by the operator.
Using these three basic modes, there are two important transitions which need to be taken care of
for the majority of devices:
1. `OFF` to `ON` or `NORMAL`: The device first needs to be powered on. After that, the
device initial startup configuration must be performed.
2. `NORMAL` or `ON` to `OFF`: Any important shutdown configuration or handling must be performed
before powering off the device.
## Modelling a controller with modes
Controller components are not modelling physical devices, but a mode scheme is still the best
way to model most of these components.
For example, a hypothetical attitude controller might have the following modes:
- `SAFE`
We can also introduce the concept of submodes: The `SAFE` mode can for example have a
`DEFAULT` submode and a `DETUMBLE` submode.
## Achieving system observability with modes
If a system component has a mode in some shape or form, this mode should be observable. This means
that the operator can also retrieve the mode for a particular component. This is especially
important if these components can change their mode autonomously.
If a component is able to change its mode autonomously, this is also something which is relevant
information for the operator or for other software components. This means that a component
should also be able to announce its mode.
This concept becomes especially important when applying the mode concept on the whole
system level. This will also be explained in detail in a dedicated chapter, but the basic idea
is to model the whole system as a tree where each node has a mode. A new capability is added now:
A component can announce its mode recursively. This means that the component will announce its
own mode first before announcing the mode of all its children. Using a scheme like this, the mode
of the whole system can be retrieved using only one command. The same concept can also be used
for commanding the whole system, which will be explained in more detail in the dedicated systems
modelling chapter.
In summary, a component which has modes has to expose the following 4 capabilities:
1. Set a mode
2. Read the mode
3. Announce the mode
4. Announce the mode recursively
## Using ECSS PUS to perform mode commanding
# Health
Health is an important concept for systems and components which might fail.
Oftentimes, the health is tied to the mode of a system component in some shape or form, and
determines whether a system component is usable. Health is also an extremely useful concept
to simplify the Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) concept of a system.
The following health states are based on the ones used inside the FSFW and are enough to model most
1. `HEALTHY` means that a component is working nominally, and can perform its task without any issues.
2. `FAULTY` means that a component does not work properly. This might also impact other system
components, so the passivation and isolation of that component is desirable for FDIR purposes.
3. `NEEDS RECOVERY` is used to attempt a recovery of a component. For example, a simple sensor
could be power-cycled if there were multiple communication issues in the last time.
4. `EXTERNAL CONTROL` is used to isolate an individual component from the rest of the system. For
example, on operator might be interested in testing a component in isolation, and the interference
of the system is not desired. In that case, the `EXTERNAL CONTROL` health state might be used
to prevent mode commands from the system while allowing external mode commands.
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# Persistent Telemetry (TM) Storage
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# Power Components
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# Serialization
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
# Thermal Components
@ -66,14 +66,24 @@ version = "1"
default-features = false
optional = true
version = "0.5.4"
features = ["all"]
optional = true
version = "0.7.0-beta.1"
# version = "0.7.0-beta.1"
# path = "../../spacepackets"
# git = ""
# rev = ""
git = ""
rev = "79d26e1a6"
# branch = ""
default-features = false
git = ""
branch = "all_features"
default-features = false
serde = "1"
zerocopy = "0.7"
@ -87,22 +97,23 @@ version = "1"
default = ["std"]
std = [
alloc = [
serde = ["dep:serde", "spacepackets/serde"]
crossbeam = ["crossbeam-channel"]
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@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use hashbrown::HashSet;
use spacepackets::PacketId;
use crate::tmtc::ReceivesTcCore;
pub trait PacketIdLookup {
fn validate(&self, packet_id: u16) -> bool;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl PacketIdLookup for Vec<u16> {
fn validate(&self, packet_id: u16) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl PacketIdLookup for HashSet<u16> {
fn validate(&self, packet_id: u16) -> bool {
impl PacketIdLookup for [u16] {
fn validate(&self, packet_id: u16) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl PacketIdLookup for Vec<PacketId> {
fn validate(&self, packet_id: u16) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl PacketIdLookup for HashSet<PacketId> {
fn validate(&self, packet_id: u16) -> bool {
impl PacketIdLookup for [PacketId] {
fn validate(&self, packet_id: u16) -> bool {
/// This function parses a given buffer for tightly packed CCSDS space packets. It uses the
/// [PacketId] field of the CCSDS packets to detect the start of a CCSDS space packet and then
/// uses the length field of the packet to extract CCSDS packets.
/// This function is also able to deal with broken tail packets at the end as long a the parser
/// can read the full 7 bytes which constitue a space packet header plus one byte minimal size.
/// If broken tail packets are detected, they are moved to the front of the buffer, and the write
/// index for future write operations will be written to the `next_write_idx` argument.
/// The parser will write all packets which were decoded successfully to the given `tc_receiver`
/// and return the number of packets found. If the [ReceivesTcCore::pass_tc] calls fails, the
/// error will be returned.
pub fn parse_buffer_for_ccsds_space_packets<E>(
buf: &mut [u8],
packet_id_lookup: &(impl PacketIdLookup + ?Sized),
tc_receiver: &mut impl ReceivesTcCore<Error = E>,
next_write_idx: &mut usize,
) -> Result<u32, E> {
*next_write_idx = 0;
let mut packets_found = 0;
let mut current_idx = 0;
let buf_len = buf.len();
loop {
if current_idx + 7 >= buf.len() {
let packet_id = u16::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 2].try_into().unwrap());
if packet_id_lookup.validate(packet_id) {
let length_field =
u16::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx + 4..current_idx + 6].try_into().unwrap());
let packet_size = length_field + 7;
if (current_idx + packet_size as usize) < buf_len {
tc_receiver.pass_tc(&buf[current_idx..current_idx + packet_size as usize])?;
packets_found += 1;
} else {
// Move packet to start of buffer if applicable.
if current_idx > 0 {
buf.copy_within(current_idx.., 0);
*next_write_idx = buf.len() - current_idx;
current_idx += packet_size as usize;
current_idx += 1;
mod tests {
use spacepackets::{
ecss::{tc::PusTcCreator, SerializablePusPacket},
PacketId, SpHeader,
use crate::encoding::tests::TcCacher;
use super::parse_buffer_for_ccsds_space_packets;
const TEST_APID_0: u16 = 0x02;
const TEST_APID_1: u16 = 0x10;
const TEST_PACKET_ID_0: PacketId = PacketId::const_tc(true, TEST_APID_0);
const TEST_PACKET_ID_1: PacketId = PacketId::const_tc(true, TEST_APID_1);
fn test_basic() {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID_0, 0, 0).unwrap();
let ping_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true);
let mut buffer: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let packet_len = ping_tc
.write_to_bytes(&mut buffer)
.expect("writing packet failed");
let valid_packet_ids = [TEST_PACKET_ID_0];
let mut tc_cacher = TcCacher::default();
let mut next_write_idx = 0;
let parse_result = parse_buffer_for_ccsds_space_packets(
&mut buffer,
&mut tc_cacher,
&mut next_write_idx,
let parsed_packets = parse_result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(parsed_packets, 1);
assert_eq!(tc_cacher.tc_queue.len(), 1);
fn test_multi_packet() {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID_0, 0, 0).unwrap();
let ping_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true);
let action_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 8, 0, None, true);
let mut buffer: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let packet_len_ping = ping_tc
.write_to_bytes(&mut buffer)
.expect("writing packet failed");
let packet_len_action = action_tc
.write_to_bytes(&mut buffer[packet_len_ping..])
