Doc fixes and SPI block mode support

- Various smaller fixes for documentation
- Added support for SPI blockmode
This commit is contained in:
Robin Müller 2021-11-21 00:20:35 +01:00
parent 186e7192cb
commit 283d9d5991
7 changed files with 114 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
### Added
- DelayUs and DelayMs trait implementations for timer
- SPI implementation for blocking API
- SPI implementation for blocking API, supports blockmode as well
## [0.2.1]

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@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ pub enum SpiBusSelect {
const EXAMPLE_SEL: ExampleSelect = ExampleSelect::Loopback;
const EXAMPLE_SEL: ExampleSelect = ExampleSelect::TestBuffer;
const SPI_BUS_SEL: SpiBusSelect = SpiBusSelect::SpiBPortB;
const SPI_SPEED_KHZ: u32 = 1000;
const SPI_MODE: Mode = MODE_0;
const BLOCKMODE: bool = false;
const BLOCKMODE: bool = true;
fn main() -> ! {
@ -45,14 +45,17 @@ fn main() -> ! {
let spia_ref: RefCell<Option<SpiBase<SPIA, u8>>> = RefCell::new(None);
let spib_ref: RefCell<Option<SpiBase<SPIB, u8>>> = RefCell::new(None);
let pinsa = PinsA::new(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, None, dp.PORTA);
let pinsb = PinsB::new(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, Some(dp.IOCONFIG), dp.PORTB);
let mut spi_cfg = spi::SpiConfig::default();
if EXAMPLE_SEL == ExampleSelect::Loopback {
spi_cfg = spi_cfg.loopback(true)
// Set up the SPI peripheral
match SPI_BUS_SEL {
SpiBusSelect::SpiAPortA => {
let pinsa = PinsA::new(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, None, dp.PORTA);
let (sck, mosi, miso) = (
@ -71,7 +74,6 @@ fn main() -> ! {
SpiBusSelect::SpiAPortB => {
let pinsb = PinsB::new(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, Some(dp.IOCONFIG), dp.PORTB);
let (sck, mosi, miso) = (
@ -90,7 +92,6 @@ fn main() -> ! {
SpiBusSelect::SpiBPortB => {
let pinsb = PinsB::new(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, Some(dp.IOCONFIG), dp.PORTB);
let (sck, mosi, miso) = (
@ -109,19 +110,41 @@ fn main() -> ! {
// Configure transfer specific properties here
match SPI_BUS_SEL {
SpiBusSelect::SpiAPortA | SpiBusSelect::SpiAPortB => {
if let Some(ref mut spi) = *spia_ref.borrow_mut() {
let transfer_cfg = TransferConfig::<NoneT>::new(
SpiBusSelect::SpiBPortB => {
if let Some(ref mut spi) = *spib_ref.borrow_mut() {
let hw_cs_pin = pinsb.pb2.into_funsel_1();
let transfer_cfg = TransferConfig::new(
// Application logic
let mut delay_tim = CountDownTimer::tim1(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, 50.mhz().into(), dp.TIM1);
loop {
match SPI_BUS_SEL {
SpiBusSelect::SpiAPortA | SpiBusSelect::SpiAPortB => {
if let Some(ref mut spi) = *spia_ref.borrow_mut() {
let transfer_cfg: TransferConfig<NoneT> = TransferConfig {
spi_clk: SPI_SPEED_KHZ.khz().into(),
blockmode: BLOCKMODE,
hw_cs: None,
mode: SPI_MODE,
sod: false,
if EXAMPLE_SEL == ExampleSelect::Loopback {
let word = nb::block!(;
@ -134,7 +157,7 @@ fn main() -> ! {
assert_eq!(reply, &[0x03, 0x02, 0x01]);
} else {
let mut send_buf: [u8; 3] = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02];
let mut send_buf: [u8; 3] = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
let reply = spi.transfer(&mut send_buf).unwrap();
rprintln!("Received reply: {}, {}, {}", reply[0], reply[1], reply[2]);
@ -143,14 +166,6 @@ fn main() -> ! {
SpiBusSelect::SpiBPortB => {
if let Some(ref mut spi) = *spib_ref.borrow_mut() {
let transfer_cfg: TransferConfig<NoneT> = TransferConfig {
spi_clk: SPI_SPEED_KHZ.khz().into(),
blockmode: BLOCKMODE,
hw_cs: None,
mode: SPI_MODE,
sod: false,
if EXAMPLE_SEL == ExampleSelect::Loopback {
let word = nb::block!(;
@ -163,7 +178,7 @@ fn main() -> ! {
assert_eq!(reply, &[0x03, 0x02, 0x01]);
} else {
let mut send_buf: [u8; 3] = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02];
let mut send_buf: [u8; 3] = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
let reply = spi.transfer(&mut send_buf).unwrap();
rprintln!("Received reply: {}, {}, {}", reply[0], reply[1], reply[2]);

