more cleaning and restructuring
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ version= "0.5"
default-features = false
optional = true
version = "1"
optional = true
version = "1"
default-features = false
@ -82,7 +86,8 @@ std = [
alloc = [
@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ pub mod event;
pub mod event_man;
pub mod hk;
pub mod mode;
pub mod scheduler;
pub mod scheduler_srv;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub mod scheduling;
pub mod test;
pub mod verification;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
@ -133,40 +135,36 @@ mod alloc_mod {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub mod std_mod {
use crate::pool::{ShareablePoolProvider, SharedPool, StoreAddr, StoreError};
use crate::pus::verification::{
StdVerifReporterWithSender, TcStateAccepted, VerificationToken,
use crate::pus::{EcssSender, EcssTcSenderCore, EcssTmSenderCore};
use crate::tmtc::tm_helper::SharedTmStore;
use crate::SenderId;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use spacepackets::ecss::{PusError, SerializablePusPacket};
use spacepackets::tc::PusTc;
use spacepackets::time::cds::TimeProvider;
use spacepackets::time::{StdTimestampError, TimeWriter};
use spacepackets::tm::PusTm;
use std::sync::mpsc::SendError;
use std::string::String;
use std::sync::{mpsc, RwLockWriteGuard};
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum MpscPusInStoreSendError {
#[error("RwGuard lock error")]
#[error("Generic PUS error: {0}")]
PusError(#[from] PusError),
#[error("Generic store error: {0}")]
StoreError(#[from] StoreError),
#[error("Generic send error: {0}")]
SendError(#[from] mpsc::SendError<StoreAddr>),
#[error("RX handle has disconnected")]
impl From<PusError> for MpscPusInStoreSendError {
fn from(value: PusError) -> Self {
impl From<SendError<StoreAddr>> for MpscPusInStoreSendError {
fn from(value: SendError<StoreAddr>) -> Self {
impl From<StoreError> for MpscPusInStoreSendError {
fn from(value: StoreError) -> Self {
pub struct MpscTmtcInStoreSender {
id: SenderId,
@ -246,7 +244,7 @@ pub mod std_mod {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum MpscAsVecSenderError {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
@ -284,12 +282,127 @@ pub mod std_mod {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum GenericTcCheckError {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum PusPacketHandlingError {
#[error("Generic PUS error: {0}")]
PusError(#[from] PusError),
#[error("Wrong service number {0} for packet handler")]
#[error("Not enough application data available: {0}")]
#[error("Generic store error: {0}")]
StoreError(#[from] StoreError),
#[error("Error with the pool RwGuard")]
#[error("MQ backend disconnect error")]
#[error("Other error {0}")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum PartialPusHandlingError {
#[error("Generic timestamp generation error")]
#[error("Error sending telemetry: {0}")]
#[error("Error sending verification message")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PusPacketHandlerResult {
impl From<PartialPusHandlingError> for PusPacketHandlerResult {
fn from(value: PartialPusHandlingError) -> Self {
pub type AcceptedTc = (StoreAddr, VerificationToken<TcStateAccepted>);
pub struct PusServiceBase {
pub(crate) tc_rx: mpsc::Receiver<AcceptedTc>,
pub(crate) tc_store: SharedPool,
pub(crate) tm_tx: mpsc::Sender<StoreAddr>,
pub(crate) tm_store: SharedTmStore,
pub(crate) tm_apid: u16,
pub(crate) verification_handler: StdVerifReporterWithSender,
pub(crate) stamp_buf: [u8; 7],
pub(crate) pus_buf: [u8; 2048],
pus_size: usize,
impl PusServiceBase {
pub fn new(
receiver: mpsc::Receiver<AcceptedTc>,
tc_pool: SharedPool,
tm_tx: mpsc::Sender<StoreAddr>,
tm_store: SharedTmStore,
tm_apid: u16,
verification_handler: StdVerifReporterWithSender,
) -> Self {
Self {
tc_rx: receiver,
tc_store: tc_pool,
stamp_buf: [0; 7],
pus_buf: [0; 2048],
pus_size: 0,
pub fn update_stamp(&mut self) -> Result<(), PartialPusHandlingError> {
let time_provider =
if let Ok(time_provider) = time_provider {
time_provider.write_to_bytes(&mut self.stamp_buf).unwrap();
} else {
self.stamp_buf = [0; 7];
pub trait PusServiceHandler {
fn psb_mut(&mut self) -> &mut PusServiceBase;
fn psb(&self) -> &PusServiceBase;
fn verification_reporter(&mut self) -> &mut StdVerifReporterWithSender {
&mut self.psb_mut().verification_handler
fn tc_store(&mut self) -> &mut SharedPool {
&mut self.psb_mut().tc_store
fn pus_tc_buf(&self) -> (&[u8], usize) {
(&self.psb().pus_buf, self.psb().pus_size)
fn handle_one_tc(
&mut self,
addr: StoreAddr,
token: VerificationToken<TcStateAccepted>,
) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError>;
fn handle_next_packet(&mut self) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError> {
return match self.psb().tc_rx.try_recv() {
Ok((addr, token)) => self.handle_one_tc(addr, token),
Err(e) => match e {
mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty => Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::Empty),
mpsc::TryRecvError::Disconnected => {
pub(crate) fn source_buffer_large_enough(cap: usize, len: usize) -> Result<(), EcssTmtcError> {
@ -2,25 +2,24 @@
//! The core data structure of this module is the [PusScheduler]. This structure can be used
//! to perform the scheduling of telecommands like specified in the ECSS standard.
use crate::pool::{PoolProvider, StoreAddr, StoreError};
use alloc::collections::btree_map::{Entry, Range};
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use crate::pool::{StoreAddr, StoreError};
use core::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter};
use core::time::Duration;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use spacepackets::ecss::scheduling::TimeWindowType;
use spacepackets::ecss::{PusError, PusPacket};
use spacepackets::ecss::PusError;
use spacepackets::tc::{GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader, PusTc};
use spacepackets::time::cds::DaysLen24Bits;
use spacepackets::time::{cds, CcsdsTimeProvider, TimeReader, TimestampError, UnixTimestamp};
use spacepackets::time::{CcsdsTimeProvider, TimestampError, UnixTimestamp};
use spacepackets::CcsdsPacket;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::error::Error;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::time::SystemTimeError;
//#[cfg(feature = "std")]
//pub use std_mod::*;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use alloc_mod::*;
/// This is the request ID as specified in ECSS-E-ST-70-41C of the standard.
@ -171,35 +170,6 @@ impl TcInfo {
/// This is the core data structure for scheduling PUS telecommands with [alloc] support.
/// It is assumed that the actual telecommand data is stored in a separate TC pool offering
/// a [crate::pool::PoolProvider] API. This data structure just tracks the store addresses and their
/// release times and offers a convenient API to insert and release telecommands and perform
/// other functionality specified by the ECSS standard in section 6.11. The time is tracked
/// as a [spacepackets::time::UnixTimestamp] but the only requirement to the timekeeping of
/// the user is that it is convertible to that timestamp.
/// The standard also specifies that the PUS scheduler can be enabled and disabled.
/// A disabled scheduler should still delete commands where the execution time has been reached
/// but should not release them to be executed.
/// The implementation uses an ordered map internally with the release timestamp being the key.
/// This allows efficient time based insertions and extractions which should be the primary use-case
/// for a time-based command scheduler.
