Refactor ECSS packet modules #16

muellerr merged 18 commits from refactoring-ecss-packet-mods into main 2023-07-11 22:26:27 +02:00
6 changed files with 1133 additions and 382 deletions

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@ -8,11 +8,28 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
# [unreleased]
# [v0.7.0]
## Changed
- `PusPacket` trait: `user_data` now returns `&[u8]` instead of `Option<&[u8]>`. Empty user data
can simply be an empty slice.
- Moved ECSS TC components from `tc` to ``.
- Moved ECSS TM components from `tm` to ``.
- Converted `PusTc` class to more specialized `PusTcCreator` and `PusTcReader`
classes. The old `PusTc` class is deprecated now.
- Converted `PusTm` class to more specialized `PusTmCreator` and `PusTmReader`
classes. The old `PusTm` class is deprecated now.
- Implement `Display` and `Error` for `StdTimestampError` properly.
- Remove some redundant `Error` suffixes for enum error variants.
## Added
- `source_data` and `app_data` API provided for PUS TM and PUS TC reader classes. These simply
call `user_data` but are also in line with the PUS packet standard names for those fields.
- Added new marker trait `IsPusTelemetry` implemented by `PusTmCreator` and `PusTmReader`.
- Added new marker trait `IsPusTelecommand` implemented by `PusTcCreator` and `PusTcReader`.
# [v0.6.0] 2023-07-06
## Added

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "spacepackets"
version = "0.6.0"
version = "0.7.0"
edition = "2021"
rust-version = "1.60"
authors = ["Robin Mueller <>"]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
//! Common definitions and helpers required to create PUS TMTC packets according to
//! [ECSS-E-ST-70-41C](
//! You can find the PUS telecommand definitions in the [crate::tc] module and ithe PUS telemetry definitions
//! inside the [crate::tm] module.
//! You can find the PUS telecommand definitions in the [tc] module and ithe PUS telemetry definitions
//! inside the [tm] module.
use crate::{ByteConversionError, CcsdsPacket, CRC_CCITT_FALSE};
use core::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter};
use core::mem::size_of;
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ use std::error::Error;
pub mod event;
pub mod hk;
pub mod scheduling;
pub mod tc;
pub mod tm;
pub mod verification;
pub type CrcType = u16;
@ -204,8 +206,7 @@ pub trait PusPacket: CcsdsPacket {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn user_data(&self) -> Option<&[u8]>;
fn user_data(&self) -> &[u8];
fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16>;
@ -249,11 +250,10 @@ pub(crate) fn user_data_from_raw(
total_len: usize,
raw_data_len: usize,
slice: &[u8],
) -> Result<Option<&[u8]>, PusError> {
) -> Result<&[u8], PusError> {
match current_idx {
_ if current_idx == total_len - 2 => Ok(None),
_ if current_idx > total_len - 2 => Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len)),
_ => Ok(Some(&slice[current_idx..total_len - 2])),
_ => Ok(&slice[current_idx..total_len - 2]),

View File

@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
//! ```rust
//! use spacepackets::{CcsdsPacket, SpHeader};
//! use spacepackets::tc::{PusTc, PusTcSecondaryHeader};
//! use spacepackets::ecss::{PusPacket, SerializablePusPacket};
//! use spacepackets::ecss::tc::{PusTcCreator, PusTcReader, PusTcSecondaryHeader};
//! // Create a ping telecommand with no user application data
//! let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x02, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
//! let tc_header = PusTcSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 1);
//! let pus_tc = PusTc::new(&mut sph, tc_header, None, true);
//! let pus_tc = PusTcCreator::new(&mut sph, tc_header, None, true);
//! println!("{:?}", pus_tc);
//! assert_eq!(pus_tc.service(), 17);
//! assert_eq!(pus_tc.subservice(), 1);
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@
//! println!("{:?}", &test_buf[0..size]);
//! // Deserialize from the raw byte representation
//! let pus_tc_deserialized = PusTc::from_bytes(&test_buf).expect("Deserialization failed");
//! let pus_tc_deserialized = PusTcReader::new(&test_buf).expect("Deserialization failed");
//! assert_eq!(pus_tc.service(), 17);
//! assert_eq!(pus_tc.subservice(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(pus_tc.apid(), 0x02);
//! ```
use crate::ecss::{
ccsds_impl, crc_from_raw_data, crc_procedure, sp_header_impls, user_data_from_raw,
ccsds_impl, crc_from_raw_data, sp_header_impls, user_data_from_raw,
verify_crc16_ccitt_false_from_raw_to_pus_error, CrcType, PusError, PusPacket, PusVersion,
@ -49,12 +49,17 @@ use zerocopy::AsBytes;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
pub use legacy_tc::*;
/// PUS C secondary header length is fixed
pub const PUC_TC_SECONDARY_HEADER_LEN: usize = size_of::<zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader>();
pub const PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA: usize =
const PUS_VERSION: PusVersion = PusVersion::PusC;
/// Marker trait for PUS telecommand structures.
pub trait IsPusTelecommand {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum AckOpts {
Acceptance = 0b1000,
@ -77,8 +82,8 @@ pub trait GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader {
pub mod zc {
use crate::ecss::tc::GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader;
use crate::ecss::{PusError, PusVersion};
use crate::tc::GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader;
use zerocopy::{AsBytes, FromBytes, NetworkEndian, Unaligned, U16};
#[derive(FromBytes, AsBytes, Unaligned)]
@ -90,9 +95,9 @@ pub mod zc {
source_id: U16<NetworkEndian>,
impl TryFrom<crate::tc::PusTcSecondaryHeader> for PusTcSecondaryHeader {
impl TryFrom<crate::ecss::tc::PusTcSecondaryHeader> for PusTcSecondaryHeader {
type Error = PusError;
fn try_from(value: crate::tc::PusTcSecondaryHeader) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
fn try_from(value: crate::ecss::tc::PusTcSecondaryHeader) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if value.version != PusVersion::PusC {
return Err(PusError::VersionNotSupported(value.version));
@ -206,35 +211,344 @@ impl PusTcSecondaryHeader {
/// This class models the PUS C telecommand packet. It is the primary data structure to generate the
/// raw byte representation of a PUS telecommand or to deserialize from one from raw bytes.
pub mod legacy_tc {
use crate::ecss::tc::{
zc, GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader, IsPusTelecommand, PusTcSecondaryHeader, ACK_ALL,
use crate::ecss::{
ccsds_impl, crc_from_raw_data, crc_procedure, sp_header_impls,
verify_crc16_ccitt_false_from_raw_to_pus_error, PusError, PusPacket, SerializablePusPacket,
use crate::ecss::{user_data_from_raw, PusVersion};
use crate::SequenceFlags;
use crate::{
ByteConversionError, CcsdsPacket, PacketType, SizeMissmatch, SpHeader, CRC_CCITT_FALSE,
use core::mem::size_of;
use delegate::delegate;
use zerocopy::AsBytes;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// This class models the PUS C telecommand packet. It is the primary data structure to generate the
/// raw byte representation of a PUS telecommand or to deserialize from one from raw bytes.