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@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
//! `Error = core::convert::Infallible`, the value-level API can return a real
//! error. If the [`DynPin`] is not in the correct [`DynPinMode`] for the
//! operation, the trait functions will return
//! [`InvalidPinType`](Error::InvalidPinType).
//! [`InvalidPinType`](PinError::InvalidPinType).
use super::pins::{
common_reg_if_functions, FilterType, InterruptEdge, InterruptLevel, Pin, PinError, PinId,

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
//! The implementation of this GPIO module is heavily based on the
//! [ATSAMD HAL implementation](
//! This API provides two different submodules, [`pins`] and [`dynpins`],
//! representing two different ways to handle GPIO pins. The default, [`pins`],
//! This API provides two different submodules, [`mod@pins`] and [`dynpins`],
//! representing two different ways to handle GPIO pins. The default, [`mod@pins`],
//! is a type-level API that tracks the state of each pin at compile-time. The
//! alternative, [`dynpins`] is a type-erased, value-level API that tracks the
//! state of each pin at run-time.

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@ -26,16 +26,17 @@
//! }
//! ```
//! A `PinId` identifies a pin by it's group (A, B) and pin number. Each
//! `PinId` instance is named according to its datasheet identifier, e.g.
//! [`PA02`].
//! A [`PinId`] identifies a pin by it's group (A, B) and pin number. Each
//! [`PinId`] instance is named according to its datasheet identifier, e.g.
//! PA02.
//! A `PinMode` represents the various pin modes. The available `PinMode`
//! variants are [`Input`], [`Output`] and [`Alternate`], each with its own corresponding
//! configurations.
//! It is not possible for users to create new instances of a [`Pin`]. Singleton
//! instances of each pin are made available to users through the [`Pins`]
//! instances of each pin are made available to users through the [`PinsA`] and
//! [`PinsB`]
//! struct.
//! To create the [`PinsA`] or [`PinsB`] struct, users must supply the PAC
@ -84,7 +85,8 @@
//! This module also provides additional, type-level tools to work with GPIO
//! pins.
//! The [`AnyPin`] trait defines an [`AnyKind`] type class
//! The [`AnyPin`] trait defines an
//! [`AnyKind`]( type class
//! for all `Pin` types.
use super::dynpins::{DynAlternate, DynGroup, DynInput, DynOutput, DynPinId, DynPinMode};
@ -229,7 +231,8 @@ impl OutputConfig for ReadableOpenDrain {
/// Type-level variant of [`PinMode`] for output modes
/// Type `C` is one of two output configurations: [`PushPull`] or [`Readable`]
/// Type `C` is one of four output configurations: [`PushPull`], [`OpenDrain`] or
/// their respective readable versions
pub struct Output<C: OutputConfig> {
cfg: PhantomData<C>,
@ -543,7 +546,8 @@ pub type SpecificPin<P> = Pin<<P as AnyPin>::Id, <P as AnyPin>::Mode>;
/// Type class for [`Pin`] types
/// This trait uses the [`AnyKind`] trait pattern to create a [type class] for
/// This trait uses the [`AnyKind`](
/// trait pattern to create a [type class] for
/// [`Pin`] types. See the `AnyKind` documentation for more details on the
/// pattern.
pub trait AnyPin: Is<Type = SpecificPin<Self>> {