/// There is no way to avoid duplicate [RequestId]s during insertion, which can occur even if the
/// user always correctly increment for sequence counter due to overflows. To avoid this issue,
/// it can make sense to split up telecommand groups by the APID to avoid overflows.
/// Currently, sub-schedules and groups are not supported.
pub struct PusScheduler {
tc_map: BTreeMap<UnixTimestamp, Vec<TcInfo>>,
current_time: UnixTimestamp,
time_margin: Duration,
enabled: bool,
enum DeletionResult {
WithStoreDeletion(Result<bool, StoreError>),
@ -259,360 +229,410 @@ impl<TimeProvider: CcsdsTimeProvider + Clone> TimeWindow<TimeProvider> {
impl PusScheduler {
/// Create a new PUS scheduler.
/// # Arguments
/// * `init_current_time` - The time to initialize the scheduler with.
/// * `time_margin` - This time margin is used when inserting new telecommands into the
/// schedule. If the release time of a new telecommand is earlier than the time margin
/// added to the current time, it will not be inserted into the schedule.
pub fn new(init_current_time: UnixTimestamp, time_margin: Duration) -> Self {
PusScheduler {
tc_map: Default::default(),
current_time: init_current_time,
enabled: true,
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub mod alloc_mod {
use crate::pool::{PoolProvider, StoreAddr, StoreError};
use crate::pus::scheduler::{DeletionResult, RequestId, ScheduleError, TcInfo, TimeWindow};
use alloc::collections::btree_map::{Entry, Range};
use alloc::collections::BTreeMap;
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::time::Duration;
use spacepackets::ecss::scheduling::TimeWindowType;
use spacepackets::ecss::PusPacket;
use spacepackets::tc::PusTc;
use spacepackets::time::cds::DaysLen24Bits;
use spacepackets::time::{cds, CcsdsTimeProvider, TimeReader, UnixTimestamp};
/// Like [Self::new], but sets the `init_current_time` parameter to the current system time.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))]
pub fn new_with_current_init_time(time_margin: Duration) -> Result<Self, SystemTimeError> {
Ok(Self::new(UnixTimestamp::from_now()?, time_margin))
pub fn num_scheduled_telecommands(&self) -> u64 {
let mut num_entries = 0;
for entries in &self.tc_map {
num_entries += entries.1.len() as u64;
pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {
pub fn enable(&mut self) {
self.enabled = true;
use std::time::SystemTimeError;
/// This is the core data structure for scheduling PUS telecommands with [alloc] support.
/// It is assumed that the actual telecommand data is stored in a separate TC pool offering
/// a [crate::pool::PoolProvider] API. This data structure just tracks the store addresses and their
/// release times and offers a convenient API to insert and release telecommands and perform
/// other functionality specified by the ECSS standard in section 6.11. The time is tracked
/// as a [spacepackets::time::UnixTimestamp] but the only requirement to the timekeeping of
/// the user is that it is convertible to that timestamp.
/// The standard also specifies that the PUS scheduler can be enabled and disabled.
/// A disabled scheduler should still delete commands where the execution time has been reached
/// but should not release them to be executed.
pub fn disable(&mut self) {
self.enabled = false;
/// This will disable the scheduler and clear the schedule as specified in
/// Be careful with this command as it will delete all the commands in the schedule.
/// The holding store for the telecommands needs to be passed so all the stored telecommands
/// can be deleted to avoid a memory leak. If at last one deletion operation fails, the error
/// will be returned but the method will still try to delete all the commands in the schedule.
pub fn reset(&mut self, store: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized)) -> Result<(), StoreError> {
self.enabled = false;
let mut deletion_ok = Ok(());
for tc_lists in &mut self.tc_map {
for tc in tc_lists.1 {
let res = store.delete(tc.addr);
if res.is_err() {
deletion_ok = res;
pub fn update_time(&mut self, current_time: UnixTimestamp) {
self.current_time = current_time;
pub fn current_time(&self) -> &UnixTimestamp {
/// Insert a telecommand which was already unwrapped from the outer Service 11 packet and stored
/// inside the telecommand packet pool.
pub fn insert_unwrapped_and_stored_tc(
&mut self,
time_stamp: UnixTimestamp,
info: TcInfo,
) -> Result<(), ScheduleError> {
if time_stamp < self.current_time + self.time_margin {
return Err(ScheduleError::ReleaseTimeInTimeMargin(
match self.tc_map.entry(time_stamp) {
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
Entry::Occupied(mut v) => {
/// Insert a telecommand which was already unwrapped from the outer Service 11 packet but still
/// needs to be stored inside the telecommand pool.
pub fn insert_unwrapped_tc(
&mut self,
time_stamp: UnixTimestamp,
tc: &[u8],
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<TcInfo, ScheduleError> {
let check_tc = PusTc::from_bytes(tc)?;
if PusPacket::service(&check_tc.0) == 11 && PusPacket::subservice(&check_tc.0) == 4 {
return Err(ScheduleError::NestedScheduledTc);
let req_id = RequestId::from_tc(&check_tc.0);
match pool.add(tc) {
Ok(addr) => {
let info = TcInfo::new(addr, req_id);
self.insert_unwrapped_and_stored_tc(time_stamp, info)?;
Err(err) => Err(err.into()),
/// Insert a telecommand based on the fully wrapped time-tagged telecommand. The timestamp
/// provider needs to be supplied via a generic.
pub fn insert_wrapped_tc<TimeStamp: CcsdsTimeProvider + TimeReader>(
&mut self,
pus_tc: &PusTc,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<TcInfo, ScheduleError> {
if PusPacket::service(pus_tc) != 11 {
return Err(ScheduleError::WrongService);
if PusPacket::subservice(pus_tc) != 4 {
return Err(ScheduleError::WrongSubservice);
return if let Some(user_data) = pus_tc.user_data() {
let stamp: TimeStamp = TimeReader::from_bytes(user_data)?;
let unix_stamp = stamp.unix_stamp();
let stamp_len = stamp.len_as_bytes();
self.insert_unwrapped_tc(unix_stamp, &user_data[stamp_len..], pool)
} else {
/// Insert a telecommand based on the fully wrapped time-tagged telecommand using a CDS
/// short timestamp with 16-bit length of days field.
pub fn insert_wrapped_tc_cds_short(
&mut self,
pus_tc: &PusTc,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<TcInfo, ScheduleError> {
self.insert_wrapped_tc::<cds::TimeProvider>(pus_tc, pool)
/// Insert a telecommand based on the fully wrapped time-tagged telecommand using a CDS
/// long timestamp with a 24-bit length of days field.
pub fn insert_wrapped_tc_cds_long(
&mut self,
pus_tc: &PusTc,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<TcInfo, ScheduleError> {
self.insert_wrapped_tc::<cds::TimeProvider<DaysLen24Bits>>(pus_tc, pool)
/// This function uses [Self::retrieve_by_time_filter] to extract all scheduled commands inside
/// the time range and then deletes them from the provided store.
/// The implementation uses an ordered map internally with the release timestamp being the key.
/// This allows efficient time based insertions and extractions which should be the primary use-case
/// for a time-based command scheduler.
/// There is no way to avoid duplicate [RequestId]s during insertion, which can occur even if the
/// user always correctly increment for sequence counter due to overflows. To avoid this issue,
/// it can make sense to split up telecommand groups by the APID to avoid overflows.