.expect("writing packet failed");
let valid_packet_ids = [TEST_PACKET_ID_0];
let mut tc_cacher = TcCacher::default();
let mut next_write_idx = 0;
let parse_result = parse_buffer_for_ccsds_space_packets(
&mut buffer,
&mut tc_cacher,
&mut next_write_idx,
let parsed_packets = parse_result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(parsed_packets, 2);
assert_eq!(tc_cacher.tc_queue.len(), 2);
buffer[packet_len_ping..packet_len_ping + packet_len_action]
fn test_multi_apid() {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID_0, 0, 0).unwrap();
let ping_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true);
sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID_1, 0, 0).unwrap();
let action_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 8, 0, None, true);
let mut buffer: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let packet_len_ping = ping_tc
.write_to_bytes(&mut buffer)
.expect("writing packet failed");
let packet_len_action = action_tc
.write_to_bytes(&mut buffer[packet_len_ping..])
.expect("writing packet failed");
let valid_packet_ids = [TEST_PACKET_ID_0, TEST_PACKET_ID_1];
let mut tc_cacher = TcCacher::default();
let mut next_write_idx = 0;
let parse_result = parse_buffer_for_ccsds_space_packets(
&mut buffer,
&mut tc_cacher,
&mut next_write_idx,
let parsed_packets = parse_result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(parsed_packets, 2);
assert_eq!(tc_cacher.tc_queue.len(), 2);
buffer[packet_len_ping..packet_len_ping + packet_len_action]
fn test_split_packet_multi() {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID_0, 0, 0).unwrap();
let ping_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true);
sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID_1, 0, 0).unwrap();
let action_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 8, 0, None, true);
let mut buffer: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let packet_len_ping = ping_tc
.write_to_bytes(&mut buffer)
.expect("writing packet failed");
let packet_len_action = action_tc
.write_to_bytes(&mut buffer[packet_len_ping..])
.expect("writing packet failed");
let valid_packet_ids = [TEST_PACKET_ID_0, TEST_PACKET_ID_1];
let mut tc_cacher = TcCacher::default();
let mut next_write_idx = 0;
let parse_result = parse_buffer_for_ccsds_space_packets(
&mut buffer[..packet_len_ping + packet_len_action - 4],
&mut tc_cacher,
&mut next_write_idx,
let parsed_packets = parse_result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(parsed_packets, 1);
assert_eq!(tc_cacher.tc_queue.len(), 1);
// The broken packet was moved to the start, so the next write index should be after the
// last segment missing 4 bytes.
assert_eq!(next_write_idx, packet_len_action - 4);
fn test_one_split_packet() {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID_0, 0, 0).unwrap();
let ping_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true);
let mut buffer: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let packet_len_ping = ping_tc
.write_to_bytes(&mut buffer)
.expect("writing packet failed");
let valid_packet_ids = [TEST_PACKET_ID_0, TEST_PACKET_ID_1];
let mut tc_cacher = TcCacher::default();
let mut next_write_idx = 0;
let parse_result = parse_buffer_for_ccsds_space_packets(
&mut buffer[..packet_len_ping - 4],
&mut tc_cacher,
&mut next_write_idx,
assert_eq!(next_write_idx, 0);
let parsed_packets = parse_result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(parsed_packets, 0);
assert_eq!(tc_cacher.tc_queue.len(), 0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
use crate::tmtc::ReceivesTcCore;
use cobs::{decode_in_place, encode, max_encoding_length};
/// This function encodes the given packet with COBS and also wraps the encoded packet with
/// the sentinel value 0. It can be used repeatedly on the same encoded buffer by expecting
/// and incrementing the mutable reference of the current packet index. This is also used
/// to retrieve the total encoded size.
/// This function will return [false] if the given encoding buffer is not large enough to hold
/// the encoded buffer and the two sentinel bytes and [true] if the encoding was successfull.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// use cobs::decode_in_place_report;
/// use satrs_core::encoding::{encode_packet_with_cobs};
/// const SIMPLE_PACKET: [u8; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
/// const INVERTED_PACKET: [u8; 5] = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1];
/// let mut encoding_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
/// let mut current_idx = 0;
/// assert!(encode_packet_with_cobs(&SIMPLE_PACKET, &mut encoding_buf, &mut current_idx));
/// assert!(encode_packet_with_cobs(&INVERTED_PACKET, &mut encoding_buf, &mut current_idx));
/// assert_eq!(encoding_buf[0], 0);
/// let dec_report = decode_in_place_report(&mut encoding_buf[1..]).expect("decoding failed");
/// assert_eq!(encoding_buf[1 + dec_report.src_used], 0);
/// assert_eq!(dec_report.dst_used, 5);
/// assert_eq!(current_idx, 16);
/// ```
pub fn encode_packet_with_cobs(
packet: &[u8],
encoded_buf: &mut [u8],
current_idx: &mut usize,
) -> bool {
let max_encoding_len = max_encoding_length(packet.len());
if *current_idx + max_encoding_len + 2 > encoded_buf.len() {
return false;
encoded_buf[*current_idx] = 0;
*current_idx += 1;
*current_idx += encode(packet, &mut encoded_buf[*current_idx..]);
encoded_buf[*current_idx] = 0;
*current_idx += 1;
/// This function parses a given buffer for COBS encoded packets. The packet structure is
/// expected to be like this, assuming a sentinel value of 0 as the packet delimiter:
/// 0 | ... Encoded Packet Data ... | 0 | 0 | ... Encoded Packet Data ... | 0
/// This function is also able to deal with broken tail packets at the end. If broken tail
/// packets are detected, they are moved to the front of the buffer, and the write index for
/// future write operations will be written to the `next_write_idx` argument.
