time library support #70

muellerr wants to merge 2 commits from consider-time-support into main

Some considerations:

  • Is it a good idea to cache the leap seconds? This is only required for updating the time.. We could also expect it as a parameter for the update function..
Some considerations: - Is it a good idea to cache the leap seconds? This is only required for updating the time.. We could also expect it as a parameter for the update function..
muellerr added 2 commits 2024-03-13 18:21:13 +01:00
this works, need to think about where this is the best solution
All checks were successful
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/head This commit looks good
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
add support for the time library
Some checks failed
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
muellerr added the
label 2024-03-13 21:09:44 +01:00
muellerr closed this pull request 2024-03-14 10:14:18 +01:00
Some checks failed
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit

Pull request closed

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