/// Like specified in the documentation of [Self::retrieve_by_time_filter], the range extraction
/// for deletion is always inclusive.
/// This function returns the number of deleted commands on success. In case any deletion fails,
/// the last deletion will be supplied in addition to the number of deleted commands.
pub fn delete_by_time_filter<TimeProvider: CcsdsTimeProvider + Clone>(
&mut self,
time_window: TimeWindow<TimeProvider>,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<u64, (u64, StoreError)> {
let range = self.retrieve_by_time_filter(time_window);
let mut del_packets = 0;
let mut res_if_fails = None;
let mut keys_to_delete = Vec::new();
for time_bucket in range {
for tc in time_bucket.1 {
match pool.delete(tc.addr) {
Ok(_) => del_packets += 1,
Err(e) => res_if_fails = Some(e),
for key in keys_to_delete {
if let Some(err) = res_if_fails {
return Err((del_packets, err));
/// Currently, sub-schedules and groups are not supported.
pub struct PusScheduler {
tc_map: BTreeMap<UnixTimestamp, Vec<TcInfo>>,
pub(crate) current_time: UnixTimestamp,
time_margin: Duration,
enabled: bool,
/// Deletes all the scheduled commands. This also deletes the packets from the passed TC pool.
/// This function returns the number of deleted commands on success. In case any deletion fails,
/// the last deletion will be supplied in addition to the number of deleted commands.
pub fn delete_all(
&mut self,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<u64, (u64, StoreError)> {
self.delete_by_time_filter(TimeWindow::<cds::TimeProvider>::new_select_all(), pool)
/// Retrieve a range over all scheduled commands.
pub fn retrieve_all(&mut self) -> Range<'_, UnixTimestamp, Vec<TcInfo>> {
/// This retrieves scheduled telecommands which are inside the provided time window.
/// It should be noted that the ranged extraction is always inclusive. For example, a range
/// from 50 to 100 unix seconds would also include command scheduled at 100 unix seconds.
pub fn retrieve_by_time_filter<TimeProvider: CcsdsTimeProvider>(
&mut self,
time_window: TimeWindow<TimeProvider>,
) -> Range<'_, UnixTimestamp, Vec<TcInfo>> {
match time_window.time_window_type() {
TimeWindowType::SelectAll => self.tc_map.range(..),
TimeWindowType::TimeTagToTimeTag => {
// This should be guaranteed to be valid by library API, so unwrap is okay
let start_time = time_window.start_time().unwrap().unix_stamp();
let end_time = time_window.end_time().unwrap().unix_stamp();
TimeWindowType::FromTimeTag => {
// This should be guaranteed to be valid by library API, so unwrap is okay
let start_time = time_window.start_time().unwrap().unix_stamp();
TimeWindowType::ToTimeTag => {
// This should be guaranteed to be valid by library API, so unwrap is okay
let end_time = time_window.end_time().unwrap().unix_stamp();
impl PusScheduler {
/// Create a new PUS scheduler.
/// # Arguments
/// * `init_current_time` - The time to initialize the scheduler with.
/// * `time_margin` - This time margin is used when inserting new telecommands into the
/// schedule. If the release time of a new telecommand is earlier than the time margin
/// added to the current time, it will not be inserted into the schedule.
pub fn new(init_current_time: UnixTimestamp, time_margin: Duration) -> Self {
PusScheduler {
tc_map: Default::default(),
current_time: init_current_time,
enabled: true,
/// Deletes a scheduled command with the given request ID. Returns the store address if a
/// scheduled command was found in the map and deleted, and None otherwise.
/// Please note that this function will stop on the first telecommand with a request ID match.
/// In case of duplicate IDs (which should generally not happen), this function needs to be
/// called repeatedly.
pub fn delete_by_request_id(&mut self, req_id: &RequestId) -> Option<StoreAddr> {
if let DeletionResult::WithoutStoreDeletion(v) =
self.delete_by_request_id_internal(req_id, None::<&mut dyn PoolProvider>)
return v;
/// Like [Self::new], but sets the `init_current_time` parameter to the current system time.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))]
pub fn new_with_current_init_time(time_margin: Duration) -> Result<Self, SystemTimeError> {
Ok(Self::new(UnixTimestamp::from_now()?, time_margin))
panic!("unexpected deletion result");
/// This behaves like [Self::delete_by_request_id] but deletes the packet from the pool as well.
pub fn delete_by_request_id_and_from_pool(
&mut self,
req_id: &RequestId,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<bool, StoreError> {
if let DeletionResult::WithStoreDeletion(v) =
self.delete_by_request_id_internal(req_id, Some(pool))
return v;
panic!("unexpected deletion result");
fn delete_by_request_id_internal(
&mut self,
req_id: &RequestId,
pool: Option<&mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized)>,
) -> DeletionResult {
let mut idx_found = None;
for time_bucket in &mut self.tc_map {
for (idx, tc_info) in time_bucket.1.iter().enumerate() {
if &tc_info.request_id == req_id {
idx_found = Some(idx);
if let Some(idx) = idx_found {
let addr = time_bucket.1.remove(idx).addr;
if let Some(pool) = pool {
return match pool.delete(addr) {
Ok(_) => DeletionResult::WithStoreDeletion(Ok(true)),
Err(e) => DeletionResult::WithStoreDeletion(Err(e)),
return DeletionResult::WithoutStoreDeletion(Some(addr));
pub fn num_scheduled_telecommands(&self) -> u64 {
let mut num_entries = 0;
for entries in &self.tc_map {
num_entries += entries.1.len() as u64;
if pool.is_none() {
} else {
pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {
/// Retrieve all telecommands which should be release based on the current time.
pub fn telecommands_to_release(&self) -> Range<'_, UnixTimestamp, Vec<TcInfo>> {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))]
pub fn update_time_from_now(&mut self) -> Result<(), SystemTimeError> {
self.current_time = UnixTimestamp::from_now()?;
pub fn enable(&mut self) {
self.enabled = true;
/// Utility method which calls [Self::telecommands_to_release] and then calls a releaser
/// closure for each telecommand which should be released. This function will also delete
/// the telecommands from the holding store after calling the release closure, if the scheduler
/// is disabled.
/// # Arguments
/// * `releaser` - Closure where the first argument is whether the scheduler is enabled and
/// the second argument is the telecommand information also containing the store address.
/// This closure should return whether the command should be deleted if the scheduler is
/// disabled to prevent memory leaks.
/// * `store` - The holding store of the telecommands.
pub fn release_telecommands<R: FnMut(bool, &TcInfo) -> bool>(
&mut self,
mut releaser: R,
tc_store: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<u64, (u64, StoreError)> {
let tcs_to_release = self.telecommands_to_release();
let mut released_tcs = 0;
let mut store_error = Ok(());
for tc in tcs_to_release {
for info in tc.1 {
let should_delete = releaser(self.enabled, info);
released_tcs += 1;
if should_delete && !self.is_enabled() {
let res = tc_store.delete(info.addr);
/// A disabled scheduler should still delete commands where the execution time has been reached
/// but should not release them to be executed.
pub fn disable(&mut self) {
self.enabled = false;
/// This will disable the scheduler and clear the schedule as specified in
/// Be careful with this command as it will delete all the commands in the schedule.