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
//! API for the SPI peripheral
//! ## Examples
//! - [Blocking SPI example](
use crate::Sealed;
use crate::{
clock::{enable_peripheral_clock, PeripheralClocks},
@ -181,6 +185,8 @@ pub trait GenericTransferConfig {
fn frequency(&mut self, spi_clk: Hertz);
/// This struct contains all configuration parameter which are transfer specific
/// and might change for transfers to different SPI slaves
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TransferConfig<HWCS> {
pub spi_clk: Hertz,
@ -189,9 +195,30 @@ pub struct TransferConfig<HWCS> {
/// false
pub hw_cs: Option<HWCS>,
pub sod: bool,
/// If this is enabled, all data in the FIFO is transmitted in a single frame unless
/// the BMSTOP bit is set on a dataword. A frame is defined as CSn being active for the
/// duration of multiple data words
pub blockmode: bool,
impl<HWCS> TransferConfig<HWCS> {
pub fn new(
spi_clk: Hertz,
mode: Mode,
hw_cs: Option<HWCS>,
blockmode: bool,
sod: bool,
) -> Self {
TransferConfig {
impl<HWCS> GenericTransferConfig for TransferConfig<HWCS> {
/// Slave Output Disable
fn sod(&mut self, sod: bool) {
@ -211,32 +238,6 @@ impl<HWCS> GenericTransferConfig for TransferConfig<HWCS> {
/// Configuration options for a single transfer. These can be used to reconfigure the SPI bus
/// for transaction to different devices
impl<HWCS: OptionalHwCs<SPIA>> TransferConfig<HWCS> {
pub fn cfg_spia(spi_clk: Hertz, mode: Mode, hw_cs: Option<HWCS>) -> Self {
TransferConfig {
sod: false,
blockmode: false,
impl<HWCS: OptionalHwCs<SPIB>> TransferConfig<HWCS> {
pub fn cfg_spib(spi_clk: Hertz, mode: Mode, hw_cs: Option<HWCS>) -> Self {
TransferConfig {
sod: false,
blockmode: false,
/// Configuration options for the whole SPI bus. See Programmer Guide p.92 for more details
pub struct SpiConfig {
@ -301,6 +302,7 @@ pub struct SpiBase<SPI, Word = u8> {
spi: SPI,
cfg: SpiConfig,
sys_clk: Hertz,
blockmode: bool,
_word: PhantomData<Word>,
pub struct Spi<SPI, PINS, Word = u8> {
@ -330,7 +332,8 @@ macro_rules! spi {
/// )
/// ```
/// in the function call
/// in the function call. You can delete the pin type information by calling
/// the [`downgrade`](Self::downgrade) function
/// ## Arguments
/// * `transfer_cfg` - Transfer configuration which includes configuration
@ -359,12 +362,14 @@ macro_rules! spi {
let mut mode = MODE_0;
let mut clk_prescale = 0x02;
let mut ss = 0;
let mut init_blockmode = false;
if let Some(transfer_cfg) = transfer_cfg {
mode = transfer_cfg.mode;
clk_prescale = sys_clk.0 / (transfer_cfg.spi_clk.0 * (scrdv as u32 + 1));
if transfer_cfg.hw_cs.is_some() {
ss = HwCs::CS_ID as u8;
init_blockmode = transfer_cfg.blockmode;
let (cpo_bit, cph_bit) = match mode {
@ -404,6 +409,7 @@ macro_rules! spi {
cfg: spi_cfg,
blockmode: init_blockmode,
_word: PhantomData,
@ -470,6 +476,7 @@ macro_rules! spi {
pub fn cfg_transfer<HwCs: OptionalHwCs<$SPIX>>(&mut self, transfer_cfg: &TransferConfig<HwCs>) {
self.blockmode = transfer_cfg.blockmode;
self.spi.ctrl1.modify(|_, w| {
if transfer_cfg.sod {
@ -491,7 +498,7 @@ macro_rules! spi {