/// The parser will write all packets which were decoded successfully to the given `tc_receiver`.
pub fn parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets<E>(
buf: &mut [u8],
tc_receiver: &mut dyn ReceivesTcCore<Error = E>,
next_write_idx: &mut usize,
) -> Result<u32, E> {
let mut start_index_packet = 0;
let mut start_found = false;
let mut last_byte = false;
let mut packets_found = 0;
for i in 0..buf.len() {
if i == buf.len() - 1 {
last_byte = true;
if buf[i] == 0 {
if !start_found && !last_byte && buf[i + 1] == 0 {
// Special case: Consecutive sentinel values or all zeroes.
// Skip.
if start_found {
let decode_result = decode_in_place(&mut buf[start_index_packet..i]);
if let Ok(packet_len) = decode_result {
packets_found += 1;
.pass_tc(&buf[start_index_packet..start_index_packet + packet_len])?;
start_found = false;
} else {
start_index_packet = i + 1;
start_found = true;
// Move split frame at the end to the front of the buffer.
if start_index_packet > 0 && start_found && packets_found > 0 {
buf.copy_within(start_index_packet - 1.., 0);
*next_write_idx = buf.len() - start_index_packet + 1;
pub(crate) mod tests {
use cobs::encode;
use crate::encoding::tests::{encode_simple_packet, TcCacher, INVERTED_PACKET, SIMPLE_PACKET};
use super::parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets;
fn test_parsing_simple_packet() {
let mut test_sender = TcCacher::default();
let mut encoded_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];
let mut current_idx = 0;
encode_simple_packet(&mut encoded_buf, &mut current_idx);
let mut next_read_idx = 0;
let packets = parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets(
&mut encoded_buf[0..current_idx],
&mut test_sender,
&mut next_read_idx,
assert_eq!(packets, 1);
assert_eq!(test_sender.tc_queue.len(), 1);
let packet = &test_sender.tc_queue[0];
assert_eq!(packet, &SIMPLE_PACKET);
fn test_parsing_consecutive_packets() {
let mut test_sender = TcCacher::default();
let mut encoded_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];
let mut current_idx = 0;
encode_simple_packet(&mut encoded_buf, &mut current_idx);
// Second packet
encoded_buf[current_idx] = 0;
current_idx += 1;
current_idx += encode(&INVERTED_PACKET, &mut encoded_buf[current_idx..]);
encoded_buf[current_idx] = 0;
current_idx += 1;
let mut next_read_idx = 0;
let packets = parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets(
&mut encoded_buf[0..current_idx],
&mut test_sender,
&mut next_read_idx,
assert_eq!(packets, 2);
assert_eq!(test_sender.tc_queue.len(), 2);
let packet0 = &test_sender.tc_queue[0];
assert_eq!(packet0, &SIMPLE_PACKET);
let packet1 = &test_sender.tc_queue[1];
assert_eq!(packet1, &INVERTED_PACKET);
fn test_split_tail_packet_only() {
let mut test_sender = TcCacher::default();
let mut encoded_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];
let mut current_idx = 0;
encode_simple_packet(&mut encoded_buf, &mut current_idx);
let mut next_read_idx = 0;
let packets = parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets(
// Cut off the sentinel byte at the end.
&mut encoded_buf[0..current_idx - 1],
&mut test_sender,
&mut next_read_idx,
assert_eq!(packets, 0);
assert_eq!(test_sender.tc_queue.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(next_read_idx, 0);
fn generic_test_split_packet(cut_off: usize) {
let mut test_sender = TcCacher::default();
let mut encoded_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];
assert!(cut_off < INVERTED_PACKET.len() + 1);
let mut current_idx = 0;
encode_simple_packet(&mut encoded_buf, &mut current_idx);
// Second packet
encoded_buf[current_idx] = 0;
let packet_start = current_idx;
current_idx += 1;
let encoded_len = encode(&INVERTED_PACKET, &mut encoded_buf[current_idx..]);
assert_eq!(encoded_len, 6);
current_idx += encoded_len;
// We cut off the sentinel byte, so we expecte the write index to be the length of the
// packet minus the sentinel byte plus the first sentinel byte.
let next_expected_write_idx = 1 + encoded_len - cut_off + 1;
encoded_buf[current_idx] = 0;
current_idx += 1;
let mut next_write_idx = 0;
let expected_at_start = encoded_buf[packet_start..current_idx - cut_off].to_vec();
let packets = parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets(
// Cut off the sentinel byte at the end.
&mut encoded_buf[0..current_idx - cut_off],
&mut test_sender,
&mut next_write_idx,
assert_eq!(packets, 1);
assert_eq!(test_sender.tc_queue.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(&test_sender.tc_queue[0], &SIMPLE_PACKET);
assert_eq!(next_write_idx, next_expected_write_idx);
assert_eq!(encoded_buf[..next_expected_write_idx], expected_at_start);
fn test_one_packet_and_split_tail_packet_0() {
fn test_one_packet_and_split_tail_packet_1() {
fn test_one_packet_and_split_tail_packet_2() {
fn test_zero_at_end() {
let mut test_sender = TcCacher::default();
let mut encoded_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];
let mut next_write_idx = 0;
let mut current_idx = 0;
encoded_buf[current_idx] = 5;
current_idx += 1;
encode_simple_packet(&mut encoded_buf, &mut current_idx);
encoded_buf[current_idx] = 0;
current_idx += 1;
let packets = parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets(
// Cut off the sentinel byte at the end.
&mut encoded_buf[0..current_idx],
&mut test_sender,
&mut next_write_idx,
assert_eq!(packets, 1);
assert_eq!(test_sender.tc_queue.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(&test_sender.tc_queue[0], &SIMPLE_PACKET);
assert_eq!(next_write_idx, 1);
assert_eq!(encoded_buf[0], 0);
fn test_all_zeroes() {
let mut test_sender = TcCacher::default();
let mut all_zeroes: [u8; 5] = [0; 5];
let mut next_write_idx = 0;
let packets = parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets(
// Cut off the sentinel byte at the end.
