Robin Mueller d8676ae711
All checks were successful
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/head This commit looks good
prepare next release candidate
2024-04-04 14:12:33 +02:00

815 B

Checklist for new releases


  1. Make sure any new modules are documented sufficiently enough and check docs with cargo +nightly doc --all-features --config 'build.rustdocflags=["--cfg", "docs_rs"]' --open.
  2. Bump version specifier in Cargo.toml.
  3. Update Convert unreleased section into version section with date and add new unreleased section.
  4. Run cargo test --all-features or cargo nextest r --all-features together with cargo test --doc.
  5. Run cargo fmt and cargo clippy. Check cargo msrv against MSRV in Cargo.toml.
  6. Wait for CI/CD results for EGit and Github. These also check cross-compilation for bare-metal targets.


  1. cargo publish


  1. Create a new release on EGit based on the release branch.