2025-02-05 14:05:09 +01:00

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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Renamed StaticPoolConfig::new to StaticPoolConfig::new_from_subpool_cfg_tuples. The new new implementation expects a type struct instead of tuples.
  • Moved cfdp module to dedicated crate
  • Moved seq_count module to spacepackets crate


  • StaticHeaplessMemoryPool which can be grown with user-provided static buffers.
  • Scheduling table for systems with a standard runtime
  • Mode Tree Feature which allows building a network of mode components which can send mode messages to each other.
  • Added first helper features like the SubsystemExecutionHelper and the SubsystemCommandingHelper which allows to build subsystem components. Subsystem components are able to execute mode sequences and perform target keeping based on a declarative table format.
  • Added DevManagerCommandingHelper which performs some of the boilerplate logik required by Assembly and Device Management components. This includes forwarding mode requests and handling mode replies.
  • First basic health module with HealthStates and the HealthTableProvider trait. These components are important for any FDIR components which get added in the future.

[v0.2.1] 2024-05-19


  • The HAL TCP server ServerConfig::new method now sets the reuse_port and reuse_addr fields to true.


  • Possibly subtly broken v0.2.0 build artifact.

[v0.2.0] 2024-05-02


  • Various improvements for the PUS stack components.


  • Added HandlingStatus enumeration.

[v0.2.0-rc.5] 2024-04-24


  • Optional defmt::Format support for the event types, if the defmt feature is activated.


  • Removed MpscEventReceiver, the EventReceiveProvider trait is implemented directly on mpsc::Receiver<EventMessage<Event>>
  • Renamed PusEventDispatcher to PusEventTmCreatorWithMap.
  • Renamed DefaultPusEventU32Dispatcher to DefaultPusEventU32EventCreator.
  • Renamed PusEventMgmtBackendProvider renamed to PusEventReportingMap.
  • Reanmed Event const_new methods to new and the former new methods to new_checked

[v0.2.0-rc.4] 2024-04-23


  • The parse_for_ccsds_space_packets method now expects a non-mutable slice and does not copy broken tail packets anymore. It also does not expect a mutable next_write_idx argument anymore. Instead, a ParseResult structure is returned which contains the packets_found and an optional incomplete_tail_start value.


  • parse_for_ccsds_space_packets did not detect CCSDS space packets at the buffer end with the smallest possible size of 7 bytes.
  • TCP server component now re-registers the internal mio::Poll object if the client reset the connection unexpectedly. Not doing so prevented the server from functioning properly after a re-connect.

[v0.2.0-rc.3] 2024-04-17

docs-rs hotfix 2

[v0.2.0-rc.2] 2024-04-17

docs-rs hotfix

[v0.2.0-rc.1] 2024-04-17

  • spacepackets v0.11


  • Added params::WritableToBeBytes::to_vec.
  • New ComponentId (u64 typedef for now) which replaces former TargetId as a generic way to identify components.
  • Various abstraction and objects for targeted requests. This includes mode request/reply types for actions, HK and modes.
  • VerificationReportingProvider::owner_id method.
  • Introduced generic EventMessage which is generic over the event type and the additional parameter type. This message also contains the sender ID which can be useful for debugging or application layer / FDIR logic.
  • Stop signal handling for the TCP servers.
  • TCP server now uses mio crate to allow non-blocking operation. The server can now handle multiple connections at once, and the context information about handled transfers is passed via a callback which is inserted as a generic as well.


  • Renamed ReceivesTcCore to PacketSenderRaw to better show its primary purpose. It now contains a send_raw_tc method which is not mutable anymore.
  • Renamed TmPacketSourceCore to TmPacketSource.
  • Renamed EcssTmSenderCore to EcssTmSender.
  • Renamed StoreAddr to PoolAddr.
  • Reanmed StoreError to PoolError.
  • TCP server generics order. The error generics come last now.
  • encoding::ccsds::PacketIdValidator renamed to ValidatorU16Id, which lives in the crate root. It can be used for both CCSDS packet ID and CCSDS APID validation.
  • EventManager::try_event_handling not expects a mutable error handling closure instead of returning the occured errors.
  • Renamed EventManagerBase to EventReportCreator
  • Renamed VerificationReporterCore to VerificationReportCreator.
  • Removed VerificationReporterCore. The high-level API exposed by VerificationReporter and the low level API exposed by VerificationReportCreator should be sufficient for all use-cases.
  • Refactored EventManager to heavily use generics instead of trait objects.
    • SendEventProvider -> EventSendProvider. id trait method renamed to channel_id.
    • ListenerTable -> ListenerMapProvider
    • SenderTable -> SenderMapProvider
    • There is an EventManagerWithMpsc and a EventManagerWithBoundedMpsc helper type now.
  • Refactored ECSS TM sender abstractions to be generic over different message queue backends.
  • Refactored Verification Reporter abstractions and implementation to be generic over the sender instead of using trait objects.
  • Renamed WritableToBeBytes::raw_len to WritableToBeBytes::written_len for consistency.
  • PusServiceProvider renamed to PusServiceDistributor to make the purpose of the object more clear
  • PusServiceProvider::handle_pus_tc_packet renamed to PusServiceDistributor::distribute_packet.
  • PusServiceDistibutor and CcsdsDistributor now use generics instead of trait objects. This makes accessing the concrete trait implementations more easy as well.
  • Major overhaul of the PUS handling module.
  • Replace TargetId by ComponentId.
  • Replace most usages of ChannelId by ComponentId. A dedicated channel ID has limited usage due to the nature of typed channels in Rust.
  • CheckTimer renamed to CountdownProvider.
  • Renamed TargetId to ComponentId.
  • Replaced most ChannelId occurences with ComponentId. For typed channels, there is generally no need for dedicated channel IDs.
  • Changed params::WritableToBeBytes::raw_len to written_len for consistency.
  • EventReporter caches component ID.
  • Renamed PusService11SchedHandler to PusSchedServiceHandler.
  • Fixed general naming of PUS handlers from handle_one_tc to poll_and_handle_next_tc.
  • Reworked verification module: The sender (impl EcssTmSenderCore) now needs to be passed explicitely to the VerificationReportingProvider abstraction. This allows easier sharing of the TM sender component.


  • Update deprecated API for PusScheduler::insert_wrapped_tc_cds_short and PusScheduler::insert_wrapped_tc_cds_long.
  • EventReporter uses interior mutability pattern to allow non-mutable API.


  • Remove objects module.
  • Removed CCSDS and PUS distributor modules. Their worth is questionable in an architecture where routing traits are sufficient and the core logic to demultiplex and distribute packets is simple enough to be application code.

[v0.2.0-rc.0] 2024-02-21


  • New PUS service abstractions for HK (PUS 3) and actions (PUS 8). Introducing new abstractions allows to move some boilerplate code into the framework.
  • New VerificationReportingProvider abstraction to avoid relying on a concrete verification reporting provider.


  • Verification reporter API timestamp arguments are not Optional anymore. Empty timestamps can be passed by simply specifying the &[] empty slice argument.

[v0.1.1] 2024-02-12

  • Minor fixes for crate config homepage entries and links in documentation.

[v0.1.0] 2024-02-12

Initial release.