Merge pull request 'More granular error handling' (#73) from more-granular-error-handling into main
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/head This commit looks good Details

Reviewed-on: #73
This commit is contained in:
Robin Müller 2024-03-25 14:18:37 +01:00
commit c1b32bca21
7 changed files with 162 additions and 125 deletions

View File

@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ to check all the API changes in the **Changed** chapter.
- `CcsdsTimeProvider::date_time` renamed to `CcsdsTimeProvider::chrono_date_time`.
- Added `UnixTime::MIN`, `UnixTime::MAX` and `UnixTime::EPOCH`.
- Added `UnixTime::timelib_date_time`.
- Error handling for ECSS and time module is more granular now, with a new
`DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError` error and a `DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch` enum variant for both
`CdsError` and `CucError`.
# [v0.11.0-rc.0] 2024-03-04

View File

@ -205,13 +205,12 @@ pub trait PusPacket: CcsdsPacket {
fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16>;
pub(crate) fn crc_from_raw_data(raw_data: &[u8]) -> Result<u16, PusError> {
pub(crate) fn crc_from_raw_data(raw_data: &[u8]) -> Result<u16, ByteConversionError> {
if raw_data.len() < 2 {
return Err(ByteConversionError::FromSliceTooSmall {
found: raw_data.len(),
expected: 2,
raw_data[raw_data.len() - 2..raw_data.len()]
@ -248,13 +247,12 @@ pub(crate) fn user_data_from_raw(
current_idx: usize,
total_len: usize,
slice: &[u8],
) -> Result<&[u8], PusError> {
) -> Result<&[u8], ByteConversionError> {
match current_idx {
_ if current_idx > total_len - 2 => Err(ByteConversionError::FromSliceTooSmall {
found: total_len - 2,
expected: current_idx,
_ => Ok(&slice[current_idx..total_len - 2]),

View File

@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTcCreator<'raw_data> {
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub fn append_to_vec(&self, vec: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
pub fn append_to_vec(&self, vec: &mut Vec<u8>) -> usize {
let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
let mut appended_len = PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA;
appended_len += self.app_data.len();
@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTcCreator<'raw_data> {
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
digest.update(&vec[start_idx..start_idx + appended_len - 2]);
@ -761,7 +761,8 @@ pub struct PusTcReader<'raw_data> {
impl<'raw_data> PusTcReader<'raw_data> {
/// Create a [PusTcReader] instance from a raw slice. On success, it returns a tuple containing
/// the instance and the found byte length of the packet.
/// the instance and the found byte length of the packet. This function also performs a CRC
/// check and will return an appropriate [PusError] if the check fails.
pub fn new(slice: &'raw_data [u8]) -> Result<(Self, usize), PusError> {
let raw_data_len = slice.len();
if raw_data_len < PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA {
@ -1008,9 +1009,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_vec_ser_deser() {
let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor();
let mut test_vec = Vec::new();
let size = pus_tc
.append_to_vec(&mut test_vec)
.expect("Error writing TC to vector");
let size = pus_tc.append_to_vec(&mut test_vec);
assert_eq!(size, 13);
@ -1056,9 +1055,7 @@ mod tests {
let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor_with_app_data(&[1, 2, 3]);
verify_test_tc(&pus_tc, true, 16);
let mut test_vec = Vec::new();
let size = pus_tc
.append_to_vec(&mut test_vec)
.expect("Error writing TC to vector");
let size = pus_tc.append_to_vec(&mut test_vec);
assert_eq!(test_vec[11], 1);
assert_eq!(test_vec[12], 2);
assert_eq!(test_vec[13], 3);