/// The holding store for the telecommands needs to be passed so all the stored telecommands
/// can be deleted to avoid a memory leak. If at last one deletion operation fails, the error
/// will be returned but the method will still try to delete all the commands in the schedule.
pub fn reset(
&mut self,
store: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<(), StoreError> {
self.enabled = false;
let mut deletion_ok = Ok(());
for tc_lists in &mut self.tc_map {
for tc in tc_lists.1 {
let res = store.delete(tc.addr);
if res.is_err() {
store_error = res;
deletion_ok = res;
pub fn update_time(&mut self, current_time: UnixTimestamp) {
self.current_time = current_time;
pub fn current_time(&self) -> &UnixTimestamp {
/// Insert a telecommand which was already unwrapped from the outer Service 11 packet and stored
/// inside the telecommand packet pool.
pub fn insert_unwrapped_and_stored_tc(
&mut self,
time_stamp: UnixTimestamp,
info: TcInfo,
) -> Result<(), ScheduleError> {
if time_stamp < self.current_time + self.time_margin {
return Err(ScheduleError::ReleaseTimeInTimeMargin(
match self.tc_map.entry(time_stamp) {
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
Entry::Occupied(mut v) => {
/// Insert a telecommand which was already unwrapped from the outer Service 11 packet but still
/// needs to be stored inside the telecommand pool.
pub fn insert_unwrapped_tc(
&mut self,
time_stamp: UnixTimestamp,
tc: &[u8],
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<TcInfo, ScheduleError> {
let check_tc = PusTc::from_bytes(tc)?;
if PusPacket::service(&check_tc.0) == 11 && PusPacket::subservice(&check_tc.0) == 4 {
return Err(ScheduleError::NestedScheduledTc);
let req_id = RequestId::from_tc(&check_tc.0);
match pool.add(tc) {
Ok(addr) => {
let info = TcInfo::new(addr, req_id);
self.insert_unwrapped_and_stored_tc(time_stamp, info)?;
Err(err) => Err(err.into()),
/// Insert a telecommand based on the fully wrapped time-tagged telecommand. The timestamp
/// provider needs to be supplied via a generic.
pub fn insert_wrapped_tc<TimeStamp: CcsdsTimeProvider + TimeReader>(
&mut self,
pus_tc: &PusTc,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<TcInfo, ScheduleError> {
if PusPacket::service(pus_tc) != 11 {
return Err(ScheduleError::WrongService);
if PusPacket::subservice(pus_tc) != 4 {
return Err(ScheduleError::WrongSubservice);
return if let Some(user_data) = pus_tc.user_data() {
let stamp: TimeStamp = TimeReader::from_bytes(user_data)?;
let unix_stamp = stamp.unix_stamp();
let stamp_len = stamp.len_as_bytes();
self.insert_unwrapped_tc(unix_stamp, &user_data[stamp_len..], pool)
} else {
/// Insert a telecommand based on the fully wrapped time-tagged telecommand using a CDS
/// short timestamp with 16-bit length of days field.
pub fn insert_wrapped_tc_cds_short(
&mut self,
pus_tc: &PusTc,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<TcInfo, ScheduleError> {
self.insert_wrapped_tc::<cds::TimeProvider>(pus_tc, pool)
/// Insert a telecommand based on the fully wrapped time-tagged telecommand using a CDS
/// long timestamp with a 24-bit length of days field.
pub fn insert_wrapped_tc_cds_long(
&mut self,
pus_tc: &PusTc,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<TcInfo, ScheduleError> {
self.insert_wrapped_tc::<cds::TimeProvider<DaysLen24Bits>>(pus_tc, pool)
/// This function uses [Self::retrieve_by_time_filter] to extract all scheduled commands inside
/// the time range and then deletes them from the provided store.
/// Like specified in the documentation of [Self::retrieve_by_time_filter], the range extraction
/// for deletion is always inclusive.
/// This function returns the number of deleted commands on success. In case any deletion fails,
/// the last deletion will be supplied in addition to the number of deleted commands.
pub fn delete_by_time_filter<TimeProvider: CcsdsTimeProvider + Clone>(
&mut self,
time_window: TimeWindow<TimeProvider>,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<u64, (u64, StoreError)> {
let range = self.retrieve_by_time_filter(time_window);
let mut del_packets = 0;
let mut res_if_fails = None;
let mut keys_to_delete = Vec::new();
for time_bucket in range {
for tc in time_bucket.1 {
match pool.delete(tc.addr) {
Ok(_) => del_packets += 1,
Err(e) => res_if_fails = Some(e),
for key in keys_to_delete {
if let Some(err) = res_if_fails {
return Err((del_packets, err));
/// Deletes all the scheduled commands. This also deletes the packets from the passed TC pool.
/// This function returns the number of deleted commands on success. In case any deletion fails,
/// the last deletion will be supplied in addition to the number of deleted commands.
pub fn delete_all(
&mut self,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<u64, (u64, StoreError)> {
self.delete_by_time_filter(TimeWindow::<cds::TimeProvider>::new_select_all(), pool)
/// Retrieve a range over all scheduled commands.
pub fn retrieve_all(&mut self) -> Range<'_, UnixTimestamp, Vec<TcInfo>> {
/// This retrieves scheduled telecommands which are inside the provided time window.
/// It should be noted that the ranged extraction is always inclusive. For example, a range
/// from 50 to 100 unix seconds would also include command scheduled at 100 unix seconds.
pub fn retrieve_by_time_filter<TimeProvider: CcsdsTimeProvider>(
&mut self,
time_window: TimeWindow<TimeProvider>,
) -> Range<'_, UnixTimestamp, Vec<TcInfo>> {
match time_window.time_window_type() {
TimeWindowType::SelectAll => self.tc_map.range(..),
TimeWindowType::TimeTagToTimeTag => {
// This should be guaranteed to be valid by library API, so unwrap is okay
let start_time = time_window.start_time().unwrap().unix_stamp();
let end_time = time_window.end_time().unwrap().unix_stamp();
TimeWindowType::FromTimeTag => {
// This should be guaranteed to be valid by library API, so unwrap is okay
let start_time = time_window.start_time().unwrap().unix_stamp();
TimeWindowType::ToTimeTag => {
// This should be guaranteed to be valid by library API, so unwrap is okay
let end_time = time_window.end_time().unwrap().unix_stamp();
/// Deletes a scheduled command with the given request ID. Returns the store address if a
/// scheduled command was found in the map and deleted, and None otherwise.
/// Please note that this function will stop on the first telecommand with a request ID match.