&mut all_zeroes,
&mut test_sender,
&mut next_write_idx,
assert_eq!(packets, 0);
assert_eq!(next_write_idx, 0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
pub mod ccsds;
pub mod cobs;
pub use crate::encoding::ccsds::parse_buffer_for_ccsds_space_packets;
pub use crate::encoding::cobs::{encode_packet_with_cobs, parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets};
pub(crate) mod tests {
use alloc::{collections::VecDeque, vec::Vec};
use crate::tmtc::ReceivesTcCore;
use super::cobs::encode_packet_with_cobs;
pub(crate) const SIMPLE_PACKET: [u8; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
pub(crate) const INVERTED_PACKET: [u8; 5] = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1];
pub(crate) struct TcCacher {
pub(crate) tc_queue: VecDeque<Vec<u8>>,
impl ReceivesTcCore for TcCacher {
type Error = ();
fn pass_tc(&mut self, tc_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
pub(crate) fn encode_simple_packet(encoded_buf: &mut [u8], current_idx: &mut usize) {
encode_packet_with_cobs(&SIMPLE_PACKET, encoded_buf, current_idx);
pub(crate) fn encode_inverted_packet(encoded_buf: &mut [u8], current_idx: &mut usize) {
encode_packet_with_cobs(&INVERTED_PACKET, encoded_buf, current_idx);
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
//! Helper modules intended to be used on hosts with a full [std] runtime
pub mod udp_server;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//! # Hardware Abstraction Layer module
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))]
pub mod host;
pub mod std;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
//! Helper modules intended to be used on systems with a full [std] runtime.
pub mod tcp_server;
pub mod udp_server;
mod tcp_spacepackets_server;
mod tcp_with_cobs_server;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
//! Generic TCP TMTC servers with different TMTC format flavours.
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec::Vec};
use core::time::Duration;
use socket2::{Domain, Socket, Type};
use std::io::Read;
use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpStream};
use std::thread;
use crate::tmtc::{ReceivesTc, TmPacketSource};
use thiserror::Error;
// Re-export the TMTC in COBS server.
pub use crate::hal::std::tcp_with_cobs_server::{CobsTcParser, CobsTmSender, TcpTmtcInCobsServer};
/// Configuration struct for the generic TCP TMTC server
/// ## Parameters
/// * `addr` - Address of the TCP server.
/// * `inner_loop_delay` - If a client connects for a longer period, but no TC is received or
/// no TM needs to be sent, the TCP server will delay for the specified amount of time
/// to reduce CPU load.
/// * `tm_buffer_size` - Size of the TM buffer used to read TM from the [TmPacketSource] and
/// encoding of that data. This buffer should at large enough to hold the maximum expected
/// TM size read from the packet source.
/// * `tc_buffer_size` - Size of the TC buffer used to read encoded telecommands sent from
/// the client. It is recommended to make this buffer larger to allow reading multiple
/// consecutive packets as well, for example by using common buffer sizes like 4096 or 8192
/// byte. The buffer should at the very least be large enough to hold the maximum expected
/// telecommand size.
/// * `reuse_addr` - Can be used to set the `SO_REUSEADDR` option on the raw socket. This is
/// especially useful if the address and port are static for the server. Set to false by
/// default.
/// * `reuse_port` - Can be used to set the `SO_REUSEPORT` option on the raw socket. This is
/// especially useful if the address and port are static for the server. Set to false by
/// default.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ServerConfig {
pub addr: SocketAddr,
pub inner_loop_delay: Duration,
pub tm_buffer_size: usize,
pub tc_buffer_size: usize,
pub reuse_addr: bool,
pub reuse_port: bool,
impl ServerConfig {
pub fn new(
addr: SocketAddr,
inner_loop_delay: Duration,
tm_buffer_size: usize,
tc_buffer_size: usize,
) -> Self {
Self {
reuse_addr: false,
reuse_port: false,
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError> {
#[error("TM retrieval error: {0}")]
#[error("TC retrieval error: {0}")]
#[error("io error: {0}")]
Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
/// Result of one connection attempt. Contains the client address if a connection was established,
/// in addition to the number of telecommands and telemetry packets exchanged.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct ConnectionResult {
pub addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
pub num_received_tcs: u32,
pub num_sent_tms: u32,
/// Generic parser abstraction for an object which can parse for telecommands given a raw
/// bytestream received from a TCP socket and send them to a generic [ReceivesTc] telecommand
/// receiver. This allows different encoding schemes for telecommands.
pub trait TcpTcParser<TmError, TcError> {
fn handle_tc_parsing(
&mut self,
tc_buffer: &mut [u8],
tc_receiver: &mut dyn ReceivesTc<Error = TcError>,
conn_result: &mut ConnectionResult,
current_write_idx: usize,
next_write_idx: &mut usize,
) -> Result<(), TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError>>;
/// Generic sender abstraction for an object which can pull telemetry from a given TM source
/// using a [TmPacketSource] and then send them back to a client using a given [TcpStream].
/// The concrete implementation can also perform any encoding steps which are necessary before
/// sending back the data to a client.
pub trait TcpTmSender<TmError, TcError> {
fn handle_tm_sending(
&mut self,
tm_buffer: &mut [u8],
tm_source: &mut dyn TmPacketSource<Error = TmError>,
conn_result: &mut ConnectionResult,
stream: &mut TcpStream,
) -> Result<bool, TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError>>;
/// TCP TMTC server implementation for exchange of generic TMTC packets in a generic way which
/// stays agnostic to the encoding scheme and format used for both telecommands and telemetry.
/// This server implements a generic TMTC handling logic and allows modifying its behaviour
/// through the following 4 core abstractions:
/// 1. [TcpTcParser] to parse for telecommands from the raw bytestream received from a client.
/// 2. Parsed telecommands will be sent to the [ReceivesTc] telecommand receiver.
/// 3. [TcpTmSender] to send telemetry pulled from a TM source back to the client.
/// 4. [TmPacketSource] as a generic TM source used by the [TcpTmSender].
/// It is possible to specify custom abstractions to build a dedicated TCP TMTC server without
/// having to re-implement common logic.
/// Currently, this framework offers the following concrete implementations:
/// 1. [TcpTmtcInCobsServer] to exchange TMTC wrapped inside the COBS framing protocol.
pub struct TcpTmtcGenericServer<
TmHandler: TcpTmSender<TmError, TcError>,
TcHandler: TcpTcParser<TmError, TcError>,
> {
base: TcpTmtcServerBase<TmError, TcError>,
tc_handler: TcHandler,
tm_handler: TmHandler,
TmError: 'static,
TcError: 'static,
TmSender: TcpTmSender<TmError, TcError>,
TcParser: TcpTcParser<TmError, TcError>,
> TcpTmtcGenericServer<TmError, TcError, TmSender, TcParser>
/// Create a new generic TMTC server instance.
/// ## Parameter
/// * `cfg` - Configuration of the server.
/// * `tc_parser` - Parser which extracts telecommands from the raw bytestream received from
/// the client.
/// * `tm_sender` - Sends back telemetry to the client using the specified TM source.
/// * `tm_source` - Generic TM source used by the server to pull telemetry packets which are
/// then sent back to the client.