View File

@ -659,6 +659,37 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTmCreator<'raw_data> {
/// Write the raw PUS byte representation to a provided buffer.
pub fn write_to_bytes(&self, slice: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, ByteConversionError> {
let mut curr_idx = 0;
let total_size = self.len_written();
if total_size > slice.len() {
return Err(ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall {
found: slice.len(),
expected: total_size,
.write_to_be_bytes(&mut slice[0..CCSDS_HEADER_LEN])?;
curr_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
let sec_header_len = size_of::<zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp>();
let sec_header = zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
.write_to_bytes(&mut slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + sec_header_len])
curr_idx += sec_header_len;
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.sec_header.timestamp.len()]
curr_idx += self.sec_header.timestamp.len();
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.source_data.len()].copy_from_slice(self.source_data);
curr_idx += self.source_data.len();
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(&digest.finalize().to_be_bytes());
curr_idx += 2;
/// Append the raw PUS byte representation to a provided [alloc::vec::Vec]
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub fn append_to_vec(&self, vec: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
@ -687,34 +718,7 @@ impl WritablePusPacket for PusTmCreator<'_> {
/// Write the raw PUS byte representation to a provided buffer.
fn write_to_bytes(&self, slice: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
let mut curr_idx = 0;
let total_size = self.len_written();
if total_size > slice.len() {
return Err(ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall {
found: slice.len(),
expected: total_size,
.write_to_be_bytes(&mut slice[0..CCSDS_HEADER_LEN])?;
curr_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
let sec_header_len = size_of::<zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp>();
let sec_header = zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
.write_to_bytes(&mut slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + sec_header_len])
curr_idx += sec_header_len;
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.sec_header.timestamp.len()]
curr_idx += self.sec_header.timestamp.len();
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.source_data.len()].copy_from_slice(self.source_data);
curr_idx += self.source_data.len();
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(&digest.finalize().to_be_bytes());
curr_idx += 2;
Ok(Self::write_to_bytes(self, slice)?)
@ -786,6 +790,9 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTmReader<'raw_data> {
/// Create a [PusTmReader] instance from a raw slice. On success, it returns a tuple containing
/// the instance and the found byte length of the packet. The timestamp length needs to be
/// known beforehand.
/// This function will check the CRC-16 of the PUS packet and will return an appropriate
/// [PusError] if the check fails.
pub fn new(slice: &'raw_data [u8], timestamp_len: usize) -> Result<(Self, usize), PusError> {
let raw_data_len = slice.len();
@ -1258,18 +1265,11 @@ mod tests {
let res = pus_tm.write_to_bytes(&mut buf);
let error = res.unwrap_err();
assert!(matches!(error, PusError::ByteConversion { .. }));
match error {
PusError::ByteConversion(err) => match err {
ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall { found, expected } => {
assert_eq!(expected, 22);
assert_eq!(found, 16);
_ => panic!("Invalid PUS error {:?}", err),
_ => {
panic!("Invalid error {:?}", error);
if let ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall { found, expected } = error {
assert_eq!(expected, 22);
assert_eq!(found, 16);
} else {
panic!("Invalid error {:?}", error);