/// In case of duplicate IDs (which should generally not happen), this function needs to be
/// called repeatedly.
pub fn delete_by_request_id(&mut self, req_id: &RequestId) -> Option<StoreAddr> {
if let DeletionResult::WithoutStoreDeletion(v) =
self.delete_by_request_id_internal(req_id, None::<&mut dyn PoolProvider>)
return v;
panic!("unexpected deletion result");
/// This behaves like [Self::delete_by_request_id] but deletes the packet from the pool as well.
pub fn delete_by_request_id_and_from_pool(
&mut self,
req_id: &RequestId,
pool: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<bool, StoreError> {
if let DeletionResult::WithStoreDeletion(v) =
self.delete_by_request_id_internal(req_id, Some(pool))
return v;
panic!("unexpected deletion result");
fn delete_by_request_id_internal(
&mut self,
req_id: &RequestId,
pool: Option<&mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized)>,
) -> DeletionResult {
let mut idx_found = None;
for time_bucket in &mut self.tc_map {
for (idx, tc_info) in time_bucket.1.iter().enumerate() {
if &tc_info.request_id == req_id {
idx_found = Some(idx);
if let Some(idx) = idx_found {
let addr = time_bucket.1.remove(idx).addr;
if let Some(pool) = pool {
return match pool.delete(addr) {
Ok(_) => DeletionResult::WithStoreDeletion(Ok(true)),
Err(e) => DeletionResult::WithStoreDeletion(Err(e)),
return DeletionResult::WithoutStoreDeletion(Some(addr));
if pool.is_none() {
} else {
/// Retrieve all telecommands which should be release based on the current time.
pub fn telecommands_to_release(&self) -> Range<'_, UnixTimestamp, Vec<TcInfo>> {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))]
pub fn update_time_from_now(&mut self) -> Result<(), SystemTimeError> {
self.current_time = UnixTimestamp::from_now()?;
/// Utility method which calls [Self::telecommands_to_release] and then calls a releaser
/// closure for each telecommand which should be released. This function will also delete
/// the telecommands from the holding store after calling the release closure, if the scheduler
/// is disabled.
/// # Arguments
/// * `releaser` - Closure where the first argument is whether the scheduler is enabled and
/// the second argument is the telecommand information also containing the store address.
/// This closure should return whether the command should be deleted if the scheduler is
/// disabled to prevent memory leaks.
/// * `store` - The holding store of the telecommands.
pub fn release_telecommands<R: FnMut(bool, &TcInfo) -> bool>(
&mut self,
mut releaser: R,
tc_store: &mut (impl PoolProvider + ?Sized),
) -> Result<u64, (u64, StoreError)> {
let tcs_to_release = self.telecommands_to_release();
let mut released_tcs = 0;
let mut store_error = Ok(());
for tc in tcs_to_release {
for info in tc.1 {
let should_delete = releaser(self.enabled, info);
released_tcs += 1;
if should_delete && !self.is_enabled() {
let res = tc_store.delete(info.addr);
if res.is_err() {
store_error = res;
self.tc_map.retain(|k, _| k > &self.current_time);
.map(|_| released_tcs)
.map_err(|e| (released_tcs, e))
self.tc_map.retain(|k, _| k > &self.current_time);
.map(|_| released_tcs)
.map_err(|e| (released_tcs, e))
@ -620,6 +640,7 @@ impl PusScheduler {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::pool::{LocalPool, PoolCfg, PoolProvider, StoreAddr, StoreError};
use alloc::collections::btree_map::Range;
use spacepackets::ecss::SerializablePusPacket;
use spacepackets::tc::{PusTc, PusTcSecondaryHeader};
use spacepackets::time::{cds, TimeWriter, UnixTimestamp};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
use crate::pool::{SharedPool, StoreAddr};
use crate::pus::scheduler::PusScheduler;
use crate::pus::verification::{StdVerifReporterWithSender, TcStateAccepted, VerificationToken};
use crate::pus::{
AcceptedTc, PartialPusHandlingError, PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError,
PusServiceBase, PusServiceHandler,
use crate::tmtc::tm_helper::SharedTmStore;
use spacepackets::ecss::{scheduling, PusPacket};
use spacepackets::tc::PusTc;
use spacepackets::time::cds::TimeProvider;
use spacepackets::time::TimeWriter;
use std::format;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
pub struct PusService11SchedHandler {
psb: PusServiceBase,
scheduler: PusScheduler,
impl PusService11SchedHandler {
pub fn new(
receiver: Receiver<AcceptedTc>,
tc_pool: SharedPool,
tm_tx: Sender<StoreAddr>,
tm_store: SharedTmStore,
tm_apid: u16,
verification_handler: StdVerifReporterWithSender,
scheduler: PusScheduler,
) -> Self {
Self {
psb: PusServiceBase::new(
impl PusServiceHandler for PusService11SchedHandler {
fn psb_mut(&mut self) -> &mut PusServiceBase {
&mut self.psb
fn psb(&self) -> &PusServiceBase {
fn handle_one_tc(
&mut self,
addr: StoreAddr,
token: VerificationToken<TcStateAccepted>,
) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError> {
// Keep locked section as short as possible.
let mut tc_pool = self
.map_err(|e| PusPacketHandlingError::RwGuardError(format!("{e}")))?;
let tc_guard = tc_pool.read_with_guard(addr);
let tc_raw =;
let (tc, _) = PusTc::from_bytes(&self.psb.pus_buf).unwrap();
let std_service = scheduling::Subservice::try_from(tc.subservice());
if std_service.is_err() {
return Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::CustomSubservice(token));
//let partial_error = self.psb.update_stamp().err();
let time_provider =
let partial_error = if let Ok(time_provider) = time_provider {
.write_to_bytes(&mut self.psb.stamp_buf)
} else {
self.psb.stamp_buf = [0; 7];
let partial_error = partial_error.err();
match std_service.unwrap() {
scheduling::Subservice::TcEnableScheduling => {
let start_token = self
.start_success(token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending start success");
if self.scheduler.is_enabled() {
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending completion success");
} else {
panic!("Failed to enable scheduler");
scheduling::Subservice::TcDisableScheduling => {
let start_token = self
.start_success(token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending start success");
if !self.scheduler.is_enabled() {
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending completion success");
} else {
panic!("Failed to disable scheduler");
scheduling::Subservice::TcResetScheduling => {
let start_token = self
.start_success(token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending start success");
let mut pool = self.psb.tc_store.write().expect("Locking pool failed");
.expect("Error resetting TC Pool");
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending completion success");
scheduling::Subservice::TcInsertActivity => {
let start_token = self
.start_success(token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("error sending start success");
let mut pool = self.psb.tc_store.write().expect("locking pool failed");
.insert_wrapped_tc::<TimeProvider>(&tc, pool.as_mut())
.expect("insertion of activity into pool failed");
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("sending completion success failed");
_ => {
return Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::CustomSubservice(token));
if let Some(partial_error) = partial_error {
return Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::RequestHandledPartialSuccess(
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
use crate::pool::{SharedPool, StoreAddr};
use crate::pus::verification::{StdVerifReporterWithSender, TcStateAccepted, VerificationToken};
use crate::pus::{
AcceptedTc, PartialPusHandlingError, PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError,
PusServiceBase, PusServiceHandler,
use crate::tmtc::tm_helper::SharedTmStore;
use spacepackets::ecss::PusPacket;
use spacepackets::tc::PusTc;
use spacepackets::tm::{PusTm, PusTmSecondaryHeader};
use spacepackets::SpHeader;
use std::format;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
pub struct PusService17TestHandler {
psb: PusServiceBase,
impl PusService17TestHandler {
pub fn new(
receiver: Receiver<AcceptedTc>,
tc_pool: SharedPool,
tm_tx: Sender<StoreAddr>,
tm_store: SharedTmStore,
tm_apid: u16,
verification_handler: StdVerifReporterWithSender,
) -> Self {
Self {
psb: PusServiceBase::new(
impl PusServiceHandler for PusService17TestHandler {
fn psb_mut(&mut self) -> &mut PusServiceBase {
&mut self.psb
fn psb(&self) -> &PusServiceBase {
fn handle_one_tc(
&mut self,
addr: StoreAddr,
token: VerificationToken<TcStateAccepted>,
) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError> {
// Keep locked section as short as possible.