/// * `tc_receiver` - Any received telecommand which was decoded successfully will be forwarded
/// to this TC receiver.
pub fn new(
cfg: ServerConfig,
tc_parser: TcParser,
tm_sender: TmSender,
tm_source: Box<dyn TmPacketSource<Error = TmError>>,
tc_receiver: Box<dyn ReceivesTc<Error = TcError>>,
) -> Result<TcpTmtcGenericServer<TmError, TcError, TmSender, TcParser>, std::io::Error> {
Ok(Self {
base: TcpTmtcServerBase::new(cfg, tm_source, tc_receiver)?,
tc_handler: tc_parser,
tm_handler: tm_sender,
/// Retrieve the internal [TcpListener] class.
pub fn listener(&mut self) -> &mut TcpListener {
/// Can be used to retrieve the local assigned address of the TCP server. This is especially
/// useful if using the port number 0 for OS auto-assignment.
pub fn local_addr(&self) -> std::io::Result<SocketAddr> {
/// This call is used to handle the next connection to a client. Right now, it performs
/// the following steps:
/// 1. It calls the [std::net::TcpListener::accept] method internally using the blocking API
/// until a client connects.
/// 2. It reads all the telecommands from the client and parses all received data using the
/// user specified [TcpTcParser].
/// 3. After reading and parsing all telecommands, it sends back all telemetry using the
/// user specified [TcpTmSender].
/// The server will delay for a user-specified period if the client connects to the server
/// for prolonged periods and there is no traffic for the server. This is the case if the
/// client does not send any telecommands and no telemetry needs to be sent back to the client.
pub fn handle_next_connection(
&mut self,
) -> Result<ConnectionResult, TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError>> {
let mut connection_result = ConnectionResult::default();
let mut current_write_idx;
let mut next_write_idx = 0;
let (mut stream, addr) = self.base.listener.accept()?;
connection_result.addr = Some(addr);
current_write_idx = next_write_idx;
loop {
let read_result = self.base.tc_buffer[current_write_idx..]);
match read_result {
Ok(0) => {
// Connection closed by client. If any TC was read, parse for complete packets.
// After that, break the outer loop.
if current_write_idx > 0 {
&mut self.base.tc_buffer,
&mut connection_result,
&mut next_write_idx,
Ok(read_len) => {
current_write_idx += read_len;
// TC buffer is full, we must parse for complete packets now.
if current_write_idx == self.base.tc_buffer.capacity() {
&mut self.base.tc_buffer,
&mut connection_result,
&mut next_write_idx,
current_write_idx = next_write_idx;
Err(e) => match e.kind() {
// As per [TcpStream::set_read_timeout] documentation, this should work for
// both UNIX and Windows.
std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock | std::io::ErrorKind::TimedOut => {
&mut self.base.tc_buffer,
&mut connection_result,
&mut next_write_idx,
current_write_idx = next_write_idx;
if !self.tm_handler.handle_tm_sending(
&mut self.base.tm_buffer,
&mut connection_result,
&mut stream,
)? {
// No TC read, no TM was sent, but the client has not disconnected.
// Perform an inner delay to avoid burning CPU time.
_ => {
return Err(TcpTmtcError::Io(e));
&mut self.base.tm_buffer,
&mut connection_result,
&mut stream,
pub(crate) struct TcpTmtcServerBase<TmError, TcError> {
pub(crate) listener: TcpListener,
pub(crate) inner_loop_delay: Duration,
pub(crate) tm_source: Box<dyn TmPacketSource<Error = TmError>>,
pub(crate) tm_buffer: Vec<u8>,
pub(crate) tc_receiver: Box<dyn ReceivesTc<Error = TcError>>,
pub(crate) tc_buffer: Vec<u8>,
impl<TmError, TcError> TcpTmtcServerBase<TmError, TcError> {
pub(crate) fn new(
cfg: ServerConfig,
tm_source: Box<dyn TmPacketSource<Error = TmError>>,
tc_receiver: Box<dyn ReceivesTc<Error = TcError>>,
) -> Result<Self, std::io::Error> {
// Create a TCP listener bound to two addresses.
let socket = Socket::new(Domain::IPV4, Type::STREAM, None)?;
let addr = (cfg.addr).into();
Ok(Self {
listener: socket.into(),
inner_loop_delay: cfg.inner_loop_delay,
tm_buffer: vec![0; cfg.tm_buffer_size],
tc_buffer: vec![0; cfg.tc_buffer_size],
pub(crate) fn listener(&mut self) -> &mut TcpListener {
&mut self.listener
pub(crate) fn local_addr(&self) -> std::io::Result<SocketAddr> {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::vec;
use cobs::encode;
use delegate::delegate;
use std::io::Write;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::net::TcpStream;
use std::vec::Vec;
use crate::encoding::parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets;
use crate::tmtc::ReceivesTc;
use crate::tmtc::TmPacketSource;
use crate::hal::std::tcp_server::{
ConnectionResult, ServerConfig, TcpTcParser, TcpTmSender, TcpTmtcError, TcpTmtcGenericServer,
/// Concrete [TcpTcParser] implementation for the [TcpTmtcInCobsServer].
pub struct CobsTcParser {}
impl<TmError, TcError: 'static> TcpTcParser<TmError, TcError> for CobsTcParser {
fn handle_tc_parsing(
&mut self,
tc_buffer: &mut [u8],
tc_receiver: &mut dyn ReceivesTc<Error = TcError>,
conn_result: &mut ConnectionResult,
current_write_idx: usize,
next_write_idx: &mut usize,
) -> Result<(), TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError>> {
// Reader vec full, need to parse for packets.
conn_result.num_received_tcs += parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets(
&mut tc_buffer[..current_write_idx],
.map_err(|e| TcpTmtcError::TcError(e))?;
/// Concrete [TcpTmSender] implementation for the [TcpTmtcInCobsServer].
pub struct CobsTmSender {
tm_encoding_buffer: Vec<u8>,
impl CobsTmSender {
fn new(tm_buffer_size: usize) -> Self {
Self {
// The buffer should be large enough to hold the maximum expected TM size encoded with
// COBS.
tm_encoding_buffer: vec![0; cobs::max_encoding_length(tm_buffer_size)],
impl<TmError, TcError> TcpTmSender<TmError, TcError> for CobsTmSender {
fn handle_tm_sending(
&mut self,
tm_buffer: &mut [u8],
tm_source: &mut dyn TmPacketSource<Error = TmError>,
conn_result: &mut ConnectionResult,
stream: &mut TcpStream,
) -> Result<bool, TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError>> {
let mut tm_was_sent = false;
loop {
// Write TM until TM source is exhausted. For now, there is no limit for the amount
// of TM written this way.
let read_tm_len = tm_source
.map_err(|e| TcpTmtcError::TmError(e))?;
if read_tm_len == 0 {
return Ok(tm_was_sent);
tm_was_sent = true;
conn_result.num_sent_tms += 1;
// Encode into COBS and sent to client.
let mut current_idx = 0;
self.tm_encoding_buffer[current_idx] = 0;
current_idx += 1;
current_idx += encode(
&mut self.tm_encoding_buffer[current_idx..],
self.tm_encoding_buffer[current_idx] = 0;
current_idx += 1;
/// TCP TMTC server implementation for exchange of generic TMTC packets which are framed with the
/// [COBS protocol](
/// Telemetry will be encoded with the COBS protocol using [cobs::encode] in addition to being
/// wrapped with the sentinel value 0 as the packet delimiter as well before being sent back to
/// the client. Please note that the server will send as much data as it can retrieve from the
/// [TmPacketSource] in its current implementation.