// Changing the word size also requires a type conversion
/// Changing the word size also requires a type conversion
impl <Sck: PinSck<$SPIX>, Miso: PinMiso<$SPIX>, Mosi: PinMosi<$SPIX>>
From<Spi<$SPIX, (Sck, Miso, Mosi), u8>> for Spi<$SPIX, (Sck, Miso, Mosi), u16>
@ -507,6 +514,7 @@ macro_rules! spi {
spi_base: SpiBase {
spi: old_spi.spi_base.spi,
cfg: old_spi.spi_base.cfg,
blockmode: old_spi.spi_base.blockmode,
sys_clk: old_spi.spi_base.sys_clk,
_word: PhantomData,
@ -515,7 +523,7 @@ macro_rules! spi {
// Changing the word size also requires a type conversion
/// Changing the word size also requires a type conversion
impl <Sck: PinSck<$SPIX>, Miso: PinMiso<$SPIX>, Mosi: PinMosi<$SPIX>>
From<Spi<$SPIX, (Sck, Miso, Mosi), u16>> for
Spi<$SPIX, (Sck, Miso, Mosi), u8>
@ -532,6 +540,7 @@ macro_rules! spi {
spi_base: SpiBase {
spi: old_spi.spi_base.spi,
cfg: old_spi.spi_base.cfg,
blockmode: old_spi.spi_base.blockmode,
sys_clk: old_spi.spi_base.sys_clk,
_word: PhantomData,
@ -546,15 +555,6 @@ macro_rules! spi {
type Error = Infallible;
/// Read a word from the slave. Must be preceeded by a [`send`] call
fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result<$WORD, Self::Error> {
if {
return Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock);
Ok(( & 0xffff) as $WORD)
/// Sends a word to the slave
fn send(&mut self, word: $WORD) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> {
@ -564,6 +564,15 @@ macro_rules! spi {|w| unsafe { w.bits(word as u32) });
/// Read a word from the slave. Must be preceeded by a [`send`](Self::send) call
fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result<$WORD, Self::Error> {
if {
return Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock);
Ok(( & 0xffff) as $WORD)
impl<Sck: PinSck<$SPIX>, Miso: PinMiso<$SPIX>, Mosi: PinMosi<$SPIX>>
@ -592,15 +601,25 @@ macro_rules! spi {
write_words: &'w [$WORD],
read_words: Option<&'w mut [$WORD]>,
) -> Result<(), Infallible> {
// FIFO has a depth of 16. Only fill the first half for now
const FIFO_WORDS: usize = 8;
// FIFO has a depth of 16.
const FIFO_WORDS: usize = 12;
if self.blockmode {
self.spi.ctrl1.modify(|_, w| {
// Fill the first half of the write FIFO
let len = write_words.len();
let mut write = write_words.iter();
for _ in 0..core::cmp::min(FIFO_WORDS, len) {
if self.blockmode {
self.spi.ctrl1.modify(|_, w| {
if let Some(read) = read_words {
let mut read = read.iter_mut();

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@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ impl Sealed for NoneT {}
/// Marker trait for type identity
/// This trait is used as part of the [`AnyKind`] trait pattern. It represents
/// the concept of type identity, because all implementors have
/// This trait is used as part of the [`AnyKind`](
/// trait pattern. It represents the concept of type identity, because all implementors have
/// `<Self as Is>::Type == Self`. When used as a trait bound with a specific
/// type, it guarantees that the corresponding type parameter is exactly the
/// specific type. Stated differently, it guarantees that `T == Specific` in