/// This class also derives the [serde::Serialize] and [serde::Deserialize] trait if the
/// [serde] feature is used, which allows to send around TC packets in a raw byte format using a
/// serde provider like [postcard](
/// There is no spare bytes support yet.
/// # Lifetimes
/// * `'raw_data` - If the TC is not constructed from a raw slice, this will be the life time of
/// a buffer where the user provided application data will be serialized into. If it
/// is, this is the lifetime of the raw byte slice it is constructed from.
#[derive(Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct PusTc<'raw_data> {
sp_header: SpHeader,
pub sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader,
/// If this is set to false, a manual call to [PusTc::calc_own_crc16] or
/// [PusTc::update_packet_fields] is necessary for the serialized or cached CRC16 to be valid.
pub calc_crc_on_serialization: bool,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
raw_data: Option<&'raw_data [u8]>,
app_data: &'raw_data [u8],
crc16: Option<u16>,
impl<'raw_data> PusTc<'raw_data> {
/// Generates a new struct instance.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sp_header` - Space packet header information. The correct packet type will be set
/// automatically
/// * `sec_header` - Information contained in the data field header, including the service
/// and subservice type
/// * `app_data` - Custom application data
/// * `set_ccsds_len` - Can be used to automatically update the CCSDS space packet data length
/// field. If this is not set to true, [PusTc::update_ccsds_data_len] can be called to set
/// the correct value to this field manually
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use specialized PusTcCreator or PusTcReader classes instead"
pub fn new(
sp_header: &mut SpHeader,
sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader,
app_data: Option<&'raw_data [u8]>,
set_ccsds_len: bool,
) -> Self {
let mut pus_tc = Self {
sp_header: *sp_header,
raw_data: None,
app_data: app_data.unwrap_or(&[]),
calc_crc_on_serialization: true,
crc16: None,
if set_ccsds_len {
/// Simplified version of the [PusTc::new] function which allows to only specify service and
/// subservice instead of the full PUS TC secondary header.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use specialized PusTcCreator or PusTcReader classes instead"
pub fn new_simple(
sph: &mut SpHeader,
service: u8,
subservice: u8,
app_data: Option<&'raw_data [u8]>,
set_ccsds_len: bool,
) -> Self {
PusTcSecondaryHeader::new(service, subservice, ACK_ALL, 0),
pub fn sp_header(&self) -> &SpHeader {
pub fn set_ack_field(&mut self, ack: u8) -> bool {
if ack > 0b1111 {
return false;
self.sec_header.ack = ack & 0b1111;
pub fn set_source_id(&mut self, source_id: u16) {
self.sec_header.source_id = source_id;
/// Calculate the CCSDS space packet data length field and sets it
/// This is called automatically if the `set_ccsds_len` argument in the [PusTc::new] call was
/// used.
/// If this was not done or the application data is set or changed after construction,
/// this function needs to be called to ensure that the data length field of the CCSDS header
/// is set correctly.
pub fn update_ccsds_data_len(&mut self) {
self.sp_header.data_len =
self.len_packed() as u16 - size_of::<crate::zc::SpHeader>() as u16 - 1;
/// This function should be called before the TC packet is serialized if
/// [PusTc::calc_crc_on_serialization] is set to False. It will calculate and cache the CRC16.
pub fn calc_own_crc16(&mut self) {
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
let pus_tc_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
if !self.app_data.is_empty() {
self.crc16 = Some(digest.finalize())
/// This helper function calls both [PusTc::update_ccsds_data_len] and [PusTc::calc_own_crc16].
pub fn update_packet_fields(&mut self) {
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]
pub fn append_to_vec(&self, vec: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
let appended_len = PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA + self.app_data.len();
let start_idx = vec.len();
let mut ser_len = 0;
ser_len += sph_zc.as_bytes().len();
// The PUS version is hardcoded to PUS C
let pus_tc_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
ser_len += pus_tc_header.as_bytes().len();
ser_len += self.app_data.len();
let crc16 = crc_procedure(
/// Create a [PusTc] instance from a raw slice. On success, it returns a tuple containing
/// the instance and the found byte length of the packet.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use specialized PusTcCreator or PusTcReader classes instead"
pub fn from_bytes(slice: &'raw_data [u8]) -> Result<(Self, usize), PusError> {
let raw_data_len = slice.len();
if raw_data_len < PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA {
return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len));
let mut current_idx = 0;
let (sp_header, _) = SpHeader::from_be_bytes(&slice[0..CCSDS_HEADER_LEN])?;
current_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
let total_len = sp_header.total_len();
if raw_data_len < total_len || total_len < PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA {
return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len));
let sec_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::from_bytes(
&slice[current_idx..current_idx + PUC_TC_SECONDARY_HEADER_LEN],
let raw_data = &slice[0..total_len];
let pus_tc = Self {
sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(sec_header).unwrap(),
raw_data: Some(raw_data),
app_data: user_data_from_raw(current_idx, total_len, raw_data_len, slice)?,
calc_crc_on_serialization: false,
crc16: Some(crc_from_raw_data(raw_data)?),
pus_tc.crc16.expect("CRC16 invalid"),
Ok((pus_tc, total_len))
#[deprecated(since = "0.5.2", note = "use raw_bytes() instead")]
pub fn raw(&self) -> Option<&'raw_data [u8]> {
/// If [Self] was constructed [Self::from_bytes], this function will return the slice it was
/// constructed from. Otherwise, [None] will be returned.
pub fn raw_bytes(&self) -> Option<&'raw_data [u8]> {
impl SerializablePusPacket for PusTc<'_> {
fn len_packed(&self) -> usize {
PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA + self.app_data.len()
/// Write the raw PUS byte representation to a provided buffer.
fn write_to_bytes(&self, slice: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
let mut curr_idx = 0;
let tc_header_len = size_of::<zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader>();
let total_size = self.len_packed();
if total_size > slice.len() {
return Err(ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall(SizeMissmatch {
found: slice.len(),
expected: total_size,
curr_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
let sec_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
.write_to_bytes(&mut slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + tc_header_len])
curr_idx += tc_header_len;
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.app_data.len()].copy_from_slice(self.app_data);
curr_idx += self.app_data.len();
let crc16 = crc_procedure(
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(crc16.to_be_bytes().as_slice());
curr_idx += 2;
impl PartialEq for PusTc<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.sp_header == other.sp_header
&& self.sec_header == other.sec_header
&& self.app_data == other.app_data
impl CcsdsPacket for PusTc<'_> {
impl PusPacket for PusTc<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn user_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16> {
impl GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader for PusTc<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn source_id(&self) -> u16;
fn ack_flags(&self) -> u8;
impl IsPusTelecommand for PusTc<'_> {}
/// This class can be used to create PUS C telecommand packet. It is the primary data structure to
/// generate the raw byte representation of a PUS telecommand.