/// Using a framing protocol like COBS imposes minimal restrictions on the type of TMTC data
/// exchanged while also allowing packets with flexible size and a reliable way to reconstruct full
/// packets even from a data stream which is split up. The server wil use the
/// [parse_buffer_for_cobs_encoded_packets] function to parse for packets and pass them to a
/// generic TC receiver. The user can use [crate::encoding::encode_packet_with_cobs] to encode
/// telecommands sent to the server.
/// ## Example
/// The [TCP COBS integration](
/// test also serves as the example application for this module.
pub struct TcpTmtcInCobsServer<TmError, TcError: 'static> {
generic_server: TcpTmtcGenericServer<TmError, TcError, CobsTmSender, CobsTcParser>,
impl<TmError: 'static, TcError: 'static> TcpTmtcInCobsServer<TmError, TcError> {
/// Create a new TCP TMTC server which exchanges TMTC packets encoded with
/// [COBS protocol](
/// ## Parameter
/// * `cfg` - Configuration of the server.
/// * `tm_source` - Generic TM source used by the server to pull telemetry packets which are
/// then sent back to the client.
/// * `tc_receiver` - Any received telecommands which were decoded successfully will be
/// forwarded to this TC receiver.
pub fn new(
cfg: ServerConfig,
tm_source: Box<dyn TmPacketSource<Error = TmError>>,
tc_receiver: Box<dyn ReceivesTc<Error = TcError>>,
) -> Result<Self, TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError>> {
Ok(Self {
generic_server: TcpTmtcGenericServer::new(
delegate! {
to self.generic_server {
pub fn listener(&mut self) -> &mut TcpListener;
/// Can be used to retrieve the local assigned address of the TCP server. This is especially
/// useful if using the port number 0 for OS auto-assignment.
pub fn local_addr(&self) -> std::io::Result<SocketAddr>;
/// Delegation to the [TcpTmtcGenericServer::handle_next_connection] call.
pub fn handle_next_connection(
&mut self,
) -> Result<ConnectionResult, TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError>>;
mod tests {
use core::{
sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
use std::{
io::{Read, Write},
net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, TcpStream},
use crate::{
tmtc::{ReceivesTcCore, TmPacketSourceCore},
use alloc::{boxed::Box, collections::VecDeque, sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
use cobs::encode;
use super::TcpTmtcInCobsServer;
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
struct SyncTcCacher {
tc_queue: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<Vec<u8>>>>,
impl ReceivesTcCore for SyncTcCacher {
type Error = ();
fn pass_tc(&mut self, tc_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let mut tc_queue = self.tc_queue.lock().expect("tc forwarder failed");
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
struct SyncTmSource {
tm_queue: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<Vec<u8>>>>,
impl SyncTmSource {
pub(crate) fn add_tm(&mut self, tm: &[u8]) {
let mut tm_queue = self.tm_queue.lock().expect("locking tm queue failec");
impl TmPacketSourceCore for SyncTmSource {
type Error = ();
fn retrieve_packet(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Self::Error> {
let mut tm_queue = self.tm_queue.lock().expect("locking tm queue failed");
if !tm_queue.is_empty() {
let next_vec = tm_queue.front().unwrap();
if buffer.len() < next_vec.len() {
"provided buffer too small, must be at least {} bytes",
let next_vec = tm_queue.pop_front().unwrap();
return Ok(next_vec.len());
fn encode_simple_packet(encoded_buf: &mut [u8], current_idx: &mut usize) {
encode_packet(&SIMPLE_PACKET, encoded_buf, current_idx)
fn encode_inverted_packet(encoded_buf: &mut [u8], current_idx: &mut usize) {
encode_packet(&INVERTED_PACKET, encoded_buf, current_idx)
fn encode_packet(packet: &[u8], encoded_buf: &mut [u8], current_idx: &mut usize) {
encoded_buf[*current_idx] = 0;
*current_idx += 1;
*current_idx += encode(packet, &mut encoded_buf[*current_idx..]);
encoded_buf[*current_idx] = 0;
*current_idx += 1;
fn generic_tmtc_server(
addr: &SocketAddr,
tc_receiver: SyncTcCacher,
tm_source: SyncTmSource,
) -> TcpTmtcInCobsServer<(), ()> {
ServerConfig::new(*addr, Duration::from_millis(2), 1024, 1024),
.expect("TCP server generation failed")
fn test_server_basic_no_tm() {
let auto_port_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 0);
let tc_receiver = SyncTcCacher::default();
let tm_source = SyncTmSource::default();
let mut tcp_server = generic_tmtc_server(&auto_port_addr, tc_receiver.clone(), tm_source);
let dest_addr = tcp_server
.expect("retrieving dest addr failed");
let conn_handled: Arc<AtomicBool> = Default::default();
let set_if_done = conn_handled.clone();
// Call the connection handler in separate thread, does block.
thread::spawn(move || {
let result = tcp_server.handle_next_connection();
if result.is_err() {
panic!("handling connection failed: {:?}", result.unwrap_err());
let conn_result = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(conn_result.num_received_tcs, 1);
assert_eq!(conn_result.num_sent_tms, 0);
||||, Ordering::Relaxed);
// Send TC to server now.
let mut encoded_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];
let mut current_idx = 0;
encode_simple_packet(&mut encoded_buf, &mut current_idx);
let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(dest_addr).expect("connecting to TCP server failed");
.expect("writing to TCP server failed");
// A certain amount of time is allowed for the transaction to complete.
for _ in 0..3 {
if !conn_handled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
if !conn_handled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
panic!("connection was not handled properly");
// Check that the packet was received and decoded successfully.
