class to map uio addresses into user space #535

meierj wants to merge 191 commits from eive:meier/uioMapper into master
  • the procedure to open and map a uio file is always similiar
  • the UioMapper implements this functionality and maps the available address range into user space by reading the size of the address range directly from the sysfs
* the procedure to open and map a uio file is always similiar * the UioMapper implements this functionality and maps the available address range into user space by reading the size of the address range directly from the sysfs
muellerr was assigned by meierj 2022-01-25 18:40:37 +01:00
meierj added 1 commit 2022-01-25 18:40:45 +01:00
class to map uio addresses into user space
All checks were successful
fsfw/fsfw/pipeline/pr-master This commit looks good
meierj added 211 commits 2022-01-25 18:48:43 +01:00
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#6
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#7
1. Service Interface looks better now
2. Bugfix in CommandExecutor blocking mode
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#8
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#9
Same port number used as before, but some inconsistencies fixed
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#11
Will be merged upstream soon
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#12
When using the non-canonical mode, the file descriptor can be opened
in blocking mode because the VTIME and VMIN termios parameters are
used to configure non-blocking mode. However, in canonical mode, the fd needs to be opened with O_NONBLOCK
The delayCycles variables needs to be initialized differently
for periodic replies.
It is initialized to the maxDelayCycles value now
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#13
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#14
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#15
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#16
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#17
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#18
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#19
1. More nullptr check
2. returnvalue for inititalize function which can fail
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#20
from APID
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#21
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#22
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#23
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#24
- Updates `SerializerAdapter` to also take simple pointer and simply assign the serialized and deSerialized size
- Added related unittests
- Also added helper scripts
- Also added related unittests
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#25
Reviewed-on: #524
- Added functionality to open HTML report immediately
- Added another helper script to automatically generate unittest build
Reviewed-on: #525
Reviewed-on: #513
This PR introduces the generation of documentation based on
this excellent blog post:

It combines the tools Sphinx, Doxygen and Breathe to generate good
looking HTML documentation conveniently which can be hosted easily.

The helper scripts were unified and there is now one script
which can be used to create, build and open both tests and documentation.
"./ -h" can be used to get the different options.

This PR also contains some smaller fixes which were necessary for the docs
to build
1. Added .clang-format file which contains information for the
   clang-format tool on how to format source files
2. Added shell helper script to apply all changes on HAL soures,
   test sources and primary sources

The shell script was not applied yet. This should be done shortly
before introducing the release. Also, it might be good idea to provide
instructions on how to set up the formatter for Eclipse
Reviewed-on: #526
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/development' into mueller/clang-shell-script
All checks were successful
fsfw/fsfw/pipeline/pr-development This commit looks good
small tweaks and fixes
Some checks are pending
fsfw/fsfw/pipeline/pr-development Build started...
improved win32 define
All checks were successful
fsfw/fsfw/pipeline/pr-development This commit looks good
Reviewed-on: #529
Reviewed-on: #527
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#26
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#28
Reviewed-on: eive/fsfw#29
meierj closed this pull request 2022-01-25 18:53:42 +01:00

Pull request closed

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