Configure `.git/config` in order commit changes using your personal egit account:
name = <replacewithyourusername>
email = <replacewithyourirs-email>
For example:
name = maxmustermann
email =
* **Important:**
Do not upload to the `master` branch but instead create your own branch. This prevents pushing experimental code to `master`. Creating a new branch will copy your local `master` repository to your new branch:
* Create a new branch: `git branch <branch_name>`
* Move to new branch: `git ckeckout <branch_name>`
* Check content: `ls -s`
* After creating a new branch **or** changing its content you must push it to the remote repo:
*`git commit -am "new branch created"`
*`git push origin <branch_name>`
* Continue working in your local and remote branch but do not push to `master`!
In order to run the code the steps above must be done within the ROS *catkin* workspace (eg. `~/catkin_ws/src/`). The folder *Steve* thus represents the ROS package folder.
* The user should have read the [Design Report](Link), especially appendix A (Assembly and Installation Procedure). However, this report represents the end of the student project and is only in part still correct.