let mut tc_queue = tc_receiver
.expect("locking tc queue failed");
assert_eq!(tc_queue.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(tc_queue.pop_front().unwrap(), &SIMPLE_PACKET);
fn test_server_basic_multi_tm_multi_tc() {
let auto_port_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 0);
let tc_receiver = SyncTcCacher::default();
let mut tm_source = SyncTmSource::default();
let mut tcp_server =
generic_tmtc_server(&auto_port_addr, tc_receiver.clone(), tm_source.clone());
let dest_addr = tcp_server
.expect("retrieving dest addr failed");
let conn_handled: Arc<AtomicBool> = Default::default();
let set_if_done = conn_handled.clone();
// Call the connection handler in separate thread, does block.
thread::spawn(move || {
let result = tcp_server.handle_next_connection();
if result.is_err() {
panic!("handling connection failed: {:?}", result.unwrap_err());
let conn_result = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(conn_result.num_received_tcs, 2, "Not enough TCs received");
assert_eq!(conn_result.num_sent_tms, 2, "Not enough TMs received");
||||, Ordering::Relaxed);
// Send TC to server now.
let mut encoded_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let mut current_idx = 0;
encode_simple_packet(&mut encoded_buf, &mut current_idx);
encode_inverted_packet(&mut encoded_buf, &mut current_idx);
let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(dest_addr).expect("connecting to TCP server failed");
.expect("setting reas timeout failed");
.expect("writing to TCP server failed");
// Done with writing.
.expect("shutting down write failed");
let mut read_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];
let mut read_len_total = 0;
// Timeout ensures this does not block forever.
while read_len_total < 16 {
let read_len = read_buf).expect("read failed");
read_len_total += read_len;
// Read until full expected size is available.
if read_len == 16 {
// Read first TM packet.
current_idx = 0;
assert_eq!(read_len, 16);
assert_eq!(read_buf[0], 0);
current_idx += 1;
let mut dec_report = cobs::decode_in_place_report(&mut read_buf[current_idx..])
.expect("COBS decoding failed");
assert_eq!(dec_report.dst_used, 5);
// Skip first sentinel byte.
&read_buf[current_idx..current_idx + INVERTED_PACKET.len()],
current_idx += dec_report.src_used;
// End sentinel.
assert_eq!(read_buf[current_idx], 0, "invalid sentinel end byte");
current_idx += 1;
// Read second TM packet.
assert_eq!(read_buf[current_idx], 0);
current_idx += 1;
dec_report = cobs::decode_in_place_report(&mut read_buf[current_idx..])
.expect("COBS decoding failed");
assert_eq!(dec_report.dst_used, 5);
// Skip first sentinel byte.
&read_buf[current_idx..current_idx + SIMPLE_PACKET.len()],
current_idx += dec_report.src_used;
// End sentinel.
assert_eq!(read_buf[current_idx], 0);
// A certain amount of time is allowed for the transaction to complete.
for _ in 0..3 {
if !conn_handled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
if !conn_handled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
panic!("connection was not handled properly");
// Check that the packet was received and decoded successfully.
let mut tc_queue = tc_receiver
.expect("locking tc queue failed");
assert_eq!(tc_queue.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(tc_queue.pop_front().unwrap(), &SIMPLE_PACKET);
assert_eq!(tc_queue.pop_front().unwrap(), &INVERTED_PACKET);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//! UDP server helper components
//! Generic UDP TC server.
use crate::tmtc::{ReceivesTc, ReceivesTcCore};
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind};
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ use std::net::{SocketAddr, ToSocketAddrs, UdpSocket};
use std::vec;
use std::vec::Vec;
/// This TC server helper can be used to receive raw PUS telecommands thorough a UDP interface.
/// This UDP server can be used to receive CCSDS space packet telecommands or any other telecommand
/// format.
/// It caches all received telecomands into a vector. The maximum expected telecommand size should
/// be declared upfront. This avoids dynamic allocation during run-time. The user can specify a TC
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ use std::vec::Vec;
/// ```
/// use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, UdpSocket};
/// use spacepackets::ecss::SerializablePusPacket;
/// use satrs_core::hal::host::udp_server::UdpTcServer;
/// use satrs_core::hal::std::udp_server::UdpTcServer;
/// use satrs_core::tmtc::{ReceivesTc, ReceivesTcCore};
/// use spacepackets::SpHeader;
/// use spacepackets::ecss::tc::PusTcCreator;
@ -51,9 +52,9 @@ use std::vec::Vec;
/// .expect("Error sending PUS TC via UDP");
/// ```
/// The [fsrc-example crate](
/// The [satrs-example crate](
/// server code also includes
/// [example code](
/// [example code](
/// on how to use this TC server. It uses the server to receive PUS telecommands on a specific port
/// and then forwards them to a generic CCSDS packet receiver.
pub struct UdpTcServer<E> {
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ impl<E: 'static> UdpTcServer<E> {
mod tests {
use crate::hal::host::udp_server::{ReceiveResult, UdpTcServer};
use crate::hal::std::udp_server::{ReceiveResult, UdpTcServer};
use crate::tmtc::ReceivesTcCore;
use spacepackets::ecss::tc::PusTcCreator;
use spacepackets::ecss::SerializablePusPacket;
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ extern crate downcast_rs;
extern crate std;
pub mod cfdp;
pub mod encoding;
pub mod error;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]
@ -72,12 +72,33 @@ pub trait ReceivesTcCore {
/// Extension trait of [ReceivesTcCore] which allows downcasting by implementing [Downcast] and
/// is also sendable.
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub trait ReceivesTc: ReceivesTcCore + Downcast + Send {}
pub trait ReceivesTc: ReceivesTcCore + Downcast + Send {
// Remove this once trait upcasting coercion has been implemented.
// Tracking issue:
fn upcast(&self) -> &dyn ReceivesTcCore<Error = Self::Error>;
// Remove this once trait upcasting coercion has been implemented.
// Tracking issue:
fn upcast_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn ReceivesTcCore<Error = Self::Error>;
/// Blanket implementation to automatically implement [ReceivesTc] when the [alloc] feature
/// is enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<T> ReceivesTc for T where T: ReceivesTcCore + Send + 'static {}
impl<T> ReceivesTc for T
T: ReceivesTcCore + Send + 'static,
// Remove this once trait upcasting coercion has been implemented.
// Tracking issue:
fn upcast(&self) -> &dyn ReceivesTcCore<Error = Self::Error> {
// Remove this once trait upcasting coercion has been implemented.
// Tracking issue:
fn upcast_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn ReceivesTcCore<Error = Self::Error> {
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl_downcast!(ReceivesTc assoc Error);
@ -92,3 +113,41 @@ pub trait ReceivesCcsdsTc {
type Error;
fn pass_ccsds(&mut self, header: &SpHeader, tc_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Generic trait for a TM packet source, with no restrictions on the type of TM.