View File

@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ use core::any::Any;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use super::{
ccsds_to_unix_days, unix_to_ccsds_days, CcsdsTimeCode, CcsdsTimeProvider, TimeReader,
TimeWriter, TimestampError, UnixTime, MS_PER_DAY, SECONDS_PER_DAY,
ccsds_to_unix_days, unix_to_ccsds_days, CcsdsTimeCode, CcsdsTimeProvider,
DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError, TimeReader, TimeWriter, TimestampError, UnixTime, MS_PER_DAY,
/// Base value for the preamble field for a time field parser to determine the time field type.
@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ pub enum CdsError {
/// There are distinct constructors depending on the days field width detected in the preamble
/// field. This error will be returned if there is a missmatch.
impl Display for CdsError {
@ -113,12 +115,27 @@ impl Display for CdsError {
"wrong constructor for length of day {length_of_day:?} detected in preamble",
CdsError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(e) => write!(f, "date before CCSDS epoch: {e}"),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl Error for CdsError {}
impl Error for CdsError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
match self {
CdsError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(e) => Some(e),
_ => None,
impl From<DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError> for CdsError {
fn from(value: DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError) -> Self {
pub fn length_of_day_segment_from_pfield(pfield: u8) -> LengthOfDaySegment {
if (pfield >> 2) & 0b1 == 1 {
return LengthOfDaySegment::Long24Bits;
@ -226,11 +243,11 @@ impl ConversionFromUnix {
unix_seconds: i64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
precision: SubmillisPrecision,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError> {
let (unix_days, secs_of_day) = calc_unix_days_and_secs_of_day(unix_seconds);
let ccsds_days = unix_to_ccsds_days(unix_days);
if ccsds_days == 0 && (secs_of_day > 0 || subsec_nanos > 0) || ccsds_days < 0 {
return Err(TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(
return Err(DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError(
UnixTime::new_checked(unix_seconds, subsec_nanos)
.expect("unix timestamp creation failed"),
@ -318,19 +335,19 @@ fn calc_unix_days_and_secs_of_day(unix_seconds: i64) -> (i64, u32) {
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
impl ConversionFromChronoDatetime {
fn new(dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
fn new(dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>) -> Result<Self, DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError> {
Self::new_generic(dt, SubmillisPrecision::Absent)
fn new_with_submillis_us_prec(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError> {
Self::new_generic(dt, SubmillisPrecision::Microseconds)
fn new_with_submillis_ps_prec(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError> {
Self::new_generic(dt, SubmillisPrecision::Picoseconds)
@ -338,10 +355,10 @@ impl ConversionFromChronoDatetime {
fn new_generic(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
prec: SubmillisPrecision,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError> {
// The CDS timestamp does not support timestamps before the CCSDS epoch.
if dt.year() < 1958 {
return Err(TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(UnixTime::from(*dt)));
return Err(DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError(UnixTime::from(*dt)));
// The contained values in the conversion should be all positive now
let unix_conversion =
@ -676,7 +693,7 @@ impl<ProvidesDaysLen: ProvidesDaysLength> CdsTime<ProvidesDaysLen> {
fn from_dt_generic(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
days_len: LengthOfDaySegment,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
let conv_from_dt = ConversionFromChronoDatetime::new(dt)?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(days_len, conv_from_dt)
@ -685,7 +702,7 @@ impl<ProvidesDaysLen: ProvidesDaysLength> CdsTime<ProvidesDaysLen> {
fn from_dt_generic_us_prec(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
days_len: LengthOfDaySegment,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
let conv_from_dt = ConversionFromChronoDatetime::new_with_submillis_us_prec(dt)?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(days_len, conv_from_dt)
@ -694,7 +711,7 @@ impl<ProvidesDaysLen: ProvidesDaysLength> CdsTime<ProvidesDaysLen> {
fn from_dt_generic_ps_prec(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
days_len: LengthOfDaySegment,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
let conv_from_dt = ConversionFromChronoDatetime::new_with_submillis_ps_prec(dt)?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(days_len, conv_from_dt)
@ -703,7 +720,7 @@ impl<ProvidesDaysLen: ProvidesDaysLength> CdsTime<ProvidesDaysLen> {
unix_stamp: &UnixTime,
days_len: LengthOfDaySegment,
submillis_prec: SubmillisPrecision,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
let conv_from_dt =
ConversionFromUnix::new(unix_stamp.secs, unix_stamp.subsec_nanos, submillis_prec)?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(days_len, conv_from_dt)
@ -713,33 +730,31 @@ impl<ProvidesDaysLen: ProvidesDaysLength> CdsTime<ProvidesDaysLen> {
fn from_now_generic(days_len: LengthOfDaySegment) -> Result<Self, StdTimestampError> {
let conversion_from_now = ConversionFromNow::new()?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(days_len, conversion_from_now)
.map_err(|e| StdTimestampError::Timestamp(TimestampError::from(e)))
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn from_now_generic_us_prec(days_len: LengthOfDaySegment) -> Result<Self, StdTimestampError> {
let conversion_from_now = ConversionFromNow::new_with_submillis_us_prec()?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(days_len, conversion_from_now)
.map_err(|e| StdTimestampError::Timestamp(TimestampError::from(e)))
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn from_now_generic_ps_prec(days_len: LengthOfDaySegment) -> Result<Self, StdTimestampError> {
let conversion_from_now = ConversionFromNow::new_with_submillis_ps_prec()?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(days_len, conversion_from_now)
.map_err(|e| StdTimestampError::Timestamp(TimestampError::from(e)))
fn generic_from_conversion<C: CdsConverter>(
days_len: LengthOfDaySegment,
converter: C,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
let ccsds_days: ProvidesDaysLen::FieldType =
converter.ccsds_days_as_u32().try_into().map_err(|_| {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
let ccsds_days: ProvidesDaysLen::FieldType = converter
.map_err(|_| CdsError::InvalidCcsdsDays(converter.ccsds_days_as_u32().into()))?;
let mut provider = Self {