/// This class also derives the [serde::Serialize] and [serde::Deserialize] trait if the
/// [serde] feature is used, which allows to send around TC packets in a raw byte format using a
/// serde provider like [postcard](
/// There is no spare bytes support yet.
/// # Lifetimes
/// * `'raw_data` - If the TC is not constructed from a raw slice, this will be the life time of
/// a buffer where the user provided application data will be serialized into. If it
/// is, this is the lifetime of the raw byte slice it is constructed from.
#[derive(Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct PusTc<'raw_data> {
pub struct PusTcCreator<'raw_data> {
sp_header: SpHeader,
pub sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader,
/// If this is set to false, a manual call to [PusTc::calc_own_crc16] or
/// [PusTc::update_packet_fields] is necessary for the serialized or cached CRC16 to be valid.
pub calc_crc_on_serialization: bool,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
raw_data: Option<&'raw_data [u8]>,
app_data: Option<&'raw_data [u8]>,
crc16: Option<u16>,
app_data: &'raw_data [u8],
impl<'raw_data> PusTc<'raw_data> {
impl<'raw_data> PusTcCreator<'raw_data> {
/// Generates a new struct instance.
/// # Arguments
@ -255,13 +569,10 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTc<'raw_data> {
) -> Self {
let mut pus_tc = PusTc {
let mut pus_tc = Self {
sp_header: *sp_header,
raw_data: None,
app_data: app_data.unwrap_or(&[]),
calc_crc_on_serialization: true,
crc16: None,
if set_ccsds_len {
@ -269,8 +580,8 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTc<'raw_data> {
/// Simplified version of the [PusTc::new] function which allows to only specify service and
/// subservice instead of the full PUS TC secondary header.
/// Simplified version of the [PusTcCreator::new] function which allows to only specify service
/// and subservice instead of the full PUS TC secondary header.
pub fn new_simple(
sph: &mut SpHeader,
service: u8,
@ -317,22 +628,14 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTc<'raw_data> {
/// This function should be called before the TC packet is serialized if
/// [PusTc::calc_crc_on_serialization] is set to False. It will calculate and cache the CRC16.
pub fn calc_own_crc16(&mut self) {
pub fn calc_own_crc16(&self) -> u16 {
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
let pus_tc_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
if let Some(app_data) = self.app_data {
self.crc16 = Some(digest.finalize())
/// This helper function calls both [PusTc::update_ccsds_data_len] and [PusTc::calc_own_crc16].
pub fn update_packet_fields(&mut self) {
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
@ -340,86 +643,23 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTc<'raw_data> {
pub fn append_to_vec(&self, vec: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
let mut appended_len = PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA;
if let Some(app_data) = self.app_data {
appended_len += app_data.len();
appended_len += self.app_data.len();
let start_idx = vec.len();
let mut ser_len = 0;
ser_len += sph_zc.as_bytes().len();
// The PUS version is hardcoded to PUS C
let pus_tc_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
ser_len += pus_tc_header.as_bytes().len();
if let Some(app_data) = self.app_data {
ser_len += app_data.len();
let crc16 = crc_procedure(
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
digest.update(&vec[start_idx..start_idx + appended_len - 2]);
/// Create a [PusTc] instance from a raw slice. On success, it returns a tuple containing
/// the instance and the found byte length of the packet.
pub fn from_bytes(slice: &'raw_data [u8]) -> Result<(Self, usize), PusError> {
let raw_data_len = slice.len();
if raw_data_len < PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA {
return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len));
let mut current_idx = 0;
let (sp_header, _) = SpHeader::from_be_bytes(&slice[0..CCSDS_HEADER_LEN])?;
current_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
let total_len = sp_header.total_len();
if raw_data_len < total_len || total_len < PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA {
return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len));
let sec_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::from_bytes(
&slice[current_idx..current_idx + PUC_TC_SECONDARY_HEADER_LEN],
let raw_data = &slice[0..total_len];
let pus_tc = PusTc {
sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(sec_header).unwrap(),
raw_data: Some(raw_data),
app_data: user_data_from_raw(current_idx, total_len, raw_data_len, slice)?,
calc_crc_on_serialization: false,
crc16: Some(crc_from_raw_data(raw_data)?),
pus_tc.crc16.expect("CRC16 invalid"),
Ok((pus_tc, total_len))
#[deprecated(since = "0.5.2", note = "use raw_bytes() instead")]
pub fn raw(&self) -> Option<&'raw_data [u8]> {
/// If [Self] was constructed [Self::from_bytes], this function will return the slice it was
/// constructed from. Otherwise, [None] will be returned.
pub fn raw_bytes(&self) -> Option<&'raw_data [u8]> {
impl SerializablePusPacket for PusTc<'_> {
impl SerializablePusPacket for PusTcCreator<'_> {
fn len_packed(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(app_data) = self.app_data {
length += app_data.len();
PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA + self.app_data.len()
/// Write the raw PUS byte representation to a provided buffer.
@ -442,55 +682,37 @@ impl SerializablePusPacket for PusTc<'_> {
curr_idx += tc_header_len;
if let Some(app_data) = self.app_data {
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + app_data.len()].copy_from_slice(app_data);
curr_idx += app_data.len();
let crc16 = crc_procedure(
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(crc16.to_be_bytes().as_slice());
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.app_data.len()].copy_from_slice(self.app_data);
curr_idx += self.app_data.len();
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(&digest.finalize().to_be_bytes());
curr_idx += 2;
impl PartialEq for PusTc<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.sp_header == other.sp_header
&& self.sec_header == other.sec_header
&& self.app_data == other.app_data
//noinspection RsTraitImplementation
impl CcsdsPacket for PusTc<'_> {
impl CcsdsPacket for PusTcCreator<'_> {
//noinspection RsTraitImplementation
impl PusPacket for PusTc<'_> {
impl PusPacket for PusTcCreator<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn user_data(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
fn user_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16> {
//noinspection RsTraitImplementation
impl GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader for PusTc<'_> {
impl GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader for PusTcCreator<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
@ -500,36 +722,163 @@ impl GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader for PusTc<'_> {
impl IsPusTelecommand for PusTcCreator<'_> {}
/// This class can be used to read a PUS TC telecommand from raw memory.
/// This class also derives the [serde::Serialize] and [serde::Deserialize] trait if the
/// [serde] feature is used, which allows to send around TC packets in a raw byte format using a
/// serde provider like [postcard](
/// There is no spare bytes support yet.
/// # Lifetimes
/// * `'raw_data` - Lifetime of the provided raw slice.