/// Implementors write the telemetry into the provided buffer and return the size of the telemetry.
pub trait TmPacketSourceCore {
type Error;
fn retrieve_packet(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Self::Error>;
/// Extension trait of [TmPacketSourceCore] which allows downcasting by implementing [Downcast] and
/// is also sendable.
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub trait TmPacketSource: TmPacketSourceCore + Downcast + Send {
// Remove this once trait upcasting coercion has been implemented.
// Tracking issue:
fn upcast(&self) -> &dyn TmPacketSourceCore<Error = Self::Error>;
// Remove this once trait upcasting coercion has been implemented.
// Tracking issue:
fn upcast_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn TmPacketSourceCore<Error = Self::Error>;
/// Blanket implementation to automatically implement [ReceivesTc] when the [alloc] feature
/// is enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<T> TmPacketSource for T
T: TmPacketSourceCore + Send + 'static,
// Remove this once trait upcasting coercion has been implemented.
// Tracking issue:
fn upcast(&self) -> &dyn TmPacketSourceCore<Error = Self::Error> {
// Remove this once trait upcasting coercion has been implemented.
// Tracking issue:
fn upcast_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn TmPacketSourceCore<Error = Self::Error> {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
//! This serves as both an integration test and an example application showcasing all major
//! features of the TCP COBS server by performing following steps:
//! 1. It defines both a TC receiver and a TM source which are [Sync].
//! 2. A telemetry packet is inserted into the TM source. The packet will be handled by the
//! TCP server after handling all TCs.
//! 3. It instantiates the TCP server on localhost with automatic port assignment and assigns
//! the TC receiver and TM source created previously.
//! 4. It moves the TCP server to a different thread and calls the
//! [TcpTmtcInCobsServer::handle_next_connection] call inside that thread
//! 5. The main threads connects to the server, sends a test telecommand and then reads back
//! the test telemetry insertd in to the TM source previously.
use core::{
sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
use std::{
io::{Read, Write},
net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, TcpStream},
use satrs_core::{
hal::std::tcp_server::{ServerConfig, TcpTmtcInCobsServer},
tmtc::{ReceivesTcCore, TmPacketSourceCore},
use std::{boxed::Box, collections::VecDeque, sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
struct SyncTcCacher {
tc_queue: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<Vec<u8>>>>,
impl ReceivesTcCore for SyncTcCacher {
type Error = ();
fn pass_tc(&mut self, tc_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let mut tc_queue = self.tc_queue.lock().expect("tc forwarder failed");
println!("Received TC: {:x?}", tc_raw);
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
struct SyncTmSource {
tm_queue: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<Vec<u8>>>>,
impl SyncTmSource {
pub(crate) fn add_tm(&mut self, tm: &[u8]) {
let mut tm_queue = self.tm_queue.lock().expect("locking tm queue failec");
impl TmPacketSourceCore for SyncTmSource {
type Error = ();
fn retrieve_packet(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Self::Error> {
let mut tm_queue = self.tm_queue.lock().expect("locking tm queue failed");
if !tm_queue.is_empty() {
let next_vec = tm_queue.front().unwrap();
if buffer.len() < next_vec.len() {
"provided buffer too small, must be at least {} bytes",
println!("Sending and encoding TM: {:x?}", next_vec);
let next_vec = tm_queue.pop_front().unwrap();
return Ok(next_vec.len());
const SIMPLE_PACKET: [u8; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const INVERTED_PACKET: [u8; 5] = [5, 4, 3, 4, 1];
fn main() {
let auto_port_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 0);
let tc_receiver = SyncTcCacher::default();
let mut tm_source = SyncTmSource::default();
// Insert a telemetry packet which will be read back by the client at a later stage.
let mut tcp_server = TcpTmtcInCobsServer::new(
ServerConfig::new(auto_port_addr, Duration::from_millis(2), 1024, 1024),
.expect("TCP server generation failed");
let dest_addr = tcp_server
.expect("retrieving dest addr failed");
let conn_handled: Arc<AtomicBool> = Default::default();
let set_if_done = conn_handled.clone();
// Call the connection handler in separate thread, does block.
thread::spawn(move || {
let result = tcp_server.handle_next_connection();
if result.is_err() {
panic!("handling connection failed: {:?}", result.unwrap_err());
let conn_result = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(conn_result.num_received_tcs, 1, "No TC received");
assert_eq!(conn_result.num_sent_tms, 1, "No TM received");
// Signal the main thread we are done.
||||, Ordering::Relaxed);
// Send TC to server now.
let mut encoded_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];
let mut current_idx = 0;
encode_packet_with_cobs(&SIMPLE_PACKET, &mut encoded_buf, &mut current_idx);
let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(dest_addr).expect("connecting to TCP server failed");
.expect("writing to TCP server failed");
// Done with writing.
.expect("shutting down write failed");
let mut read_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];
let read_len = read_buf).expect("read failed");
// 1 byte encoding overhead, 2 sentinel bytes.
assert_eq!(read_len, 8);
assert_eq!(read_buf[0], 0);
assert_eq!(read_buf[read_len - 1], 0);
let decoded_len =
cobs::decode_in_place(&mut read_buf[1..read_len]).expect("COBS decoding failed");
assert_eq!(decoded_len, 5);
// Skip first sentinel byte.
assert_eq!(&read_buf[1..1 + INVERTED_PACKET.len()], &INVERTED_PACKET);
// A certain amount of time is allowed for the transaction to complete.
for _ in 0..3 {
if !conn_handled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
if !conn_handled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
panic!("connection was not handled properly");
// Check that the packet was received and decoded successfully.
let mut tc_queue = tc_receiver
.expect("locking tc queue failed");
assert_eq!(tc_queue.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(tc_queue.pop_front().unwrap(), &SIMPLE_PACKET);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use log::{info, warn};
use satrs_core::hal::host::udp_server::{ReceiveResult, UdpTcServer};
use satrs_core::hal::std::udp_server::{ReceiveResult, UdpTcServer};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, SendError, Sender, TryRecvError};
use std::thread;
@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ version = "1"
optional = true
version = "0.1.0-alpha.0"
# path = "../satrs-core"
# version = "0.1.0-alpha.0"
git = ""
rev = "35e1f7a983f6535c5571186e361fe101d4306b89"
path = "codegen"
@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ quote = "1"
proc-macro2 = "1"
version = "0.1.0-alpha.0"
# path = "../../satrs-core"
# version = "0.1.0-alpha.0"
git = ""
rev = "35e1f7a983f6535c5571186e361fe101d4306b89"
trybuild = { version = "1", features = ["diff"] }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user