Some checks are pending
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/head Build started...
- Add new shared subcrate satrs-shared to split off some shared components not expected to change very often. - Renmame `satrs-core` to `satrs`. It is expected that sat-rs will remain the primary crate, so the core information is superfluous, and core also implies stability, which will not be the case for some time.
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191 lines
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//#[cfg(feature = "crossbeam")]
pub mod crossbeam_test {
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use satrs::pool::{PoolProvider, PoolProviderWithGuards, StaticMemoryPool, StaticPoolConfig};
use satrs::pus::verification::{
FailParams, RequestId, VerificationReporterCfg, VerificationReporterWithSender,
use satrs::pus::CrossbeamTmInStoreSender;
use satrs::tmtc::tm_helper::SharedTmPool;
use spacepackets::ecss::tc::{PusTcCreator, PusTcReader, PusTcSecondaryHeader};
use spacepackets::ecss::tm::PusTmReader;
use spacepackets::ecss::{EcssEnumU16, EcssEnumU8, PusPacket, WritablePusPacket};
use spacepackets::SpHeader;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
const TEST_APID: u16 = 0x03;
const FIXED_STAMP: [u8; 7] = [0; 7];
const PACKETS_SENT: u8 = 8;
/// This test also shows how the verification report could be used in a multi-threaded context,
/// wrapping it into an [Arc] and [Mutex] and then passing it to two threads.
/// - The first thread generates a acceptance, a start, two steps and one completion report
/// - The second generates an acceptance and start success report and a completion failure
/// - The third thread is the verification receiver. In the test case, it verifies the other two
/// threads have sent the correct expected verification reports
fn test_shared_reporter() {
// We use a synced sequence count provider here because both verification reporters have the
// the same APID. If they had distinct APIDs, the more correct approach would be to have
// each reporter have an own sequence count provider.
let cfg = VerificationReporterCfg::new(TEST_APID, 1, 2, 8).unwrap();
// Shared pool object to store the verification PUS telemetry
let pool_cfg =
StaticPoolConfig::new(vec![(10, 32), (10, 64), (10, 128), (10, 1024)], false);
let shared_tm_pool = SharedTmPool::new(StaticMemoryPool::new(pool_cfg.clone()));
let shared_tc_pool_0 = Arc::new(RwLock::new(StaticMemoryPool::new(pool_cfg)));
let shared_tc_pool_1 = shared_tc_pool_0.clone();
let (tx, rx) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(10);
let sender =
CrossbeamTmInStoreSender::new(0, "verif_sender", shared_tm_pool.clone(), tx.clone());
let mut reporter_with_sender_0 =
VerificationReporterWithSender::new(&cfg, Box::new(sender));
let mut reporter_with_sender_1 = reporter_with_sender_0.clone();
// For test purposes, we retrieve the request ID from the TCs and pass them to the receiver
// tread.
let req_id_0;
let req_id_1;
let (tx_tc_0, rx_tc_0) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(3);
let (tx_tc_1, rx_tc_1) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(3);
let mut tc_guard = shared_tc_pool_0.write().unwrap();
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID, 0, 0).unwrap();
let tc_header = PusTcSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 1);
let pus_tc_0 = PusTcCreator::new_no_app_data(&mut sph, tc_header, true);
req_id_0 = RequestId::new(&pus_tc_0);
let addr = tc_guard
.free_element(pus_tc_0.len_written(), |buf| {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID, 1, 0).unwrap();
let tc_header = PusTcSecondaryHeader::new_simple(5, 1);
let pus_tc_1 = PusTcCreator::new_no_app_data(&mut sph, tc_header, true);
req_id_1 = RequestId::new(&pus_tc_1);
let addr = tc_guard
.free_element(pus_tc_0.len_written(), |buf| {
let verif_sender_0 = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut tc_buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
let tc_addr = rx_tc_0
.expect("Receive timeout");
let tc_len;
let mut tc_guard = shared_tc_pool_0.write().unwrap();
let pg = tc_guard.read_with_guard(tc_addr);
tc_len = tc_buf).unwrap();
let (_tc, _) = PusTcReader::new(&tc_buf[0..tc_len]).unwrap();
let token = reporter_with_sender_0.add_tc_with_req_id(req_id_0);
let accepted_token = reporter_with_sender_0
.acceptance_success(token, Some(&FIXED_STAMP))
.expect("Acceptance success failed");
// Do some start handling here
let started_token = reporter_with_sender_0
.start_success(accepted_token, Some(&FIXED_STAMP))
.expect("Start success failed");
// Do some step handling here
.step_success(&started_token, Some(&FIXED_STAMP), EcssEnumU8::new(0))
.expect("Start success failed");
// Finish up
.step_success(&started_token, Some(&FIXED_STAMP), EcssEnumU8::new(1))
.expect("Start success failed");
.completion_success(started_token, Some(&FIXED_STAMP))
.expect("Completion success failed");
let verif_sender_1 = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut tc_buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
let tc_addr = rx_tc_1
.expect("Receive timeout");
let tc_len;
let mut tc_guard = shared_tc_pool_1.write().unwrap();
let pg = tc_guard.read_with_guard(tc_addr);
tc_len = tc_buf).unwrap();
let (tc, _) = PusTcReader::new(&tc_buf[0..tc_len]).unwrap();
let token = reporter_with_sender_1.add_tc(&tc);
let accepted_token = reporter_with_sender_1
.acceptance_success(token, Some(&FIXED_STAMP))
.expect("Acceptance success failed");
let started_token = reporter_with_sender_1
.start_success(accepted_token, Some(&FIXED_STAMP))
.expect("Start success failed");
let fail_code = EcssEnumU16::new(2);
let params = FailParams::new(Some(&FIXED_STAMP), &fail_code, None);
.completion_failure(started_token, params)
.expect("Completion success failed");
let verif_receiver = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut packet_counter = 0;
let mut tm_buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
let mut verif_map = HashMap::new();
while packet_counter < PACKETS_SENT {
let verif_addr = rx
.expect("Packet reception timeout");
let tm_len;
let shared_tm_store = shared_tm_pool.clone_backing_pool();
let mut rg = shared_tm_store.write().expect("Error locking shared pool");
let store_guard = rg.read_with_guard(verif_addr);
tm_len = store_guard
.read(&mut tm_buf)
.expect("Error reading TM slice");
let (pus_tm, _) =
PusTmReader::new(&tm_buf[0..tm_len], 7).expect("Error reading verification TM");
let req_id =
.expect("reading request ID from PUS TM source data failed");
if !verif_map.contains_key(&req_id) {
let content = vec![pus_tm.subservice()];
verif_map.insert(req_id, content);
} else {
let content = verif_map.get_mut(&req_id).unwrap();
packet_counter += 1;
for (req_id, content) in verif_map {
if req_id == req_id_1 {
assert_eq!(content[0], 1);
assert_eq!(content[1], 3);
assert_eq!(content[2], 8);
} else if req_id == req_id_0 {
assert_eq!(content[0], 1);
assert_eq!(content[1], 3);
assert_eq!(content[2], 5);
assert_eq!(content[3], 5);
assert_eq!(content[4], 7);
} else {
panic!("Unexpected request ID {:?}", req_id);
verif_sender_0.join().expect("Joining thread 0 failed");
verif_sender_1.join().expect("Joining thread 1 failed");
verif_receiver.join().expect("Joining thread 2 failed");