#[derive(Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct PusTcReader<'raw_data> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
raw_data: &'raw_data [u8],
sp_header: SpHeader,
sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader,
app_data: &'raw_data [u8],
crc16: u16,
impl<'raw_data> PusTcReader<'raw_data> {
/// Create a [PusTcReader] instance from a raw slice. On success, it returns a tuple containing
/// the instance and the found byte length of the packet.
pub fn new(slice: &'raw_data [u8]) -> Result<(Self, usize), PusError> {
let raw_data_len = slice.len();
if raw_data_len < PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA {
return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len));
let mut current_idx = 0;
let (sp_header, _) = SpHeader::from_be_bytes(&slice[0..CCSDS_HEADER_LEN])?;
current_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
let total_len = sp_header.total_len();
if raw_data_len < total_len || total_len < PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA {
return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len));
let sec_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::from_bytes(
&slice[current_idx..current_idx + PUC_TC_SECONDARY_HEADER_LEN],
let raw_data = &slice[0..total_len];
let pus_tc = Self {
sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(sec_header).unwrap(),
app_data: user_data_from_raw(current_idx, total_len, raw_data_len, slice)?,
crc16: crc_from_raw_data(raw_data)?,
verify_crc16_ccitt_false_from_raw_to_pus_error(raw_data, pus_tc.crc16)?;
Ok((pus_tc, total_len))
pub fn app_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn raw_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn len_packed(&self) -> usize {
pub fn sp_header(&self) -> &SpHeader {
impl PartialEq for PusTcReader<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.raw_data == other.raw_data
impl CcsdsPacket for PusTcReader<'_> {
impl PusPacket for PusTcReader<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn user_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16> {
impl GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader for PusTcReader<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn source_id(&self) -> u16;
fn ack_flags(&self) -> u8;
impl IsPusTelecommand for PusTcReader<'_> {}
impl PartialEq<PusTcCreator<'_>> for PusTcReader<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &PusTcCreator) -> bool {
self.sp_header == other.sp_header
&& self.sec_header == other.sec_header
&& self.app_data == other.app_data
impl PartialEq<PusTcReader<'_>> for PusTcCreator<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &PusTcReader) -> bool {
self.sp_header == other.sp_header
&& self.sec_header == other.sec_header
&& self.app_data == other.app_data
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "std"))]
mod tests {
use crate::ecss::tc::{
GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader, PusTcCreator, PusTcReader, PusTcSecondaryHeader, ACK_ALL,
use crate::ecss::PusVersion::PusC;
use crate::ecss::{PusError, PusPacket, SerializablePusPacket};
use crate::tc::ACK_ALL;
use crate::tc::{GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader, PusTc, PusTcSecondaryHeader};
use crate::{ByteConversionError, SpHeader};
use crate::{CcsdsPacket, SequenceFlags};
use alloc::vec::Vec;
fn base_ping_tc_full_ctor() -> PusTc<'static> {
fn base_ping_tc_full_ctor() -> PusTcCreator<'static> {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x02, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
let tc_header = PusTcSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 1);
PusTc::new(&mut sph, tc_header, None, true)
PusTcCreator::new(&mut sph, tc_header, None, true)
fn base_ping_tc_simple_ctor() -> PusTc<'static> {
fn base_ping_tc_simple_ctor() -> PusTcCreator<'static> {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x02, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
PusTc::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true)
PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true)
fn base_ping_tc_simple_ctor_with_app_data(app_data: &'static [u8]) -> PusTc<'static> {
fn base_ping_tc_simple_ctor_with_app_data(app_data: &'static [u8]) -> PusTcCreator<'static> {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x02, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
PusTc::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, Some(app_data), true)
PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, Some(app_data), true)
fn test_tc_fields() {
let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_full_ctor();
assert_eq!(pus_tc.crc16(), None);
verify_test_tc(&pus_tc, false, 13);
@ -552,10 +901,10 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Error writing TC to buffer");
assert_eq!(size, 13);
let (tc_from_raw, size) =
PusTc::from_bytes(&test_buf).expect("Creating PUS TC struct from raw buffer failed");
PusTcReader::new(&test_buf).expect("Creating PUS TC struct from raw buffer failed");
assert_eq!(size, 13);
verify_test_tc(&tc_from_raw, false, 13);
verify_test_tc_with_reader(&tc_from_raw, false, 13);
@ -563,10 +912,9 @@ mod tests {
fn test_update_func() {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x02, 0x34, 0).unwrap();
let mut tc = PusTc::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, false);
tc.calc_crc_on_serialization = false;
let mut tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, false);
assert_eq!(tc.data_len(), 0);
assert_eq!(tc.data_len(), 6);
@ -578,10 +926,10 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Error writing TC to buffer");
assert_eq!(size, 16);
let (tc_from_raw, size) =
PusTc::from_bytes(&test_buf).expect("Creating PUS TC struct from raw buffer failed");
PusTcReader::new(&test_buf).expect("Creating PUS TC struct from raw buffer failed");
assert_eq!(size, 16);
verify_test_tc(&tc_from_raw, true, 16);
let user_data = tc_from_raw.user_data().unwrap();
verify_test_tc_with_reader(&tc_from_raw, true, 16);
let user_data = tc_from_raw.user_data();
assert_eq!(user_data[0], 1);
assert_eq!(user_data[1], 2);
assert_eq!(user_data[2], 3);
@ -607,7 +955,7 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Error writing TC to buffer");
test_buf[12] = 0;
let res = PusTc::from_bytes(&test_buf);
let res = PusTcReader::new(&test_buf);
let err = res.unwrap_err();
assert!(matches!(err, PusError::IncorrectCrc { .. }));
@ -615,8 +963,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_manual_crc_calculation() {
let mut pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor();
pus_tc.calc_crc_on_serialization = false;
let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor();
let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
@ -626,17 +973,6 @@ mod tests {
fn test_manual_crc_calculation_no_calc_call() {
let mut pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor();
pus_tc.calc_crc_on_serialization = false;
let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let res = pus_tc.write_to_bytes(test_buf.as_mut_slice());
let err = res.unwrap_err();
assert!(matches!(err, PusError::CrcCalculationMissing { .. }));
fn test_with_application_data_vec() {
let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor_with_app_data(&[1, 2, 3]);
@ -712,24 +1048,37 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(test_buf[10], 0xff);
fn verify_test_tc(tc: &PusTc, has_user_data: bool, exp_full_len: usize) {
