Robin Mueller 0b189af249
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Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/head Build started...
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2023-07-14 12:58:14 +02:00

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This is the repository of the sat-rs framework. Its primary goal is to provide re-usable components
to write on-board software for remote systems like rovers or satellites. It is specifically written
for the special requirements for these systems.
A lot of the architecture and general design considerations are based on the
[FSFW]( C++ framework which has flight heritage
through the 2 missions [FLP](
and [EIVE](
# Overview
This project currently contains following crates:
* [`satrs-core`](
Core components of sat-rs.
* [`satrs-example`](
Example of a simple example on-board software using various sat-rs components which can be run
on a host computer or on any system with a standard runtime like a Raspberry Pi.
* [`satrs-mib`](
Components to build a mission information base from the on-board software directly.
* [`satrs-example-stm32f3-disco`](
Example of a simple example on-board software using sat-rs components on a bare-metal system
with constrained resources.
Each project has its own ``.
# Related projects
In addition to the crates in this repository, the sat-rs project also maintains other libraries.
* [`spacepackets`]( Basic ECSS and CCSDS
packet protocol implementations. This repository is re-exported in the