First Version of ACS Controller #329
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Normal file
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#include <fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/constants.h>
#include "AcsParameters.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <cmath>
AcsParameters::AcsParameters() {
onBoardParams.sampleTime = 0.1;
inertiaEIVE.inertiaMatrix = {{ 1, 0, 0},
{ 0, 1, 0},
{ 0,0.5, 1}};
mgmHandlingParameters.mgm0orientationMatrix = {{ 0, 0,-1},
{ 0, 1, 0},
{ 1, 0, 0}};
/*mgmHandlingParameters.mgm1orientationMatrix = {{ 0, 0, 1},
{ 0,-1, 0},
{ 1, 0, 0}};
mgmHandlingParameters.mgm2orientationMatrix = {{ 0, 0,-1},
{ 0, 1, 0},
{ 1 ,0, 0}};
mgmHandlingParameters.mgm3orientationMatrix = {{ 0, 0, 1},
{ 0,-1, 0},
{ 1, 0, 0}};
mgmHandlingParameters.mgm4orientationMatrix = {{ 0, 0,-1},
{-1, 0, 0},
{ 0, 1, 0}};*/
rwHandlingParameters.inertiaWheel = 0.000028198;
rwHandlingParameters.maxTrq = 0.0032; //3.2 [mNm]
//Geometry frame
rwMatrices.alignmentMatrix = {{ 0.9205, 0,-0.9205, 0},
{ 0,-0.9205, 0, 0.9205},
{ 0.3907, 0.3907, 0.3907, 0.3907}};
rwMatrices.pseudoInverse = {{ 0.4434,-0.2845, 0.3597},
{ 0.2136,-0.3317, 1.0123},
{-0.8672,-0.1406, 0.1778},
{ 0.6426, 0.4794, 1.3603}};
rwMatrices.nullspace = {-0.7358, 0.5469,-0.3637,-0.1649};
kalmanFilterParameters.sensorNoiseSS = 8 * Math::PI / 180;
kalmanFilterParameters.sensorNoiseMAG = 4 * Math::PI / 180;
kalmanFilterParameters.sensorNoiseSTR = 0.1 * Math::PI / 180;
sunModelParameters.domega = 36000.771;
sunModelParameters.omega_0 = 282.94 * Math::PI / 180.;
|||| = 35999.049;
sunModelParameters.m_0 = 357.5256;
sunModelParameters.e = 23.4392911 * Math::PI / 180.;
sunModelParameters.e = 0.74508 * Math::PI / 180.;
sunModelParameters.p1 = 6892. / 3600. * Math::PI / 180.;
sunModelParameters.p2 = 72. / 3600. * Math::PI / 180.;
safeModeControllerParameters.k_rate_mekf = 0.00059437;
safeModeControllerParameters.k_align_mekf = 0.000056875;
safeModeControllerParameters.sunTargetDir = {1,0,0};
detumbleCtrlParameters.gainD = pow(10.0,-3.3);
// Stuttgart
groundStationParameters.latitudeGs = 48.7495 * Math::PI / 180.;
groundStationParameters.longitudeGs = 9.10384 * Math::PI / 180.;
groundStationParameters.altitudeGs = 500;
groundStationParameters.earthRadiusEquat = 6378137;
groundStationParameters.earthRadiusPolar = 6356752.314;
// Geometry frame
targetModeControllerParameters.refDirection = {1,0,0};
targetModeControllerParameters.refRotRate = {0,0,0};
targetModeControllerParameters.quatRef = {0,0,0,1};
targetModeControllerParameters.avoidBlindStr = true;
targetModeControllerParameters.blindAvoidStart = 1.5;
targetModeControllerParameters.blindAvoidStop = 2.5;
targetModeControllerParameters.blindRotRate = 1 * Math::PI /180;
targetModeControllerParameters.zeta = 0.3;
|||| = 0.3;
targetModeControllerParameters.qiMin = 0.1;
targetModeControllerParameters.omMax = 1 * Math::PI / 180;
targetModeControllerParameters.gainNullspace = 0.01;
targetModeControllerParameters.desatMomentumRef = {0,0,0};
targetModeControllerParameters.deSatGainFactor = 1000;
targetModeControllerParameters.desatOn = true;
targetModeControllerParameters.omegaEarth = 0.000072921158553;
strParameters.boresightAxis = { 0.7593, 0,-0.6508};
strParameters.exclusionAngle = 20 * Math::PI /180;
magnetorquesParameter.mtq0orientationMatrix = {{ 1, 0, 0},
{ 0, 0, 1},
{ 0,-1, 0}};
magnetorquesParameter.mtq1orientationMatrix = {{ 1, 0, 0},
{ 0, 1, 0},
{ 0, 0, 1}};
magnetorquesParameter.mtq2orientationMatrix = {{ 0, 0, 1},
{ 0, 1, 0},
{-1, 0, 0}};
magnetorquesParameter.alignmentMatrixMtq = {{ 0, 0,-1},
{-1, 0, 0},
{ 0, 1, 0}};
magnetorquesParameter.inverseAlignment = {{ 0,-1, 0},
{ 0, 0, 1},
{-1, 0, 0}};
magnetorquesParameter.DipolMax = 0.2;
AcsParameters::~AcsParameters() {
ReturnValue_t AcsParameters::getParameter(uint8_t domainId,
uint16_t parameterId, ParameterWrapper* parameterWrapper,
const ParameterWrapper *newValues, uint16_t startAtIndex) {
return 0;
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* EIVE Flight Software Framework (FSFW)
* (c) 2022 IRS, Uni Stuttgart
#include <fsfw/parameters/HasParametersIF.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
class AcsParameters:public HasParametersIF{
virtual ~AcsParameters();
virtual ReturnValue_t getParameter(uint8_t domainId, uint16_t parameterId,
ParameterWrapper *parameterWrapper,