fn verify_test_tc(tc: &PusTcCreator, has_user_data: bool, exp_full_len: usize) {
if !has_user_data {
let mut comp_header = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x02, 0x34, exp_full_len as u16 - 7).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*tc.sp_header(), comp_header);
fn verify_test_tc_with_reader(tc: &PusTcReader, has_user_data: bool, exp_full_len: usize) {
if !has_user_data {
assert_eq!(tc.len_packed(), exp_full_len);
let mut comp_header = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x02, 0x34, exp_full_len as u16 - 7).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*tc.sp_header(), comp_header);
fn verify_test_tc_generic(tc: &(impl CcsdsPacket + PusPacket + GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader)) {
assert_eq!(PusPacket::service(tc), 17);
assert_eq!(PusPacket::subservice(tc), 1);
assert_eq!(PusPacket::pus_version(tc), PusC);
if !has_user_data {
assert_eq!(tc.user_data(), None);
assert_eq!(tc.seq_count(), 0x34);
assert_eq!(tc.source_id(), 0);
assert_eq!(tc.apid(), 0x02);
assert_eq!(tc.ack_flags(), ACK_ALL);
assert_eq!(tc.len_packed(), exp_full_len);
let mut comp_header = SpHeader::tc_unseg(0x02, 0x34, exp_full_len as u16 - 7).unwrap();
assert_eq!(tc.sp_header, comp_header);
fn verify_test_tc_raw(slice: &impl AsRef<[u8]>) {
// Reference comparison implementation:
@ -777,6 +1126,7 @@ mod tests {
let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor();
let mut buf = [0; 32];
pus_tc.write_to_bytes(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pus_tc, PusTc::from_bytes(&buf).unwrap().0);
assert_eq!(pus_tc, PusTcReader::new(&buf).unwrap().0);
assert_eq!(PusTcReader::new(&buf).unwrap().0, pus_tc);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
//! This module contains all components required to create a ECSS PUS C telemetry packets according
//! to [ECSS-E-ST-70-41C](
use crate::ecss::{
calc_pus_crc16, ccsds_impl, crc_from_raw_data, crc_procedure, sp_header_impls,
user_data_from_raw, verify_crc16_ccitt_false_from_raw_to_pus_error, CrcType, PusError,
PusPacket, PusVersion, SerializablePusPacket,
calc_pus_crc16, ccsds_impl, crc_from_raw_data, sp_header_impls, user_data_from_raw,
verify_crc16_ccitt_false_from_raw_to_pus_error, CrcType, PusError, PusPacket, PusVersion,
use crate::{
ByteConversionError, CcsdsPacket, PacketType, SequenceFlags, SizeMissmatch, SpHeader,
@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ use zerocopy::AsBytes;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use delegate::delegate;
use crate::time::{TimeWriter, TimestampError};
pub use legacy_tm::*;
pub trait IsPusTelemetry {}
/// Length without timestamp
pub const PUC_TM_MIN_SEC_HEADER_LEN: usize = 7;
@ -49,12 +54,12 @@ pub mod zc {
pub struct PusTmSecHeader<'slice> {
pub(crate) zc_header: PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp,
pub(crate) timestamp: Option<&'slice [u8]>,
pub(crate) timestamp: &'slice [u8],
impl TryFrom<crate::tm::PusTmSecondaryHeader<'_>> for PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp {
impl TryFrom<crate::ecss::tm::PusTmSecondaryHeader<'_>> for PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp {
type Error = PusError;
fn try_from(header: crate::tm::PusTmSecondaryHeader) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
fn try_from(header: crate::ecss::tm::PusTmSecondaryHeader) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if header.pus_version != PusVersion::PusC {
return Err(PusError::VersionNotSupported(header.pus_version));
@ -116,7 +121,7 @@ pub struct PusTmSecondaryHeader<'stamp> {
pub subservice: u8,
pub msg_counter: u16,
pub dest_id: u16,
pub timestamp: Option<&'stamp [u8]>,
pub timestamp: &'stamp [u8],
impl<'stamp> PusTmSecondaryHeader<'stamp> {
@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ impl<'stamp> PusTmSecondaryHeader<'stamp> {
timestamp: timestamp.unwrap_or(&[]),
@ -190,8 +195,324 @@ impl<'slice> TryFrom<zc::PusTmSecHeader<'slice>> for PusTmSecondaryHeader<'slice
pub mod legacy_tm {
use crate::ecss::tm::{
zc, GenericPusTmSecondaryHeader, IsPusTelemetry, PusTmSecondaryHeader,
use crate::ecss::PusVersion;
use crate::ecss::{
ccsds_impl, crc_from_raw_data, crc_procedure, sp_header_impls, user_data_from_raw,
verify_crc16_ccitt_false_from_raw_to_pus_error, PusError, PusPacket, SerializablePusPacket,
use crate::SequenceFlags;
use crate::{
ByteConversionError, CcsdsPacket, PacketType, SizeMissmatch, SpHeader, CRC_CCITT_FALSE,
use core::mem::size_of;
use zerocopy::AsBytes;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use delegate::delegate;
/// This class models the PUS C telemetry packet. It is the primary data structure to generate the
/// raw byte representation of PUS telemetry or to deserialize from one from raw bytes.
/// This class also derives the [serde::Serialize] and [serde::Deserialize] trait if the [serde]
/// feature is used which allows to send around TM packets in a raw byte format using a serde
/// provider like [postcard](
/// There is no spare bytes support yet.
/// # Lifetimes
/// * `'raw_data` - If the TM is not constructed from a raw slice, this will be the life time of
/// a buffer where the user provided time stamp and source data will be serialized into. If it
/// is, this is the lifetime of the raw byte slice it is constructed from.
#[derive(Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct PusTm<'raw_data> {
pub sp_header: SpHeader,
pub sec_header: PusTmSecondaryHeader<'raw_data>,
/// If this is set to false, a manual call to [PusTm::calc_own_crc16] or
/// [PusTm::update_packet_fields] is necessary for the serialized or cached CRC16 to be valid.
pub calc_crc_on_serialization: bool,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
raw_data: Option<&'raw_data [u8]>,
source_data: &'raw_data [u8],
crc16: Option<u16>,
impl<'raw_data> PusTm<'raw_data> {
/// Generates a new struct instance.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sp_header` - Space packet header information. The correct packet type will be set
/// automatically
/// * `sec_header` - Information contained in the secondary header, including the service
/// and subservice type
/// * `app_data` - Custom application data
/// * `set_ccsds_len` - Can be used to automatically update the CCSDS space packet data length
/// field. If this is not set to true, [PusTm::update_ccsds_data_len] can be called to set
/// the correct value to this field manually
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use specialized PusTmCreator or PusTmReader classes instead"
pub fn new(
sp_header: &mut SpHeader,
sec_header: PusTmSecondaryHeader<'raw_data>,
source_data: Option<&'raw_data [u8]>,
set_ccsds_len: bool,
) -> Self {
let mut pus_tm = PusTm {
sp_header: *sp_header,
raw_data: None,
source_data: source_data.unwrap_or(&[]),
calc_crc_on_serialization: true,
crc16: None,
if set_ccsds_len {
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn source_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn set_dest_id(&mut self, dest_id: u16) {
self.sec_header.dest_id = dest_id;
pub fn set_msg_counter(&mut self, msg_counter: u16) {
self.sec_header.msg_counter = msg_counter
pub fn set_sc_time_ref_status(&mut self, sc_time_ref_status: u8) {
self.sec_header.sc_time_ref_status = sc_time_ref_status & 0b1111;
/// This is called automatically if the `set_ccsds_len` argument in the [PusTm::new] call was
/// used.