let mut tc_pool = self
.map_err(|e| PusPacketHandlingError::RwGuardError(format!("{e}")))?;
let tc_guard = tc_pool.read_with_guard(addr);
let tc_raw =;
let (tc, _) = PusTc::from_bytes(&self.psb.pus_buf)?;
if tc.service() != 17 {
return Err(PusPacketHandlingError::WrongService(tc.service()));
if tc.subservice() == 1 {
let mut partial_error = self.psb.update_stamp().err();
let result = self
.start_success(token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.map_err(|_| PartialPusHandlingError::VerificationError);
let start_token = if let Ok(result) = result {
} else {
partial_error = Some(result.unwrap_err());
// Sequence count will be handled centrally in TM funnel.
let mut reply_header = SpHeader::tm_unseg(self.psb.tm_apid, 0, 0).unwrap();
let tc_header = PusTmSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 2, &self.psb.stamp_buf);
let ping_reply = PusTm::new(&mut reply_header, tc_header, None, true);
let addr = self.psb.tm_store.add_pus_tm(&ping_reply);
if let Err(e) = self
.map_err(|e| PartialPusHandlingError::TmSendError(format!("{e}")))
partial_error = Some(e);
if let Some(start_token) = start_token {
if self
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
partial_error = Some(PartialPusHandlingError::VerificationError)
if let Some(partial_error) = partial_error {
return Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::RequestHandledPartialSuccess(
return Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::RequestHandled);
@ -74,7 +74,6 @@
//! context involving multiple threads
use crate::pus::{
source_buffer_large_enough, EcssTmSenderCore, EcssTmtcError, EcssTmtcErrorWithSend,
use core::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter};
use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ use core::mem::size_of;
use delegate::delegate;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use spacepackets::ecss::{scheduling, EcssEnumeration, PusPacket, SerializablePusPacket};
use spacepackets::ecss::{EcssEnumeration, SerializablePusPacket};
use spacepackets::tc::PusTc;
use spacepackets::tm::{PusTm, PusTmSecondaryHeader};
use spacepackets::{CcsdsPacket, PacketId, PacketSequenceCtrl};
@ -1519,21 +1518,6 @@ mod stdmod {
pub fn pus_11_generic_tc_check(
pus_tc: &PusTc,
) -> Result<scheduling::Subservice, GenericTcCheckError> {
if pus_tc.user_data().is_none() {
return Err(GenericTcCheckError::NotEnoughAppData);
let subservice: scheduling::Subservice = match pus_tc.subservice().try_into() {
Ok(subservice) => subservice,
Err(_) => {
return Err(GenericTcCheckError::InvalidSubservice);
mod tests {
use crate::pool::{LocalPool, PoolCfg, SharedPool};
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use spacepackets::ecss::SerializablePusPacket;
use spacepackets::time::cds::TimeProvider;
use spacepackets::time::TimeWriter;
use spacepackets::tm::{PusTm, PusTmSecondaryHeader};
@ -76,17 +75,6 @@ impl PusTmWithCdsShortHelper {
self.create_pus_tm_common(service, subservice, source_data, seq_count)
pub fn create_pus_tm_with_stamp<'a>(
&'a mut self,
service: u8,
subservice: u8,
source_data: Option<&'a [u8]>,
timestamp: &'a [u8],
seq_count: u16,
) -> PusTm {
self.create_pus_tm_common(service, subservice, source_data, seq_count)
fn create_pus_tm_common<'a>(
&'a self,
service: u8,
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use log::{info, warn};
use crate::hk::AcsHkIds;
use crate::logging::setup_logger;
use crate::pus::test::{PusService17TestHandler, Service17CustomWrapper};
use crate::pus::test::Service17CustomWrapper;
use crate::pus::PusTcMpscRouter;
use crate::requests::{Request, RequestWithToken};
use crate::tmtc::{
@ -26,25 +26,25 @@ use satrs_core::pus::event_man::{
use satrs_core::pus::hk::Subservice as HkSubservice;
use satrs_core::pus::test::PusService17TestHandler;
use satrs_core::pus::verification::{
MpscVerifSender, VerificationReporterCfg, VerificationReporterWithSender,
use satrs_core::pus::MpscTmtcInStoreSender;
use satrs_core::seq_count::{SeqCountProviderSimple, SeqCountProviderSyncClonable};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::tc::{GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader, PusTc};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::{
tm::{PusTm, PusTmSecondaryHeader},
SequenceFlags, SpHeader,
use satrs_core::tmtc::tm_helper::{PusTmWithCdsShortHelper, SharedTmStore};
use satrs_core::tmtc::tm_helper::SharedTmStore;
use satrs_core::tmtc::AddressableId;
use satrs_example::{RequestTargetId, OBSW_SERVER_ADDR, SERVER_PORT, TEST_EVENT};
use satrs_example::{RequestTargetId, OBSW_SERVER_ADDR, SERVER_PORT};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr};
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, TryRecvError};
use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc, RwLock};
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ fn main() {
hk_service_receiver: pus_hk_tx,
action_service_receiver: pus_action_tx,
let mut pus17_handler = PusService17TestHandler::new(
let pus17_handler = PusService17TestHandler::new(
let mut srv_17_wrapper = Service17CustomWrapper {
@ -1,177 +1,26 @@
use crate::pus::test::PusService17TestHandler;
use crate::tmtc::MpscStoreAndSendError;
use satrs_core::events::EventU32;
use satrs_core::hk::{CollectionIntervalFactor, HkRequest};
use satrs_core::mode::{ModeAndSubmode, ModeRequest};
use satrs_core::objects::ObjectId;
use satrs_core::params::Params;
use satrs_core::pool::{PoolProvider, SharedPool, StoreAddr, StoreError};
use satrs_core::pus::event_man::{EventRequest, EventRequestWithToken};
use satrs_core::pus::hk;
use satrs_core::pus::mode::Subservice;
use satrs_core::pus::scheduling::PusScheduler;
use satrs_core::pus::verification::{
pus_11_generic_tc_check, FailParams, StdVerifReporterWithSender, TcStateAccepted, TcStateToken,
use satrs_core::pus::{event, EcssTcSenderCore, GenericTcCheckError, MpscTmtcInStoreSender};
use satrs_core::pus::{mode, EcssTcSender};
use satrs_core::res_code::ResultU16;
use satrs_core::seq_count::{SeqCountProviderSyncClonable, SequenceCountProviderCore};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::ecss::{scheduling, PusError, PusServiceId};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::time::{CcsdsTimeProvider, StdTimestampError, TimestampError};
use satrs_core::pool::StoreAddr;
use satrs_core::pus::verification::{FailParams, StdVerifReporterWithSender};
use satrs_core::pus::AcceptedTc;
use satrs_core::seq_count::SeqCountProviderSyncClonable;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::ecss::PusServiceId;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::tc::PusTc;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::time::cds::TimeProvider;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::time::TimeWriter;
use satrs_core::tmtc::tm_helper::{PusTmWithCdsShortHelper, SharedTmStore};
use satrs_core::tmtc::{AddressableId, PusServiceProvider, TargetId};
use satrs_core::{
spacepackets::ecss::PusPacket, spacepackets::tc::PusTc, spacepackets::time::cds::TimeProvider,
spacepackets::time::TimeWriter, spacepackets::SpHeader,
use satrs_example::{hk_err, tmtc_err, CustomPusServiceId, TEST_EVENT};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, SendError, Sender, TryRecvError};
use satrs_example::{tmtc_err, CustomPusServiceId};
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
pub mod scheduler;
pub mod test;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PusPacketHandlingError {
impl From<PusError> for PusPacketHandlingError {
fn from(value: PusError) -> Self {
impl From<StoreError> for PusPacketHandlingError {
fn from(value: StoreError) -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PartialPusHandlingError {
impl From<StdTimestampError> for PartialPusHandlingError {
fn from(value: StdTimestampError) -> Self {
impl From<TimestampError> for PartialPusHandlingError {
fn from(value: TimestampError) -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PusPacketHandlerResult {
pub struct PusServiceBase {
tc_rx: Receiver<AcceptedTc>,
tc_store: SharedPool,
tm_tx: Sender<StoreAddr>,
tm_store: SharedTmStore,
tm_apid: u16,
verification_handler: StdVerifReporterWithSender,
stamp_buf: [u8; 7],
pus_buf: [u8; 2048],
pus_size: usize,
impl PusServiceBase {
pub fn new(
receiver: Receiver<AcceptedTc>,
tc_pool: SharedPool,
tm_tx: Sender<StoreAddr>,
tm_store: SharedTmStore,
tm_apid: u16,
verification_handler: StdVerifReporterWithSender,
) -> Self {
Self {
tc_rx: receiver,
tc_store: tc_pool,
stamp_buf: [0; 7],
pus_buf: [0; 2048],
pus_size: 0,
pub fn handle_next_packet<
T: FnOnce(
) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError>,
&mut self,
handle_one_packet: T,
) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError> {
return match self.tc_rx.try_recv() {
Ok((addr, token)) => handle_one_packet(addr, token),
Err(e) => match e {
TryRecvError::Empty => Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::Empty),
TryRecvError::Disconnected => Err(PusPacketHandlingError::QueueDisconnected),
pub fn update_stamp(&mut self) -> Result<(), PartialPusHandlingError> {
let time_provider = TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days()
.map_err(|e| PartialPusHandlingError::TimeError(e));
return if time_provider.is_ok() {
// Can not fail, buffer is large enough.