const ParameterWrapper *newValues, uint16_t startAtIndex);
struct OnBoardParams {
double sampleTime; // [s]
} onBoardParams;
struct InertiaEIVE {
double inertiaMatrix[3][3];
double inertiaMatrixInverse[3][3];
} inertiaEIVE;
struct MgmHandlingParameters {
float mgm0orientationMatrix[3][3];
float mgm1orientationMatrix[3][3];
float mgm2orientationMatrix[3][3];
float mgm3orientationMatrix[3][3];
float mgm4orientationMatrix[3][3];
} mgmHandlingParameters;
struct SusHandlingParameters {
float sus0orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus1orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus2orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus3orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus4orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus5orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus6orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus7orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus8orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus9orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus10orientationMatrix[3][3];
float sus11orientationMatrix[3][3];
float filterAlpha;
float sunThresh;
} susHandlingParameters;
struct RmuHandlingParameters {
double rmu0orientationMatrix[3][3];
double rmu1orientationMatrix[3][3];
double rmu2orientationMatrix[3][3];
} rmuHandlingParameters;
struct RwHandlingParameters {
double rw0orientationMatrix[3][3];
double rw1orientationMatrix[3][3];
double rw2orientationMatrix[3][3];
double rw3orientationMatrix[3][3];
double inertiaWheel;
double maxTrq;
} rwHandlingParameters;
struct SafeModeControllerParameters {
double k_rate_mekf;
double k_align_mekf;
double k_rate_no_mekf;
double k_align_no_mekf;
double sunMagAngleMin;
double sunTargetDir[3]; //Body frame
double satRateRef[3]; //Body frame
} safeModeControllerParameters;
struct DetumbleCtrlParameters {
double gainD;
} detumbleCtrlParameters;
struct PointingModeControllerParameters {
double updtFlag;
double A_rw[3][12];
double refDirection[3];
double refRotRate[3];
double quatRef[4];
bool avoidBlindStr;
double blindAvoidStart;
double blindAvoidStop;
double blindRotRate;
double zeta;
double zetaLow;
double om;
double omLow;
double qiMin;
double omMax;
double gainNullspace;
double desatMomentumRef[3];
double deSatGainFactor;
bool desatOn;
double omegaEarth;
} inertialModeControllerParameters, nadirModeControllerParameters,
struct RWMatrices {
double alignmentMatrix[3][4];
double pseudoInverse[4][3];
double without0[4][3];
double without1[4][3];
double without2[4][3];
double without3[4][3];
double nullspace[4];
} rwMatrices;
struct StrParameters {
double exclusionAngle;
// double strOrientationMatrix[3][3];
double boresightAxis[3]; //in body/geometry frame
} strParameters;
struct GpsParameters {
} gpsParameters;
struct GroundStationParameters {
double latitudeGs; // [rad] Latitude
double longitudeGs; // [rad] Longitude
double altitudeGs; // [m] Altitude
double earthRadiusEquat; // [m]
double earthRadiusPolar; // [m]
} groundStationParameters;
struct SunModelParameters {
enum UseSunModel {
NO = 0, YES = 3
uint8_t useSunModel;
float domega;
float omega_0; //Rektaszension des Aufsteigenden Knotens plus Argument des Perigäums
float m_0; //coefficients for mean anomaly
float dm; //coefficients for mean anomaly
float e; //angle of earth's rotation axis
float e1;
float p1; //some parameter
float p2; //some parameter
} sunModelParameters;
struct KalmanFilterParameters {
uint8_t activateKalmanFilter;
uint8_t requestResetFlag;
double maxToleratedTimeBetweenKalmanFilterExecutionSteps;
double processNoiseOmega[3];
double processNoiseQuaternion[4];
double sensorNoiseSTR;
double sensorNoiseSS;
double sensorNoiseMAG;
double sensorNoiseRMU[3];
double sensorNoiseArwRmu; //Angular Random Walk
double sensorNoiseBsRMU; // Bias Stability
} kalmanFilterParameters;
struct MagnetorquesParameter {
double mtq0orientationMatrix[3][3];
double mtq1orientationMatrix[3][3];
double mtq2orientationMatrix[3][3];
double alignmentMatrixMtq[3][3];
double inverseAlignment[3][3];
double DipolMax; // [Am^2]
} magnetorquesParameter;
struct DetumbleParameter {
uint8_t detumblecounter;
double omegaDetumbleStart;
double omegaDetumbleEnd;
} detumbleParameter;
#endif /* ACSPARAMETERS_H_ */
Reference in New Issue
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