/// If this was not done or the time stamp or source data is set or changed after construction,
/// this function needs to be called to ensure that the data length field of the CCSDS header
/// is set correctly
pub fn update_ccsds_data_len(&mut self) {
self.sp_header.data_len =
self.len_packed() as u16 - size_of::<crate::zc::SpHeader>() as u16 - 1;
/// This function should be called before the TM packet is serialized if
/// [PusTm.calc_crc_on_serialization] is set to False. It will calculate and cache the CRC16.
pub fn calc_own_crc16(&mut self) {
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
let pus_tc_header =
self.crc16 = Some(digest.finalize())
/// This helper function calls both [PusTm.update_ccsds_data_len] and [PusTm.calc_own_crc16]
pub fn update_packet_fields(&mut self) {
/// Append the raw PUS byte representation to a provided [alloc::vec::Vec]
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]
pub fn append_to_vec(&self, vec: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
let mut appended_len = PUS_TM_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_SOURCE_DATA;
appended_len += self.sec_header.timestamp.len();
appended_len += self.source_data.len();
let start_idx = vec.len();
let mut ser_len = 0;
ser_len += sph_zc.as_bytes().len();
// The PUS version is hardcoded to PUS C
let sec_header = zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
ser_len += sec_header.as_bytes().len();
ser_len += self.sec_header.timestamp.len();
ser_len += self.source_data.len();
let crc16 = crc_procedure(
&vec[start_idx..start_idx + ser_len],
/// Create a [PusTm] instance from a raw slice. On success, it returns a tuple containing
/// the instance and the found byte length of the packet. The timestamp length needs to be
/// known beforehand.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use specialized PusTmCreator or PusTmReader classes instead"
pub fn from_bytes(
slice: &'raw_data [u8],
timestamp_len: usize,
) -> Result<(Self, usize), PusError> {
let raw_data_len = slice.len();
return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len));
let mut current_idx = 0;
let (sp_header, _) = SpHeader::from_be_bytes(&slice[0..CCSDS_HEADER_LEN])?;
current_idx += 6;
let total_len = sp_header.total_len();
if raw_data_len < total_len || total_len < PUS_TM_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_SOURCE_DATA {
return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len));
let sec_header_zc = zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp::from_bytes(
&slice[current_idx..current_idx + PUC_TM_MIN_SEC_HEADER_LEN],
current_idx += PUC_TM_MIN_SEC_HEADER_LEN;
let zc_sec_header_wrapper = zc::PusTmSecHeader {
zc_header: sec_header_zc,
timestamp: &slice[current_idx..current_idx + timestamp_len],
current_idx += timestamp_len;
let raw_data = &slice[0..total_len];
let pus_tm = PusTm {
sec_header: PusTmSecondaryHeader::try_from(zc_sec_header_wrapper).unwrap(),
raw_data: Some(&slice[0..total_len]),
source_data: user_data_from_raw(current_idx, total_len, raw_data_len, slice)?,
calc_crc_on_serialization: false,
crc16: Some(crc_from_raw_data(raw_data)?),
pus_tm.crc16.expect("CRC16 invalid"),
Ok((pus_tm, total_len))
/// If [Self] was constructed [Self::from_bytes], this function will return the slice it was
/// constructed from. Otherwise, [None] will be returned.
pub fn raw_bytes(&self) -> Option<&'raw_data [u8]> {
impl SerializablePusPacket for PusTm<'_> {
fn len_packed(&self) -> usize {
+ self.sec_header.timestamp.len()
+ self.source_data.len()
/// Write the raw PUS byte representation to a provided buffer.
fn write_to_bytes(&self, slice: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
let mut curr_idx = 0;
let total_size = self.len_packed();
if total_size > slice.len() {
return Err(ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall(SizeMissmatch {
found: slice.len(),
expected: total_size,
.write_to_be_bytes(&mut slice[0..CCSDS_HEADER_LEN])?;
curr_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
let sec_header_len = size_of::<zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp>();
let sec_header = zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
.write_to_bytes(&mut slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + sec_header_len])
curr_idx += sec_header_len;
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.sec_header.timestamp.len()]
curr_idx += self.sec_header.timestamp.len();
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.source_data.len()].copy_from_slice(self.source_data);
curr_idx += self.source_data.len();
let crc16 = crc_procedure(
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(crc16.to_be_bytes().as_slice());
curr_idx += 2;
impl PartialEq for PusTm<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.sp_header == other.sp_header
&& self.sec_header == other.sec_header
&& self.source_data == other.source_data
impl CcsdsPacket for PusTm<'_> {
impl PusPacket for PusTm<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn user_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16> {
impl GenericPusTmSecondaryHeader for PusTm<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn dest_id(&self) -> u16;
fn msg_counter(&self) -> u16;
fn sc_time_ref_status(&self) -> u8;
impl IsPusTelemetry for PusTm<'_> {}
/// This class models the PUS C telemetry packet. It is the primary data structure to generate the
/// raw byte representation of PUS telemetry or to deserialize from one from raw bytes.
/// raw byte representation of PUS telemetry.
/// This class also derives the [serde::Serialize] and [serde::Deserialize] trait if the [serde]
/// feature is used which allows to send around TM packets in a raw byte format using a serde
@ -201,24 +522,19 @@ impl<'slice> TryFrom<zc::PusTmSecHeader<'slice>> for PusTmSecondaryHeader<'slice
/// # Lifetimes
/// * `'raw_data` - If the TM is not constructed from a raw slice, this will be the life time of
/// a buffer where the user provided time stamp and source data will be serialized into. If it
/// is, this is the lifetime of the raw byte slice it is constructed from.
/// * `'raw_data` - This is the lifetime of the user provided time stamp and source data.
#[derive(Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct PusTm<'raw_data> {
pub struct PusTmCreator<'raw_data> {
pub sp_header: SpHeader,
pub sec_header: PusTmSecondaryHeader<'raw_data>,
source_data: &'raw_data [u8],
/// If this is set to false, a manual call to [PusTm::calc_own_crc16] or
/// [PusTm::update_packet_fields] is necessary for the serialized or cached CRC16 to be valid.
pub calc_crc_on_serialization: bool,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
raw_data: Option<&'raw_data [u8]>,
source_data: Option<&'raw_data [u8]>,
crc16: Option<u16>,
impl<'raw_data> PusTm<'raw_data> {
impl<'raw_data> PusTmCreator<'raw_data> {
/// Generates a new struct instance.