.write_to_bytes(&mut self.stamp_buf)
} else {
self.stamp_buf = [0; 7];
// pub trait PusTcRouter {
// type Error;
// fn route_pus_tc(
// &mut self,
// apid: u16,
// service: u8,
// subservice: u8,
// tc: &PusTc,
// );
// }
pub enum PusTcWrapper<'tc> {
PusTc(&'tc PusTc<'tc>),
pub type AcceptedTc = (StoreAddr, VerificationToken<TcStateAccepted>);
pub struct PusTcMpscRouter {
pub test_service_receiver: Sender<AcceptedTc>,
pub event_service_receiver: Sender<AcceptedTc>,
@ -280,7 +129,6 @@ pub struct PusTcArgs {
//pub tc_source: PusTcSource,
/// Used to send events from within the TC router
pub event_sender: Sender<(EventU32, Option<Params>)>,
//pub scheduler: Rc<RefCell<PusScheduler>>,
struct TimeStampHelper {
@ -1,164 +1 @@
use crate::pus::test::PusServiceHandler;
use crate::pus::{
AcceptedTc, PartialPusHandlingError, PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError,
use delegate::delegate;
use satrs_core::pool::{SharedPool, StoreAddr};
use satrs_core::pus::scheduling::PusScheduler;
use satrs_core::pus::verification::{
pus_11_generic_tc_check, FailParams, StdVerifReporterWithSender, TcStateAccepted,
use satrs_core::pus::GenericTcCheckError;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::ecss::{scheduling, PusPacket};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::tc::PusTc;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::time::cds::TimeProvider;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::time::TimeWriter;
use satrs_core::tmtc::tm_helper::{PusTmWithCdsShortHelper, SharedTmStore};
use satrs_example::tmtc_err;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender, TryRecvError};
pub struct PusService11SchedHandler {
psb: PusServiceBase,
scheduler: PusScheduler,
impl PusService11SchedHandler {
pub fn new(
receiver: Receiver<AcceptedTc>,
tc_pool: SharedPool,
tm_tx: Sender<StoreAddr>,
tm_store: SharedTmStore,
tm_apid: u16,
verification_handler: StdVerifReporterWithSender,
scheduler: PusScheduler,
) -> Self {
Self {
psb: PusServiceBase::new(
pub fn handle_next_packet(&mut self) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError> {
return match self.psb.tc_rx.try_recv() {
Ok((addr, token)) => self.handle_one_tc(addr, token),
Err(e) => match e {
TryRecvError::Empty => Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::Empty),
TryRecvError::Disconnected => Err(PusPacketHandlingError::QueueDisconnected),
impl PusServiceHandler for PusService11SchedHandler {
fn psb(&mut self) -> &mut PusServiceBase {
&mut self.psb
fn handle_one_tc(
&mut self,
addr: StoreAddr,
token: VerificationToken<TcStateAccepted>,
) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError> {
let mut partial_result = self.psb.update_stamp().err();
// Keep locked section as short as possible.
let mut tc_pool = self
.map_err(|e| PusPacketHandlingError::RwGuardError(format!("{e}")))?;
let tc_guard = tc_pool.read_with_guard(addr);
let tc_raw =;
let (tc, tc_size) = PusTc::from_bytes(&self.psb.pus_buf).unwrap();
let std_service = scheduling::Subservice::try_from(tc.subservice());
if std_service.is_err() {
return Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::CustomSubservice(token));
match std_service.unwrap() {
scheduling::Subservice::TcEnableScheduling => {
let start_token = self
.start_success(token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending start success");
if self.scheduler.is_enabled() {
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending completion success");
} else {
panic!("Failed to enable scheduler");
scheduling::Subservice::TcDisableScheduling => {
let start_token = self
.start_success(token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending start success");
if !self.scheduler.is_enabled() {
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending completion success");
} else {
panic!("Failed to disable scheduler");
scheduling::Subservice::TcResetScheduling => {
let start_token = self
.start_success(token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending start success");
let mut pool = self.psb.tc_store.write().expect("Locking pool failed");
.expect("Error resetting TC Pool");
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending completion success");
scheduling::Subservice::TcInsertActivity => {
let start_token = self
.start_success(token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("error sending start success");
let mut pool = self.psb.tc_store.write().expect("locking pool failed");
.insert_wrapped_tc::<TimeProvider>(&tc, pool.as_mut())
.expect("insertion of activity into pool failed");
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.expect("sending completion success failed");
_ => {
return Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::CustomSubservice(token));
@ -1,28 +1,15 @@
use crate::pus::{
AcceptedTc, PartialPusHandlingError, PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError,
use delegate::delegate;
use log::{error, info, warn};
use log::{info, warn};
use satrs_core::events::EventU32;
use satrs_core::params::Params;
use satrs_core::pool::{SharedPool, StoreAddr, StoreError};
use satrs_core::pus::verification::{
FailParams, StdVerifReporterWithSender, TcStateAccepted, TcStateStarted,
VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken, VerificationToken,
use satrs_core::seq_count::{SeqCountProviderSyncClonable, SequenceCountProviderCore};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::ecss::{PusError, PusPacket};
use satrs_core::pus::test::PusService17TestHandler;
use satrs_core::pus::verification::FailParams;
use satrs_core::pus::{PusPacketHandlerResult, PusServiceHandler};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::ecss::PusPacket;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::tc::PusTc;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::time::cds::TimeProvider;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::time::{StdTimestampError, TimeWriter};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::tm::{PusTm, PusTmSecondaryHeader};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::SpHeader;
use satrs_core::tmtc::tm_helper::{PusTmWithCdsShortHelper, SharedTmStore};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::time::TimeWriter;
use satrs_example::{tmtc_err, TEST_EVENT};
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender, TryRecvError};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