pfield: Self::generate_p_field(days_len, converter.submillis_precision()),
@ -815,13 +830,11 @@ impl CdsTime<DaysLen24Bits> {
/// ## Errors
/// This function will return [TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] or
/// [TimestampError::Cds] if the time is before the CCSDS epoch (1958-01-01T00:00:00+00:00)
/// or the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width (24 bits).
/// This function will return [CdsError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] if the time is before the CCSDS
/// epoch (1958-01-01T00:00:00+00:00) or the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width
/// (24 bits).
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
pub fn from_dt_with_u24_days(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
pub fn from_dt_with_u24_days(dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
Self::from_dt_generic(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Long24Bits)
@ -829,13 +842,13 @@ impl CdsTime<DaysLen24Bits> {
/// ## Errors
/// This function will return [TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] or
/// [TimestampError::Cds] if the time is before the CCSDS epoch (1958-01-01T00:00:00+00:00)
/// or the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width (24 bits).
/// This function will return [CdsError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] if the time is before the CCSDS
/// epoch (1958-01-01T00:00:00+00:00) or the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width
/// (24 bits).
pub fn from_unix_stamp_with_u24_days(
unix_stamp: &UnixTime,
submillis_prec: SubmillisPrecision,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
Self::from_unix_generic(unix_stamp, LengthOfDaySegment::Long24Bits, submillis_prec)
@ -843,7 +856,7 @@ impl CdsTime<DaysLen24Bits> {
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
pub fn from_dt_with_u24_days_us_precision(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
Self::from_dt_generic_us_prec(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Long24Bits)
@ -851,7 +864,7 @@ impl CdsTime<DaysLen24Bits> {
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
pub fn from_dt_with_u24_days_ps_precision(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
Self::from_dt_generic_ps_prec(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Long24Bits)
@ -903,13 +916,11 @@ impl CdsTime<DaysLen16Bits> {
/// Create a provider from a [`chrono::DateTime<Utc>`] struct.
/// This function will return a [TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] or a
/// [TimestampError::Cds] if the time is before the CCSDS epoch (01-01-1958 00:00:00) or
/// the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width (16 bits).
/// This function will return a [CdsError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] if the time is before the
/// CCSDS epoch (01-01-1958 00:00:00) or the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width
/// (16 bits).
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
pub fn from_dt_with_u16_days(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
pub fn from_dt_with_u16_days(dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
Self::from_dt_generic(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Short16Bits)
@ -923,13 +934,13 @@ impl CdsTime<DaysLen16Bits> {
/// ## Errors
/// This function will return [TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] or
/// [TimestampError::Cds] if the time is before the CCSDS epoch (1958-01-01T00:00:00+00:00)
/// or the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width (24 bits).
/// This function will return [CdsError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] if the time is before the CCSDS
/// epoch (1958-01-01T00:00:00+00:00) or the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width
/// (24 bits).
pub fn from_unix_stamp_with_u16_days(
unix_stamp: &UnixTime,
submillis_prec: SubmillisPrecision,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
Self::from_unix_generic(unix_stamp, LengthOfDaySegment::Short16Bits, submillis_prec)
@ -937,7 +948,7 @@ impl CdsTime<DaysLen16Bits> {
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
pub fn from_dt_with_u16_days_us_precision(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
Self::from_dt_generic_us_prec(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Short16Bits)
@ -945,7 +956,7 @@ impl CdsTime<DaysLen16Bits> {
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
pub fn from_dt_with_u16_days_ps_precision(
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CdsError> {
Self::from_dt_generic_ps_prec(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Short16Bits)
@ -1157,7 +1168,7 @@ impl AddAssign<Duration> for CdsTime<DaysLen24Bits> {
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
impl TryFrom<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>> for CdsTime<DaysLen16Bits> {
type Error = TimestampError;
type Error = CdsError;
fn try_from(dt: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let conversion = ConversionFromChronoDatetime::new(&dt)?;
@ -1167,8 +1178,7 @@ impl TryFrom<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>> for CdsTime<DaysLen16Bits> {
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
impl TryFrom<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>> for CdsTime<DaysLen24Bits> {
type Error = TimestampError;
type Error = CdsError;
fn try_from(dt: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let conversion = ConversionFromChronoDatetime::new(&dt)?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(LengthOfDaySegment::Long24Bits, conversion)
@ -1980,12 +1990,12 @@ mod tests {
panic!("creation should not succeed")
Err(e) => {
if let TimestampError::Cds(CdsError::InvalidCcsdsDays(days)) = e {
if let CdsError::InvalidCcsdsDays(days) = e {
unix_to_ccsds_days(invalid_unix_secs / SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64)
assert_eq!(e.to_string(), "cds error: invalid ccsds days 69919");
assert_eq!(e.to_string(), "invalid ccsds days 69919");
} else {
panic!("unexpected error {}", e)
@ -2007,8 +2017,8 @@ mod tests {
panic!("creation should not succeed")
Err(e) => {
if let TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(dt) = e {
let dt = dt.chrono_date_time();
if let CdsError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError(unix_dt)) = e {
let dt = unix_dt.chrono_date_time();
if let chrono::LocalResult::Single(dt) = dt {
assert_eq!(dt.year(), 1957);
assert_eq!(dt.month(), 12);
@ -2238,7 +2248,9 @@ mod tests {
let time_provider = CdsTime::from_dt_with_u24_days(&datetime_utc);
if let TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(dt) = time_provider.unwrap_err() {
if let CdsError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError(dt)) =
assert_eq!(dt, datetime_utc.into());