/// # Arguments
@ -239,13 +555,11 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTm<'raw_data> {
) -> Self {
let mut pus_tm = PusTm {
let mut pus_tm = Self {
sp_header: *sp_header,
raw_data: None,
source_data: source_data.unwrap_or(&[]),
calc_crc_on_serialization: true,
crc16: None,
if set_ccsds_len {
@ -253,11 +567,25 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTm<'raw_data> {
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> Option<&'raw_data [u8]> {
pub fn new_simple(
sp_header: &mut SpHeader,
service: u8,
subservice: u8,
time_provider: &impl TimeWriter,
stamp_buf: &'raw_data mut [u8],
source_data: Option<&'raw_data [u8]>,
set_ccsds_len: bool,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
let stamp_size = time_provider.write_to_bytes(stamp_buf)?;
let sec_header =
PusTmSecondaryHeader::new_simple(service, subservice, &stamp_buf[0..stamp_size]);
Ok(Self::new(sp_header, sec_header, source_data, set_ccsds_len))
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn source_data(&self) -> Option<&'raw_data [u8]> {
pub fn source_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
@ -287,25 +615,20 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTm<'raw_data> {
/// This function should be called before the TM packet is serialized if
/// [PusTm.calc_crc_on_serialization] is set to False. It will calculate and cache the CRC16.
pub fn calc_own_crc16(&mut self) {
pub fn calc_own_crc16(&self) -> u16 {
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
let pus_tc_header = zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
if let Some(stamp) = self.sec_header.timestamp {
if let Some(src_data) = self.source_data {
self.crc16 = Some(digest.finalize())
/// This helper function calls both [PusTm.update_ccsds_data_len] and [PusTm.calc_own_crc16]
pub fn update_packet_fields(&mut self) {
/// Append the raw PUS byte representation to a provided [alloc::vec::Vec]
@ -313,47 +636,130 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTm<'raw_data> {
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]
pub fn append_to_vec(&self, vec: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
let mut appended_len = PUS_TM_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_SOURCE_DATA;
if let Some(timestamp) = self.sec_header.timestamp {
appended_len += timestamp.len();
if let Some(src_data) = self.source_data {
appended_len += src_data.len();
let mut appended_len = PUS_TM_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_SOURCE_DATA + self.sec_header.timestamp.len();
appended_len += self.source_data.len();
let start_idx = vec.len();
let mut ser_len = 0;
ser_len += sph_zc.as_bytes().len();
// The PUS version is hardcoded to PUS C
let sec_header = zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
ser_len += sec_header.as_bytes().len();
if let Some(timestamp) = self.sec_header.timestamp {
ser_len += timestamp.len();
if let Some(src_data) = self.source_data {
ser_len += src_data.len();
let crc16 = crc_procedure(
&vec[start_idx..start_idx + ser_len],
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
digest.update(&vec[start_idx..start_idx + appended_len - 2]);
/// Create a [PusTm] instance from a raw slice. On success, it returns a tuple containing
impl SerializablePusPacket for PusTmCreator<'_> {
fn len_packed(&self) -> usize {
+ self.sec_header.timestamp.len()
+ self.source_data.len()
/// Write the raw PUS byte representation to a provided buffer.
fn write_to_bytes(&self, slice: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
let mut curr_idx = 0;
let total_size = self.len_packed();
if total_size > slice.len() {
return Err(ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall(SizeMissmatch {
found: slice.len(),
expected: total_size,
.write_to_be_bytes(&mut slice[0..CCSDS_HEADER_LEN])?;
curr_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
let sec_header_len = size_of::<zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp>();
let sec_header = zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
.write_to_bytes(&mut slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + sec_header_len])
curr_idx += sec_header_len;
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.sec_header.timestamp.len()]
curr_idx += self.sec_header.timestamp.len();
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.source_data.len()].copy_from_slice(self.source_data);
curr_idx += self.source_data.len();
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(&digest.finalize().to_be_bytes());
curr_idx += 2;
impl PartialEq for PusTmCreator<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.sp_header == other.sp_header
&& self.sec_header == other.sec_header
&& self.source_data == other.source_data
impl CcsdsPacket for PusTmCreator<'_> {
impl PusPacket for PusTmCreator<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn user_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16> {
impl GenericPusTmSecondaryHeader for PusTmCreator<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn dest_id(&self) -> u16;
fn msg_counter(&self) -> u16;
fn sc_time_ref_status(&self) -> u8;
impl IsPusTelemetry for PusTmCreator<'_> {}
/// This class models the PUS C telemetry packet. It is the primary data structure to read
/// a telemetry packet from raw bytes.
/// This class also derives the [serde::Serialize] and [serde::Deserialize] trait if the [serde]
/// feature is used which allows to send around TM packets in a raw byte format using a serde
/// provider like [postcard](
/// There is no spare bytes support yet.
/// # Lifetimes
/// * `'raw_data` - Lifetime of the raw slice this class is constructed from.
#[derive(Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct PusTmReader<'raw_data> {
pub sp_header: SpHeader,
pub sec_header: PusTmSecondaryHeader<'raw_data>,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
raw_data: &'raw_data [u8],
source_data: &'raw_data [u8],
crc16: u16,
impl<'raw_data> PusTmReader<'raw_data> {
/// Create a [PusTmReader] instance from a raw slice. On success, it returns a tuple containing
/// the instance and the found byte length of the packet. The timestamp length needs to be
/// known beforehand.
pub fn from_bytes(
slice: &'raw_data [u8],
timestamp_len: usize,
) -> Result<(Self, usize), PusError> {
pub fn new(slice: &'raw_data [u8], timestamp_len: usize) -> Result<(Self, usize), PusError> {
let raw_data_len = slice.len();
return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len));
@ -370,38 +776,97 @@ impl<'raw_data> PusTm<'raw_data> {
current_idx += PUC_TM_MIN_SEC_HEADER_LEN;
let mut timestamp = None;
if timestamp_len > 0 {
timestamp = Some(&slice[current_idx..current_idx + timestamp_len]);
let zc_sec_header_wrapper = zc::PusTmSecHeader {
zc_header: sec_header_zc,
timestamp: &slice[current_idx..current_idx + timestamp_len],
current_idx += timestamp_len;
let raw_data = &slice[0..total_len];
let pus_tm = PusTm {
let pus_tm = Self {
sec_header: PusTmSecondaryHeader::try_from(zc_sec_header_wrapper).unwrap(),
raw_data: Some(&slice[0..total_len]),
raw_data: &slice[0..total_len],
source_data: user_data_from_raw(current_idx, total_len, raw_data_len, slice)?,
calc_crc_on_serialization: false,
crc16: Some(crc_from_raw_data(raw_data)?),
crc16: crc_from_raw_data(raw_data)?,
pus_tm.crc16.expect("CRC16 invalid"),
verify_crc16_ccitt_false_from_raw_to_pus_error(raw_data, pus_tm.crc16)?;
Ok((pus_tm, total_len))
pub fn len_packed(&self) -> usize {
pub fn source_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// If [Self] was constructed [Self::from_bytes], this function will return the slice it was
/// constructed from. Otherwise, [None] will be returned.
pub fn raw_bytes(&self) -> Option<&'raw_data [u8]> {
pub fn raw_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl PartialEq for PusTmReader<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.raw_data == other.raw_data
impl CcsdsPacket for PusTmReader<'_> {
impl PusPacket for PusTmReader<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn user_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16> {
impl GenericPusTmSecondaryHeader for PusTmReader<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn dest_id(&self) -> u16;
fn msg_counter(&self) -> u16;
fn sc_time_ref_status(&self) -> u8;
impl IsPusTelemetry for PusTmReader<'_> {}
impl PartialEq<PusTmCreator<'_>> for PusTmReader<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &PusTmCreator<'_>) -> bool {
self.sp_header == other.sp_header
&& self.sec_header == other.sec_header
&& self.source_data == other.source_data
impl PartialEq<PusTmReader<'_>> for PusTmCreator<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &PusTmReader<'_>) -> bool {
self.sp_header == other.sp_header
&& self.sec_header == other.sec_header
&& self.source_data == other.source_data
/// This is a helper class to update certain fields in a raw PUS telemetry packet directly in place.