pub struct Service17CustomWrapper {
pub pus17_handler: PusService17TestHandler,
@ -31,7 +18,6 @@ pub struct Service17CustomWrapper {
impl Service17CustomWrapper {
pub fn perform_operation(&mut self) -> bool {
let mut handled_pings = 0;
let res = self.pus17_handler.handle_next_packet();
if res.is_err() {
warn!("PUS17 handler failed with error {:?}", res.unwrap_err());
@ -41,18 +27,16 @@ impl Service17CustomWrapper {
PusPacketHandlerResult::RequestHandled => {
info!("Received PUS ping command TC[17,1]");
info!("Sent ping reply PUS TM[17,2]");
handled_pings += 1;
PusPacketHandlerResult::RequestHandledPartialSuccess(partial_err) => {
"Handled PUS ping command with partial success: {:?}",
handled_pings += 1;
PusPacketHandlerResult::CustomSubservice(token) => {
let (buf, _) = self.pus17_handler.pus_tc_buf();
let (tc, size) = PusTc::from_bytes(buf).unwrap();
let (tc, _) = PusTc::from_bytes(buf).unwrap();
let time_stamper = TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days().unwrap();
let mut stamp_buf: [u8; 7] = [0; 7];
time_stamper.write_to_bytes(&mut stamp_buf).unwrap();
@ -63,17 +47,17 @@ impl Service17CustomWrapper {
.expect("Sending test event failed");
let start_token = self
.start_success(token, Some(&stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending start success");
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&stamp_buf))
.expect("Error sending completion success");
} else {
let fail_data = [tc.subservice()];
@ -92,128 +76,3 @@ impl Service17CustomWrapper {
pub trait PusServiceHandler {
fn psb(&mut self) -> &mut PusServiceBase;
fn handle_one_tc(
&mut self,
addr: StoreAddr,
token: VerificationToken<TcStateAccepted>,
) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError>;
fn handle_next_packet(&mut self) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError> {
return match self.psb().tc_rx.try_recv() {
Ok((addr, token)) => self.handle_one_tc(addr, token),
Err(e) => match e {
TryRecvError::Empty => Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::Empty),
TryRecvError::Disconnected => Err(PusPacketHandlingError::QueueDisconnected),
pub struct PusService17TestHandler {
psb: PusServiceBase,
impl PusService17TestHandler {
pub fn new(
receiver: Receiver<AcceptedTc>,
tc_pool: SharedPool,
tm_tx: Sender<StoreAddr>,
tm_store: SharedTmStore,
tm_apid: u16,
verification_handler: StdVerifReporterWithSender,
) -> Self {
Self {
psb: PusServiceBase::new(
pub fn verification_handler(&mut self) -> &mut StdVerifReporterWithSender {
&mut self.psb.verification_handler
pub fn pus_tc_buf(&self) -> (&[u8], usize) {
(&self.psb.pus_buf, self.psb.pus_size)
impl PusServiceHandler for PusService17TestHandler {
fn psb(&mut self) -> &mut PusServiceBase {
&mut self.psb
fn handle_one_tc(
&mut self,
addr: StoreAddr,
token: VerificationToken<TcStateAccepted>,
) -> Result<PusPacketHandlerResult, PusPacketHandlingError> {
let mut partial_result = None;
// Keep locked section as short as possible.
let mut tc_pool = self
.map_err(|e| PusPacketHandlingError::RwGuardError(format!("{e}")))?;
let tc_guard = tc_pool.read_with_guard(addr);
let tc_raw =;
let mut partial_error = None;
let (tc, tc_size) = PusTc::from_bytes(&self.psb.pus_buf)?;
if tc.service() != 17 {
return Err(PusPacketHandlingError::WrongService(tc.service()));
if tc.subservice() == 1 {
partial_result = self.psb.update_stamp().err();
let result = self
.start_success(token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
.map_err(|e| PartialPusHandlingError::VerificationError);
let start_token = if result.is_err() {
partial_error = Some(result.unwrap_err());
} else {
// Sequence count will be handled centrally in TM funnel.
let mut reply_header = SpHeader::tm_unseg(self.psb.tm_apid, 0, 0).unwrap();
let tc_header = PusTmSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 2, &self.psb.stamp_buf);
let ping_reply = PusTm::new(&mut reply_header, tc_header, None, true);
let addr = self.psb.tm_store.add_pus_tm(&ping_reply);
if let Err(e) = self
.map_err(|e| PartialPusHandlingError::TmSendError(format!("{e}")))
partial_error = Some(e);
if let Some(start_token) = start_token {
if self
.completion_success(start_token, Some(&self.psb.stamp_buf))
partial_error = Some(PartialPusHandlingError::VerificationError)
if partial_error.is_some() {
return Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::RequestHandledPartialSuccess(
return Ok(PusPacketHandlerResult::RequestHandled);
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, SendError, Sender, TryRecvError};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
@ -18,15 +17,14 @@ use crate::pus::{PusReceiver, PusTcArgs, PusTcMpscRouter, PusTmArgs};
use crate::requests::RequestWithToken;
use satrs_core::pool::{SharedPool, StoreAddr, StoreError};
use satrs_core::pus::event_man::EventRequestWithToken;
use satrs_core::pus::scheduling::{PusScheduler, TcInfo};
use satrs_core::pus::scheduler::{PusScheduler, TcInfo};
use satrs_core::pus::verification::StdVerifReporterWithSender;
use satrs_core::seq_count::SeqCountProviderSyncClonable;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::ecss::SerializablePusPacket;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::{ecss::PusPacket, tc::PusTc, tm::PusTm, SpHeader};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::ecss::{PusPacket, SerializablePusPacket};
use satrs_core::spacepackets::tc::PusTc;
use satrs_core::spacepackets::SpHeader;
use satrs_core::tmtc::tm_helper::SharedTmStore;
use satrs_core::tmtc::{
CcsdsDistributor, CcsdsError, PusServiceProvider, ReceivesCcsdsTc, ReceivesEcssPusTc,
use satrs_core::tmtc::{CcsdsDistributor, CcsdsError, ReceivesCcsdsTc, ReceivesEcssPusTc};
pub const PUS_APID: u16 = 0x02;
@ -162,7 +160,6 @@ pub fn core_tmtc_task(
let sched_clone = scheduler.clone();
let pus_tm_args = PusTmArgs {
tm_tx: tm_args.tm_sink_sender,
tm_store: tm_args.tm_store.clone(),
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ pub fn resultcode(
let item = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemConst);
// Generate additional generated info struct used for introspection.
let result_code_name = item.ident.clone();
let result_code_name = &item.ident;
let name_as_str = result_code_name.to_string();
let gen_struct_name = format_ident!("{}_EXT", result_code_name);
let info_str = info_str.map_or(String::from(""), |v| v.value());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user