Vorago Rust Workspace
Workspace for developing Rust code for the Vorago devices
After cloning, run
git submodule update --init
Preparing the Rust installation
Building an application for the VA108XX family requires the thumbv6m-none-eabi
cross-compiler toolchain. If you have not installed it yet, you can do so with
rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi
Debugging with VS Code
The REB1 board features an on-board JTAG, so all that is required to flash the board is a
Micro-USB cable and an
You can debug applications on the REB1 board with a graphical user interface using VS Code with
the Cortex-Debug
Some sample configuration files for VS code were provided as well. You can simply use Run and Debug
to automatically rebuild and flash your application.
The tasks.json
and the launch.json
files are generic and you can use them immediately by
opening the folder in VS code or adding it to a workspace.
If you would like to use a custom GDB application, you can specify the gdb binary in the following
configuration variables in your settings.json