View File

@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ use crate::ByteConversionError;
use super::StdTimestampError;
use super::{
ccsds_epoch_to_unix_epoch, ccsds_time_code_from_p_field, unix_epoch_to_ccsds_epoch,
CcsdsTimeCode, CcsdsTimeProvider, TimeReader, TimeWriter, TimestampError, UnixTime,
CcsdsTimeCode, CcsdsTimeProvider, DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError, TimeReader, TimeWriter,
TimestampError, UnixTime,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::error::Error;
@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ pub enum CucError {
value: u64,
impl Display for CucError {
@ -136,12 +138,28 @@ impl Display for CucError {
CucError::LeapSecondCorrectionError => {
write!(f, "error while correcting for leap seconds")
CucError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(e) => {
write!(f, "date before ccsds epoch: {e}")
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl Error for CucError {}
impl Error for CucError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
match self {
CucError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(e) => Some(e),
_ => None,
impl From<DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError> for CucError {
fn from(e: DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError) -> Self {
/// Tuple object where the first value is the width of the counter and the second value
/// is the counter value.
@ -395,20 +413,19 @@ impl CucTime {
dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
res: FractionalResolution,
leap_seconds: u32,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CucError> {
// Year before CCSDS epoch is invalid.
if dt.year() < 1958 {
return Err(TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(UnixTime::from(*dt)));
return Err(DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError(UnixTime::from(*dt)).into());
let counter = dt
WidthCounterPair(4, counter as u32),
fractional_part_from_subsec_ns(res, dt.timestamp_subsec_nanos() as u64),
.map_err(|e| e.into())
/// Generates a CUC timestamp from a UNIX timestamp with a width of 4. This width is able
@ -417,11 +434,11 @@ impl CucTime {
unix_stamp: &UnixTime,
res: FractionalResolution,
leap_seconds: u32,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
) -> Result<Self, CucError> {
let counter = unix_epoch_to_ccsds_epoch(unix_stamp.secs);
// Negative CCSDS epoch is invalid.
if counter < 0 {
return Err(TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(*unix_stamp));
return Err(DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError(*unix_stamp).into());
// We already excluded negative values, so the conversion to u64 should always work.
let mut counter = u32::try_from(counter).map_err(|_| CucError::InvalidCounter {
@ -430,10 +447,10 @@ impl CucTime {
counter = counter
let fractions =
fractional_part_from_subsec_ns(res, unix_stamp.subsec_millis() as u64 * 10_u64.pow(6));
Self::new_generic(WidthCounterPair(4, counter as u32), fractions).map_err(|e| e.into())
Self::new_generic(WidthCounterPair(4, counter as u32), fractions)
/// Most generic constructor which allows full configurability for the counter and for the

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@ -63,6 +63,19 @@ pub fn ccsds_time_code_from_p_field(pfield: u8) -> Result<CcsdsTimeCode, u8> {
CcsdsTimeCode::try_from(raw_bits).map_err(|_| raw_bits)
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError(UnixTime);
impl Display for DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "date before ccsds epoch: {:?}", self.0)
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl Error for DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError {}
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
@ -71,7 +84,6 @@ pub enum TimestampError {
@ -93,9 +105,6 @@ impl Display for TimestampError {
TimestampError::ByteConversion(e) => {
write!(f, "time stamp: {e}")
TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(e) => {
write!(f, "datetime with date before ccsds epoch: {e:?}")
TimestampError::CustomEpochNotSupported => {
write!(f, "custom epochs are not supported")
@ -114,6 +123,7 @@ impl Error for TimestampError {
impl From<cds::CdsError> for TimestampError {
fn from(e: cds::CdsError) -> Self {