/// This can be more efficient than creating a full [PusTm], modifying the fields and then writing
/// it back to another buffer.
@ -479,117 +944,22 @@ impl<'raw> PusTmZeroCopyWriter<'raw> {
impl SerializablePusPacket for PusTm<'_> {
fn len_packed(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(timestamp) = self.sec_header.timestamp {
length += timestamp.len();
if let Some(src_data) = self.source_data {
length += src_data.len();
/// Write the raw PUS byte representation to a provided buffer.
fn write_to_bytes(&self, slice: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
let mut curr_idx = 0;
let total_size = self.len_packed();
if total_size > slice.len() {
return Err(ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall(SizeMissmatch {
found: slice.len(),
expected: total_size,
.write_to_be_bytes(&mut slice[0..CCSDS_HEADER_LEN])?;
curr_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
let sec_header_len = size_of::<zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp>();
let sec_header = zc::PusTmSecHeaderWithoutTimestamp::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
.write_to_bytes(&mut slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + sec_header_len])
curr_idx += sec_header_len;
if let Some(timestamp) = self.sec_header.timestamp {
let timestamp_len = timestamp.len();
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + timestamp_len].copy_from_slice(timestamp);
curr_idx += timestamp_len;
if let Some(src_data) = self.source_data {
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + src_data.len()].copy_from_slice(src_data);
curr_idx += src_data.len();
let crc16 = crc_procedure(
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(crc16.to_be_bytes().as_slice());
curr_idx += 2;
impl PartialEq for PusTm<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.sp_header == other.sp_header
&& self.sec_header == other.sec_header
&& self.source_data == other.source_data
//noinspection RsTraitImplementation
impl CcsdsPacket for PusTm<'_> {
//noinspection RsTraitImplementation
impl PusPacket for PusTm<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn user_data(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16> {
//noinspection RsTraitImplementation
impl GenericPusTmSecondaryHeader for PusTm<'_> {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn dest_id(&self) -> u16;
fn msg_counter(&self) -> u16;
fn sc_time_ref_status(&self) -> u8;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::ecss::PusVersion::PusC;
use crate::SpHeader;
fn base_ping_reply_full_ctor(timestamp: &[u8]) -> PusTm {
fn base_ping_reply_full_ctor(timestamp: &[u8]) -> PusTmCreator {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tm_unseg(0x123, 0x234, 0).unwrap();
let tm_header = PusTmSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 2, &timestamp);
PusTm::new(&mut sph, tm_header, None, true)
PusTmCreator::new(&mut sph, tm_header, None, true)
fn base_hk_reply<'a>(timestamp: &'a [u8], src_data: &'a [u8]) -> PusTm<'a> {
fn base_hk_reply<'a>(timestamp: &'a [u8], src_data: &'a [u8]) -> PusTmCreator<'a> {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tm_unseg(0x123, 0x234, 0).unwrap();
let tc_header = PusTmSecondaryHeader::new_simple(3, 5, &timestamp);
PusTm::new(&mut sph, tc_header, Some(src_data), true)
PusTmCreator::new(&mut sph, tc_header, Some(src_data), true)
fn dummy_timestamp() -> &'static [u8] {
@ -652,22 +1022,19 @@ mod tests {
.write_to_bytes(&mut buf)
.expect("Serialization failed");
assert_eq!(ser_len, 22);
let (tm_deserialized, size) = PusTm::from_bytes(&buf, 7).expect("Deserialization failed");
let (tm_deserialized, size) = PusTmReader::new(&buf, 7).expect("Deserialization failed");
assert_eq!(ser_len, size);
verify_ping_reply(&tm_deserialized, false, 22, dummy_timestamp());
verify_ping_reply_with_reader(&tm_deserialized, false, 22, dummy_timestamp());
fn test_manual_field_update() {
let mut sph = SpHeader::tm_unseg(0x123, 0x234, 0).unwrap();
let tc_header = PusTmSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 2, dummy_timestamp());
let mut tm = PusTm::new(&mut sph, tc_header, None, false);
let mut tm = PusTmCreator::new(&mut sph, tc_header, None, false);
tm.calc_crc_on_serialization = false;
assert_eq!(tm.data_len(), 0x00);
let mut buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let res = tm.write_to_bytes(&mut buf);
assert!(matches!(res.unwrap_err(), PusError::CrcCalculationMissing));
assert_eq!(tm.data_len(), 15);
@ -755,19 +1122,38 @@ mod tests {
fn verify_ping_reply(
tm: &PusTm,
tm: &PusTmCreator,
has_user_data: bool,
exp_full_len: usize,
exp_timestamp: &[u8],
) {
assert_eq!(tm.len_packed(), exp_full_len);
assert_eq!(tm.timestamp(), exp_timestamp);
verify_ping_reply_generic(tm, has_user_data, exp_full_len);
fn verify_ping_reply_with_reader(
tm: &PusTmReader,
has_user_data: bool,
exp_full_len: usize,
exp_timestamp: &[u8],
) {
assert_eq!(tm.len_packed(), exp_full_len);
assert_eq!(tm.timestamp(), exp_timestamp);
verify_ping_reply_generic(tm, has_user_data, exp_full_len);
fn verify_ping_reply_generic(
tm: &(impl CcsdsPacket + GenericPusTmSecondaryHeader + PusPacket),
has_user_data: bool,
exp_full_len: usize,
) {
assert_eq!(PusPacket::service(tm), 17);
assert_eq!(PusPacket::subservice(tm), 2);
assert_eq!(tm.len_packed(), exp_full_len);
assert_eq!(tm.timestamp().unwrap(), exp_timestamp);
if has_user_data {
assert_eq!(PusPacket::pus_version(tm), PusC);
assert_eq!(tm.apid(), 0x123);
@ -792,7 +1178,7 @@ mod tests {
let pus_tm = base_ping_reply_full_ctor(timestamp);
let mut buf = [0; 32];
pus_tm.write_to_bytes(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pus_tm, PusTm::from_bytes(&buf, timestamp.len()).unwrap().0);
assert_eq!(pus_tm, PusTmReader::new(&buf, timestamp.len()).unwrap().0);
@ -811,7 +1197,7 @@ mod tests {
// This performs all necessary checks, including the CRC check.
let (tm_read_back, tm_size_read_back) =
PusTm::from_bytes(&buf, 7).expect("Re-creating PUS TM failed");
PusTmReader::new(&buf, 7).expect("Re-creating PUS TM failed");
assert_eq!(tm_size_read_back, tm_size);
assert_eq!(tm_read_back.msg_counter(), 100);
assert_eq!(tm_read_back.dest_id(), 55);

View File

@ -74,9 +74,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub mod cfdp;
pub mod ecss;
pub mod tc;
pub mod time;
pub mod tm;
pub mod util;
mod private {